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Everything posted by eviljezza

  1. Yeah that's what I was afraid of, I already have a Jedi sentinal so maybe i'll hold this off for some time then
  2. Hello everyone, now when the servers come back I plan on making a Jedi consular in the mold of qui-gon, now my question is this: Is the Jedi Sage the right class that was qui-gon in the movies, I see him using his lightsaber more than the force, which would be of a jedi knight class but he has a green lightsaber. Or maybe a Jedi shadow using a single-saber or would that seriously gimp my character?
  3. Yes please, as others have said for the crew skills.
  4. I think it would be pretty neat if we could hold our lightsabers with a reverse-grip like Starkiller does, obviously this can be optional for those who prefer it.
  5. A quick question in the period of TFU 2 when he uses dual-sabers, what lightsaber form did he use? I heard somewhere thatnit was Ataru but someone told me he used Juyo, which was it?
  6. Ok thanks for the quick replies, appreciate it.
  7. I have recently hit lv 50 but have only 40k credits remaining, I heard doing dailies are a great source of income. Could someone please elaborate that for me?
  8. I was thinking about this the other day, as it would be epic to replay the awesome cutscenes and ****** moments again.
  9. I assume your friends will be dragged into the lv 50 bracket with you.
  10. This is more of a recent bug I have been having where my character would hold a datapad but it#s invisible...here is a pic of what I mean: http://img831.imageshack.us/img831/3152/2012011400001.jpg anyone else having the same bug?
  11. Really? its a no contest Goku would pwn him in less than 5 seconds.
  12. Yeah now that I think about it, I am turning it off with ctrl+S never realized lol.
  13. I was thinking earlier as an option for some people who prefer to do things solo, to use their companions in heroics e.t.c and just for the purpose of Heroic+2 They can use more than 1 companion just in that heroic/flashpoint. This will also allow the player to get more involved with their companions. What are your thoughts on this?
  14. These arn't gamebreaking but are annyoying during fights. 1. Enable Sound option in pref, will randomly disable itself. 2. When running towards an enemy that is 10ft away you will for no reason at all in the open hit an invisible wall. Am I the only one? o_O
  15. Could the "Do not disturbed" be abused by AFK'ers?
  16. Would be interesting, I'm currently Legacy 4, I wonder how high it goes up.
  17. Yeah that's how I lost my 68k so what you say does make sense.
  18. I don't know about daying it, but I sure wanted to say it ^^ On-topic I am loving this game and of-course there are bugs but game breaking?
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