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Everything posted by Foamslinger

  1. The point of this thread is that he thinks Sage version is sixy seconds and the sorc version is 30 seconds. I think.
  2. ty for this. I only cmae to this thread to find out what the actual change was, these implications and rumors are ridiculous.
  3. I liked the video and thread in general but this made me laugh.
  4. I do? In PvP? As a DPS PT? One of us doesn't understand how Shields work. And whatever details schmetails, I wouldn't call Sorc's squishy. EDIT: ps grapple is awesome
  5. Yes. Your case is very flimsy. Also I don't even know what the **** you were trying to say with the movie analagy and agism, something along the lines of "my opinion matters casue I'm old" I think?
  6. This, and also everything in the other thread(s?) just like this.
  7. What changes to battlemaster bags? Or if you don't mind teaching me to fish where do I find patch notes or plans or w/e for patches that aren't out yet? Back on topic, if you're valor 40 you aren't pvp'ing THAT much. 800 WZ comms to buy a bag, quests aren't your only option!
  8. I'm glad you put in skill in quotes, cause hit made me laugh
  9. That's because that's the way it should be
  10. I liked it! No matter how hard you try, it's really hard to grief people in traditional MMOs. In this sace, especially if they have ANYTHING else to do.
  11. Not sure if your sever or mine is the exception, but I would say "the curve" is hitting 50 last week and this week. Our WZs are 80% 50s anyway
  12. I thought this guy was being sarcastic at first. And to answer your question, no... it doesn't need to 100%. 60% when you dont even have half your moves or 75% of your talents is already too high. I dunno, I'm jsut saying. >I< only do well when playing my op because IM really good, the class is fine! >.>
  13. Also pretty common response to exagerated arguements that have very little basis in the first place. I agree that bads will be bads, and that the 10-49 bracket is going to get completely roffled by people who aren't *******s. Eluding that expertise and 41 talent points dont make a difference kinda discredits you (ie gives you the troll appearance). Also not sure why you think there are so few 50s in game that we will have 60 minute waits.
  14. I can't tell if OP is trolling or stupid. 60 min queue times, eh?
  15. I like to say working things are broke when I don't like them, too. Also, please don't confuse every other traditional mmo (ie wow-clone) with every other mmo. There are plenty that arent' anything like this. Also please dont confuse "capable" with "easy and overpowered."
  16. I like feeling like I had to try at least a little to kill people. You know, risk/reward kind of thing. Maybe it's just me.
  17. Interupt the right heal and mix/match with stuns, you can do it!
  18. Thing about that talent it, it's a talent. I dunno maybe PvErs will find that stun usefull. I just don't take the talent when I'm Huttball Tank spec, I go 2 trees over and get the 2second root instead.
  19. I take my duplicates and pull the mods out and use them in other stuff. No expertise but lvl 56 mods make any orange beast. Dont think so on the trade in - although also keep your companions in mind as a use for extra tokens.
  20. So a solo player shouldn't be able to kill a solo player, even if they know their enemy and outplay them? I'm not sure I agree there, sounds like the debuff is perfect. At OP, healing is overpowered in nearly every traditional MMO imo, I'm glad they scaled it back a bit.
  21. I think this is a false assumption. There are normally as many 50s on both sides. Also, imo, the with Bolstering (a good system I think) the only brackets needed are 10-49 and 50.
  22. I don't see it that way. Also, it's silly when people say "nuff said" after their own statement. The WoW mindset of "the game doesn't start until max level" hurts the launch of a lot of games.
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