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Everything posted by Merras

  1. Agreed, PvP needs a compete overhaul. The gears, the abilities, etc. are working fine in PvE. Even Smash is OK in PvE or the tons of stuns - in fact CC is the key element of PvE fights. However this system is miserably broken in PvP fights. Some people - like me - wants equal fights in PvP: where the player's skill is the gamechanger element, not the gear or pugs vs. premades thing. Other players - mainly in Elite War Hero stuff and premade backup - says the current system is ok and we should L2P. I say their opinion is fine too - except they shoul play against other people in EWH/premade setup.
  2. I have a SI at the beginning of Chapter 3, and an Agent at the beginning of Chapter 1. I can't take the Empire / the Sith seriously. All the Sith Lords I met in these storylines are complete morons. Idiots who needs serious medical care. I can't imagine how the Empire can running - as I see they have no chance againts the Jedi / Republic.
  3. Except the expertise rating which should be removed completely from the game.
  4. As I said these are normal, simple fighters. I searched for other topics a week ago for similar problems and there are no real solutions for this bug. But every topic has smart people who thinks the OP tries to kill friendly and/or elite targets. This why I said Fondor Escort: in this mission there are no elite fighters, all fighters should be killed with a few shots with the basic ship blaster. I also tested this very first mission with my lvl50 main character, with full grade 7 ship eqipment - the problem still exists. Sometimes the fighters became completely invulnerable even against grade 7 blasters.
  5. This problem exists on all of my characters: sometimes the game simply refuses to apply the blaster damage on fighters or other objects in space combat. Normal fighters which can be killed with a few shots with the basic blaster suddenly becames invincible to blaster damage and only can killed with missiles. My new character is a smuggler and her ship is equipped with grade 2 blasters - but the problems exists. These are not elite fighters, they have no shields - simple fighters like the ones in Fondor Escort. (Fondor Escort sometimes unplayable because of this bug: I can't kill the fighters so they can focus fire on the running ship.) When I saw this bug I always check the lagmeter - connection good so this is not a lag issue. I checked the problem with my main character: grade 7 equipment, Fondor Escort, same invincible fighters sometimes. I created a ticket for this problem at the last week. I checked my tickets today - and this ticket misteriously vanished. No answer, the ticket simply doesn't exists in my history. Bioware, deleting tickets is NOT a solution for the players. Answering and FIXING the bugs are the solution.
  6. Good PvP players are enjoying competitive fights. Which is based on equal chances. Sure 100 imps in Elite War Hero gear vs. 20 repubs in low level gear is fun for the imperial side for a while. But after the first few days this faction imbalance killed the Ilum PvP.
  7. Actually this is a cool idea If the imperial players are too strong on Voidstar Master Satele Shan joins the republic force.
  8. Avoid stunlock in the Stun Wars game? Lol.
  9. OK, I'm a bit disappointed. I read several posts about how insane is the final fight with the Emperor. JK is my second character so my first character give him plenty of credits and crafted stuff to do the class quests. I was also warned about the importance of T7's gear. First: it is very disappointing that the final quest forces me to use T7. I like T7, really nice character but not as a fighting companion. Honestly I hadn't enough money to gear him up - but I heard about the chest with some T7 gear so let's start. After I arrived to Dromund Kass I instantly changed T7 to HK51. From the story point of view he is much more logical choice: a Hunter-Killer unit whos original version built by the famous Revan - he seems the appropirate choice. The fights against the mobs on Dromund Kaas were super easy - especially in my Tionese gear which I received instantly after hit lvl50. (And HK51's assasinate was fun against strong mobs but there was not neccesarry... just fun.) OK, I found the chest I swapped back to T7, go to the Emperor - and a bug made the final fight SUPEREASY. First conversation: "You can't beat me, blah-blah-blah." After that the Emperor just standed beside me. OK, let's kite him out I though - I definitely saw another sith emperor somewhere who couldn't survive a big fall, I think his name was Palpatine. It is a working, tested method I though. He is just followed me but not attacked. After a few steps I though: OK, let's attack him and run out. I force pushed him - and he instantly died! No epic battle - one force push and the Emperor was dead!!! I always liked Force Push ability but I never imagined how overpowered ability is this. One Force Push and I win the battle against the Emperor... LOL. LOL but also sad. I _wanted_ an epic battle. Of course I had some "cheats" because I don't like frustrating, impossible battles either: Tionese gear, some modifications from my main character, etc. I wanted the feeling of achievement... and a bug take that from me. I tried to reset the quest, but no luck. Ticket submitted.
  10. Merras

    The smash situation

    The only real lack of CC on Knights / Warriors is the 1 minute long CC like Sage's Force Lift. Which is not a real problem in PvP.
  11. Merras

