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Everything posted by Degan

  1. Rocky, I played on Intrepid... had two Bothans, a BM Medic Afro Thunder, and a SW Afro Lightning. I was in the Imp guild CIA. Then we went to Starsider. Anyways, I'm in the process of moving my characters from BG to here and will be looking for a guild to call home.
  2. Upgraded with no issues. SWTOR runs fine. Everything seems to be better than when I was running 8.1
  3. You know? Is this place the perfect slice of gaming heaven? Nope. Do I enjoy playing it? Yup Why? Because I can and do. I enjoy this game for what it is, plain and simple. Do I think it could be more? Sure, I saw thing in closed beta that I wish were in game now. It doesn't hurt my feelings that those things are gone and won't be put back. At the end of the day, I enjoy what I get for my sub each month. Besides, it beats the **** out of the alternative of dealing with the IRL people in my house every day.
  4. Haha! Yeah I get from mine.... your almost 43, when the F**k are you going to quit gaming? isn't time to grow up!? My response... I don't ever want to grow up.
  5. Thanks for accepting my application. I have not seen that many people in a guild online at one time in a long time. I'm looking forward to my new home!
  6. You get it from a pack, the rep vendor, or off the GTN. After you get it on on character, you go to collections to unlock for the others. It costs 200 CC to unlock for all toons. I just did this a couple of nights ago with both statues.
  7. This is good advice. Especially having him use your referral link for the unlocks, and you could use the CC you get to buy him a couple more unlocks to make quality of life better should he choose to remain F2P.
  8. What did the five fingers say to the face?
  9. Hey, thanks for the fun and the dyes! I had to leave early due to IRL plans, but thank you for doing these Hannith!
  10. So, what I just heard you say is... all this time, I could have had a robot zombie healer!?
  11. Quinn.... lol I hate him so much, on my SW I have him equipped with an infected appearance, and imagine that she killed him, then had my SI alt do some sith mumbo jumbo ritual to reanimate his corpse, and now she drags his zombie self all over the galaxy in servitude to heal her. Just my way of making my own content when I disagree with the devs...
  12. Its been so long... Does anyone remember the exact details of what lead up to the removal of everyone's join date from under their avatar on the forums?
  13. Out of 18 characters, 1 power droid and the rest xp boosts and dyes.
  14. Day 1 forums sign up Former member of the Revanite Testing Program Closed beta Open beta Early access CE Tested this game for 2 years before launch. I've only taken a couple of breaks since launch. If anyone remembers, the line in my sig was from beta. When we only had pre alderaan. That line was the catch phrase the testing phase it was added.
  15. I guess my question is, and someone please help me understand, why should there be any tie in between two completely different time periods that have absolutely nothing to do with one another?
  16. Good question. Unfortunately, with current information, there is enough to speculate, but not near enough to draw any conclusions. I think my main concern is the companions we paid money for. I, for one, would be very unhappy to not have Treek and HK and have to run some gauntlet to recover them. I typically frown at having things I paid for taken away and then having to "reearn" them.
  17. My guess, and totally a guess, is that the current reduction in transfer costs is a preemptive strike. I could imagine that they will run this and let folks move to wherever, make a few bucks from it, then merge the empty servers that are left. More of a way to get folks to merge themselves while making some cash prior to forcing people to move. Again, just my own totally made up tinfoil hat theory with absolutely no facts to back it up.
  18. Nah, I'll still sub. These days, I consider myself a "retired" raider, so I'm not over concerned with them. As long as I have a good story to play through and don't have to rely too much on groups to do things, I'm good. Of course, this is just me these days and only reflects my personal playstyle. In the end, I hope everyone can get what they consider fun.
  19. This actually is how it worked in early beta phases. But this was also when there was only one speeder option. You also were stunned and had to slowly stand back up when mobs blew up your speeder, which was annoying. I would like to see the return of this even if they ride a default speeder. I would also like to see the return of the early beta ability to equip comps with kits that defined their class and skills. And I hope to see some of the old characters come back that we left long ago, by letting them live or whatever. Having them reenter the story with the ability to have them join the crew would be cool.
  20. I rotate through the 10 that I currently have. I typically set a point to get them to (currently its lvl 45 and just landed on Belsavis) and I bounce between Imp and Rep sides while trying to not repeat the same "type" of class... like I wont work my BH and then my Trooper. That's how I do it anyways
  21. 1 - Black Sun 2 - Mandalorians 3 - Moisture Farmers
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