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Everything posted by Henu

  1. Who are you taking a stab at?
  2. ill take 3rd with this hit on a poor Guardian. http://imgur.com/n3LmfRY
  3. Im almost full top tear PVP gear and will be working on BiS shortly, im using the DOT spec (right tree) but was wondering what stats i should be aiming for, for best DoT ticks.?
  4. But back to topic. I agree with the OP a little bit.. A few things you need to remember is in the past week there have been 3 server down times, so that throws a few people off, time zones come into it also, with daylight savings we are now 3 hours different from WA time, early starts for work affect our guild, and then you got the usual family's, dinners, GF's and personal lives. And lastly i think a lot of people will be in Regs just to get there new gear up.. no point going in under geared and feeding the top guilds comms atm. Give it time, Rated will happen... Few things SNX have done in the past is help other guilds gear up too.. encourage them, give them tips, specs etc.. if you go in there and smash everyone then no one will queue anymore.
  5. Ive missed this too.. I havent used these forums in a while but when you hear about someone running their mouth again, you just dont want to miss it
  6. Yeah....no. sorry doesnt interest me.
  7. miss ya mate. GL fave fun.
  8. lol they have 1 i just cant remember what its called.
  9. against it i was for sure but i had to make do, BW wouldnt change it back.
  10. Using 1 medic implant got it down tp 1.3 cast.. with out loosing too damage. but might change in 2.0
  11. i disagree, On my merc i use 2pc set from PVE bonus (15% crit increase on TM) and the 2pc from medic set (3sec extra on shields) i find this much better than the other bonus sets for BHer's. i dont spec into railshot because its not used a heck of a lot by me.
  12. Yeah IMO not a very good write up at all, i dont think i saw once the use of your Rocket punch, using this Vs Melee is very handy. 2 set bonus; atm using PVE set (TM crit increase) and medic ( 3sec extra shield) is the best way to go. Why; because as an Arsenal merc you dont need a rail shot crit increase from the PVP armor set. 3 at 1 point you talk about Dots, we have no dots. 4 Death from above. does our BEST damage if you see 3 targets together. EG door capping or melee stacked on healers. its not about rotations in PVP. you use what ability you can when you can. PS 2 minutes of you video and i wanted to cry.. you spoke of kiting but you stood in the same spot and hardly moved.. you UI is hard to see your targets cast, hard to interrupt...
  13. And your tree ewww, yuck... Take away from Power Over rides, Gyro vents, advance targeting and USE Improved vents, critical reaction and Jet escape. Why, because with system Calibrations + Critical Reaction you can get 1.3 TM cast and 2.7 unloads.. same amount of damage in a quicker time. Power overrides is only good for Pyro tree, as a merc arsenal you shouldnt even need it. And finally Jet escape lowers your CC breaker by 30's i think its a must for PVP.
  14. Na Rotations are wrong.. open with HSM and sticky grenade, get those 2 on CD and then get your TM's and unload. why. coz HSM is a bigger hitter 4-5k, so then start your TM's, by the time your got the 3 off with 1 unload you have HSM back up and a rail shot waiting.
  15. Dalborra doesnt have 45min queue times.. and if you do its because you play during non peak times.. at night i est no more than 10min queue times and IF they rolled the 3 servers into 1 that time would go down.. On double XP weekends i do see the level 50s PVP pops up higher but thats only coz most are leveling alts.
  16. But honestly, the best way to find a guild is do your leveling up, see who's on when you are EG players and guilds, group with them for quest, heroics etc and see how you get along with such people. plenty if good guilds to chose from on both sides.
  17. Here is a guild idea that can be REALLY ****** for them.. make our names so much alike to make calling on TS/Vent even harder. EG me and a few ToG mates made our names the same like the name 'Tooper' but we changed the letters around like those funny little letters Ó Õ ê etc. Have 4 or more people in the same WZ with the same name was son much fun
  18. Kript wonders why Saedus sould say something so hurtfull, then Kript shrugs and says " what the hell, lets RP together" .
  19. Ive signed but i see no point. I like many here have played this game from day one, ive seen BW ignore post after post and thread after thread, they think of there pocket first not of us, they SAY they are listening to the us and want our feed back but its clear to everyone on an APAC server that they dont. i have un subbed because i will not pay money to play in the same few WZ's on a server were my ping is going to be border line UNplayable...
  20. I think Most people are trying to save the APAC servers first. hope the Reb guilds can band together and support the many people trying to save it.
  21. +1 mate. great post.. ill be passing this on to everyone i know.
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