    The smash situation

    Yesterday I had a voidstar wz as a republic character. Mixed republic characters, ok. Enemy: 6 sith lolsmashers and 2 snipers. First round was a little bit slow but we could capture the final node in the last minute. Second round: the six lolsmasher jumped to our defenses, instakilled everyone, opened the door. Same at the second door and the final door. They captured the final node in 2 minutes. Everybody who survived the first smash was executed by the snipers.
  12. Because lolsmashing in EWH gear needs tons of skills. Put a good PvP player in recruit gear against a not so good player in EWH. Always the EWH player wins and that is a big problem. Participants in PvP should have equal chances. SWTOR has no Player vs. Player system. This is a Gear vs. Gear system - plus a few "I win!" abilities thanks to the wonderfully balanced classes.
  13. What is the problem with the removal of expertise? This seems the only solution to level the playing field. PvE and PvP people could archieve the same gear in the same time if Bioware can manage the commendation costs properly. (Lol, I'm optimistic ). Same gear, alternate acquisiton methods. In the end everybody has the same chance. In fact PvP people still has a better chance because of their real experience in warzones but this is absolutely OK. (Except if this experience equals: "I lolsmashing everybody with EWH gear, lol" - these players will have a big surprise but thats also ok.) Good PvP is about equal chances between players and Bioware failed this execution.
  14. Yes, Bioware, remove expertise completely. Give PvP players the same gear like PvE players so everybody has equal chance.
  15. As I see the basic idea behind expertise is that ensure: raiders in raid gear will not dominate warzones. There is one proper answer to this problem: make available the same gear to PvP and PvE people via paralel routes.
  16. Expertise is one of the biggest fail of SWTOR. It should go away.
  17. In this case it is not a good game design I think. Instafun classes vs. longfrustration classes...
  18. I started two new characters at the previous week - a sniper and a scoundrel and I was really courious about the pvp experience of these two classes. I know, lvl10-49 pvp is not the same like lvl50 (I have a lvl50 main character in war hero gear). The first impressions of these two characters are really different. Both of them are ~lvl15, their gear are in similar quality. Sniper OK, let's find a good sniping spot. Found it. Ambush. Yeeeaaahhh, I received 2,5 single damage medal. Oh, there is a sage in range, gooooood, let's kill him. One shot, 1/3 hp down, yeaaah. Few more pew-pew, he is killed. Pew-pew. Pew-pew. Soldier medal. Pew-pew. 75k medal. Pew-pew. Oh, the enemy team recognized me, focus fireing, I am dead. No problem, respawn, new sniping spot, let's to it again. Pew-pew. Game ends, 8+ medals, that was great. Scoundrel In the protected zone I instantly start the healing abilities - maybe the other teammates will recognize I am a healer and maybe some Vanguard or Jedi Guardian will be nice enough to Guard me. OK, that was a very optimistic though. Game starts I follow the team in stealth mode to the battle. I start my healing cycle. 1000+ healing, hmmmm, not so good. I desperately heal the other players, not bad but not really exciting. Oh, yeah, finally my heal critted, 2,5k healing medal! Ouch, enemy players recognized me as a healer, focus fire, dead. Respawn. Leave protected zone, rejoin battle, start my first healing ability. I can't finish it, 3 marauders instantly leaping and killing me. Respawn, rejoin battle, start healing the team. Some teammate started to look after me and guard me, yeah, nice! Ouch, focus fired again, respawn. Warzone ends, 3+ medals. Sometimes I receive a few MVP votes - especially when no other healers around. Sometimes the DPS sage receives the votes because he has bigger heal number... even if (s)he didn't healed anybody but just himself and (s)he has no big DPS, kill, objective score. Conclusions (?) 1. , Most probably I'm sucks in the healer business. 2., With my lvl50 character I tried to look after our healer - but now I will try harder. 3., Maybe on lvl50 the whole experience is different. However the difference of the "early fun factor" is stunning.
  19. Servers has enough population to maintain unranked queues. But not enough population to fair matches. Faction imbalance is still a huge problem - on most of the servers imperials has huge advantages over republic forces. Imperial characters have bigger chance to arrive to a decently geared group, more imperials has elite warhero gears, etc. Cross server queue could level the playing field if there is a better matchmaking system. What if PvP queue could be similar to Groupfinder? When you enter the queue you have to select your role: Heal, DPS, Tank. It could help a lot on other ways: for example today I had a match against a 6 juggernaut + 2 sniper setup which was ridicoulus. A cross server queue could create the balance between teams in this way too. On republic side I see too many dps, to few healers and/or tanks. Imperial side seems more balanced on my server. Expertise should go away - this is a disaster since the start. PvP and PvE people should acquire the same gear via different routes. Let us buy the same gear via warzone commendations / tionese commendations. Of course in this case we also need separate brackets to the players but PvE players also have chance in PvP and vica versa. (Now PvP people has a huge advantage - their gear is enough to go hardmore flashpoints / operations; PvE people has no chance in PvP matches.)
  20. Some moderator should unstick this topic. Resolve system was broken a year ago but Bioware succesfully made it worst.
  21. New sets of PvP equipments. They have no stats (Endurance, Willpower, Power, etc.), just simple expertise rating. PvP fight should be more simple: you queue to PvP fight and the client will compare the expertise ratings. The team with the higher expertise win. Imperial teams expertise are multiplied.
  22. Bioware should: - fix the glitches which drops out players from warzones - not allow 10vs6 matches which favors imperials - make even chances: no battlemasters vs. fresh lvl50s, etc.
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