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Everything posted by Henu

  1. Come on tho, it really sounds like people want ALL the gear right away, its been only a few weeks and people expect to have all the top gear already. its a grind, its not meant to be easy.
  2. tbh sounds like a bunch of cry babies. i know you all love to hear this but Working as intended.
  3. all i want to say is learn to play the class, im lvl 50 seer and i get top healer 99% of the time for both teams. If you take time and get to know your abilities you can be pain in bum for the or other team, ive had 4 Imp's trying to take me down and ill be healing myself, loosing LOS and shielding myself and that gives my team time to open doors or score in PVP. I get invited to alot of PVP groups now because ive shown how good seer healers can be. ill average 220k healing per round and have gotten over 400k.
  4. lol it happened to me, 2 34's and me 36 healer. they got me the first time coz i had no idea what was going on, then someone explained what happened. So the second time they came arround i was ready for them and took them both down a few times, they gave up in the end.
  5. Its a great way to stop everyone looking like clones, by far one of the best things to be put in SWG.. with option of wearing anything over your main items. or even put on invisable items for all you topless guys out there I think BW will put this in but maybe not for another 6 months plus.
  6. i agree with you completely. im a sage healer for PVP and i must admit 1 on 1 im unstopable (most of the time) 2 on it takes time to get me down. i can average over 200k healing with out breaking a sweat and had a PB of 420k in 1 round. Tips as a Seer, dont stand still, use LOS alot. I rarely use my throws in combat, its all Heals, CC and bleeds. And dont run into combat, stay back coz you have good range as a healer and OMG that heal bomb is great if you get it off in the right spot.
  7. I level as a healer and i admit in some area's i had problems but it is do able, learn to CC and have the right companion out.
  8. BW cant be everywhere, it taks us people to report such things to them.
  9. Not at all, but you know who is afk farming and who is roaming a round trying to find the creates. There is 1 person on my server been in the same spot for over 48 hours, tell me thats not odd behavior .
  10. Exactly, not our fault they are too low level for the world.
  11. Use the silvers, they have an AOE and yes it works
  12. Here is a neat fun thing to do. If you see a low lvl on a planet like Ilum just sitting at a crete afk farming it, agro a bunch imps or rebs and walk over to the farmer and watch them die. I have reported many on my server already, and i really get sick of seeing them at almost every save create spot. Ive notice one guy a 34 trooper in one spot for the past 48 hours, now you work out an average for the create he opens at 4k credits, he makes 864k+ a day and thats not including the credits he makes more selling the loot. So here is a simple fix. Put an elite at every create spot, make people work for it.
  13. Yes and no, worth upgrading for stats and i do use it in PVE a bit.
  14. Im having the time of my life healing in this game, im on a roll with 9 in a row straight top healing rounds in PVP, im still yet to crack the 300k mark with a PB of 298k as a lvl 25. pointless topic i know but im on a high
  15. Can you all post in here so we dont have 100 topics on your little gripes about the game, or why you dont have early access because alot of people are sick of reading them. Post in here so we can ignore you all in one easy topic. K thanks.
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