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Everything posted by dark-jehts

  1. as said before : - bring back pre nerf LI - scale it to 55 - call it nightmare - ??? -Profit
  2. Man you realize that it was far from impossible pre-nerf? yeah you had to know tactics and have some betters gears than tionese, outrageous ikr but if it got nerfed again , it would be called story mode ...
  3. classic comms buy gears with 61 mods (not sure 'bout the name ) i which can fill bad old low end game tier gears like tionese/columni I understand , but that include the fact that you have many 50 characters (which i do not have )
  4. That , it's just a bit of gear to level up a bit easier and you can't get it without waiting a month or so , yay great , but as i said even end game comms should not be capped we sub for something no?
  5. Eh for sure there will be less trafic on servers , and it will take longer to min max , but i don't think it's worth it to wait like a months to get a set , well it is less enjoyable as you put it Edit : Well sure it stop us from "power leveling" as you say but it seems weird anyway to punish player for ... playing the game
  6. it seems that everyone agree on this one , the cap is like limiting our gaming hours. Play more than 1 ? well you won't get reward for the rest of the week then ...
  7. ...at the very least , just with the unassembled items i have 2 week worth of comm waiting in my inventory even without farming to get them. the pre 2.0 amount was good , subscribers had their little bonus and it was fine like that IMO , didn't need to worry about comms dissapearing in the void or something Edit : well i think the cap for subs should not dictate our way of playing , the post just above me got my support
  8. bump , seeing the amount of comm unassembled items give , i can stop playing a few week (log in once sometimes to take items ) . I mean really , you just wanna stop us from playing the game ? the previous cap was fine (yeah thousands of comm was fine , not 50 or so and 200 per week lulz)
  9. Well i'm not sure if it the the bestest overlord pwnzor healer but it seems to be good anyway. I tried merc healer a bit in pvp and i heal 1500-2700 (Critical hit included) or so with my main skill . you can indeed use your series of shot on an ally , it will heal him like 3 times a small amount , still useful while running to an obj or away from something to get some heals done without stopping running. Let's be precise , my merc is level 18 and with no exeptionnal gear , normal ones gained through quests ...
  10. the character in the trailer is a placeholder , a fake....
  11. 8. I'm surprised. The Clone Wars has a lot of violence. But it's not just that. There are some things that are too dark for a kid's show(which it's not, but a lot of the show's audience are young). Such as Riff Tamson's death. He actually blew up into a dozen pieces and you can see the blood and gore afterwards. There's also suicide on this show or at least mentions to it. Decapitations as well. Most shows like the CGI Clone Wars series don't have stuff like that or at least not as much as this show. Those are just at the top of my head. I think there was a suicide bomber at one point in the series. Oh ? is this stuff in season 4 ? (or whatever number we are at now ) the guy who blow up don't ring a bell on my mind . Suicide is indeed present ( like on mandalore when a terrorist death watch jump off a building to escape obi-wan. ) Not sure about decapitation , season 4 perhaps ? (this one look like a turn on the whole series) And about clone , i understand your point of view , i'm just saying that in my opinion they should not be interesting indeed , not because I dont like 'em , but in the movies they are just represented as breed for war killing machines , but with some humanity in order to have strategy and such...
  12. -1) not a good argument , because you hate traviss you are happy when something wrong is done to her or her work (blind hatred ? ) -2) The point is that they should not have really engaging character , i mean , normal clones are not supposed to be different from each other IMO (not same story with commando nor arc of course...) -3) I didn't see the whole last season yet but it indeed look nice , before that the fight scenes were not that awesome (Expect the battle of geonosis which is pretty nice) -4) Yeah why not -5) Can't really judge that since i didn't read many differents books , i'll let other people judge... -6) Bad , very bad IMO , the guy got wtfpwnt by obiwan cut in half and fell almost bottomless shaft and there he is with new legs ? -7) didn't see much of her story , other people could judge better than me too -8) What do you mean by dark things ? I didn't see much of violence or anything like that ? And yeah Eillack , it's really a shame to see nightsisters and dathomir treated like that
  13. You are comparing lore and gameplay , Of course in a MMORPG the mobs won't be as ****** as in the lore 'cause they need to be killed , to complete quests and such
  14. I'd be a colicoid , and not the retarded drones ones , The real colicoids , which designed droidekas and all kind a cool droids
  15. I lately heard that obi wan used force speed in the forcefields corridor when he tried to get back to the fight against maul But anyway Grand moff tarkin's death was utterly stupid IMO , Why isn't there a damn shield on the exhaust port ? nothing was protecting it in case of an attack ... , And why did he sent like 5 fighters in the battle , the Deathstar porbably had thousands in it's hangars...
  16. Surprised no one picked this one : (Ep4 : The throne room) The executor theme is not too bad either : And the Music used in the fight luke vs vader in the episode 6 (kicks in at 1:12) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgXiEnkAquY&feature=related
  17. She is Healer , she do not need heavy armor as the true BH do . She is the one who stay back
  18. I do like both games , but still , i prefer SWG to TOR , I won't re-tell why ...already been told on 44 pages now... I don't think this one has been told tough : On TOR i feel really alone : instances , more instances , many worlds , many servers ... too many ...
  19. In the balmorra's quest :"The cave 52" , after choosing the dark side options , speaking with the watcher : The watcher : "There is no finest view than gazed rebels running out of a cave into the waiting blasters of your own battalion ...well perhaps sun rises ... but for thoses , you have to wake up early" I lol'd so hard at this line
  20. I did this mistake once , trust me you won't go far like that (In fact i had my ship lvl 13 ) The secondary quests give money xp and better gear , why avoid them ? as i said i didn't bother doin' them the first time i played ... i had to fix my mistake by doin' again the imp's capital planet and it's not fun at all (plus ! most of the secondary quests objectives are were you need to go for the main quest ...)
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