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Everything posted by Tiriensoul

  1. Nice, it's awsome! You really should have used this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRf4CSHlNNw Just to mock those that didn't get in more ^^ Well, see u ingame then.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRf4CSHlNNw
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRf4CSHlNNw You are welcome.
  4. To everyone who didn't get in, this is for you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRf4CSHlNNw
  5. This is for you my friend, only for you think i just might play some.. Later.
  6. You are not old enough to play Sw tor. This is for you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRf4CSHlNNw
  7. Diablo 3? hahahahaha...... hahahahaha... it's so 2001.
  8. Thank you, you made my day. Love it! Be aware tho, you just dug your own grave, they will come for ya xD
  9. 20th is the launch day, can't you read?
  10. This is your first mmorpg, don't post if you know nothing about the subject. And next time you troll, i flag you, okey?
  11. Agreed, most people just have no idea. It's like they Think they know something about it, but yet they don't. But i agree, this is a very smart move indeed.
  12. Yeah, but you know when girls don't get what they want right now, they get like this.
  13. Most of the girls whining are infact girls, no self respecting man behaves like they do. Just mock them abit. For instance, if you see someone whine, just ask them this: What's wrong, got sand in your v@agina? Works everytime
  14. Omg, you know nothing about anything. If you don't know anything, please don't post about it. What's wrong, got sand in your v@agina?
  15. No, it wasn't the thing he was atalking about. He talked about the amount of people in some places.... Why care about that?
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