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Everything posted by Darev

  1. I've noticed that too. Though for me it's more like one of them doesn't count.
  2. That's right...I knew that. (I was posting as I was walking out the door for some errands)
  3. They might be thinking it's like XP....and it very well could be. You DO keep earning it even at level 80, but it doesn't count for anything because the XP "bar" is full. You can see that happen in game in the right circumstances. If you are on your very first toon, and you get to 80, you're not full up on your Legacy XP. Legacy XP is a percentage of "normal" XP meaning it needs the "normal XP" first to do the math to see how much Legacy XP you get. That's why, when using XP bonuses at level 80, your legacy XP goes up as well, following the percentage. Maybe the Reputation values are still accumulating, but in a vacuum, so to speak. I imagine the only way to test/confirm that would be to consume a bunch that you're already max'd out on and see if, at would normally be the weekly limit, you can't do it anymore.
  4. Yeah, that CAN be a fast one, but I don't do it because of the RNG factor. There are times I've gone through ALL the mobs, twice, before getting that drop.
  5. You're right, you do have to "earn" them through content. I tend not to rush max'ing out rep, so I have LOTS of tracks available from content I'm not interested in. So with that in mind, you would need to do more heroics to make up those points. However people feel about it, the dev team saw this "reward value vs. engagement time" as a problem they wanted to solve, and they did. You don't like it, I don't like it, but it's done. It also seems very unlikely they're going to reverse it. They are adding points to Heroics to help make up for it. They are adding access to daily mission areas for legacy alts that haven't unlocked the story to help make up for it. While it doesn't make up for the TIME investment, to me at least, it does make up for the POINT side of the equation.
  6. No, I didn't count load times. I also didn't do a "start to finish" run time because I wrote down the results after each one instead of going immediately from one to the next. I also didn't think about using /Stuck. That would certainly help with the one on Alderaan (Spring Thaw) instead of just running out of aggro range.
  7. If there was another game that I was at all interested in, I could be at this point too. However, there isn't. I really miss SWG. I'd still be playing that if it was still running officially.
  8. I like Republic's Most Wanted for that GS objective. Put your companion on passive, get as many of the mobs near the toxic barrel...I've gotten 14/15 credit that way. Just have to go back outside the phase, reset it, and go back in. Don't even have to finish the heroic if you don't want.
  9. As someone said in one of these posts in the last couple of weeks: "If you want to keep milking the cow, you have to keep feeding it." (I may have slightly goofed it up, but I really like it!)
  10. With the various threads that have been going on, I wanted to see before and after changes. Current values (before) and once the next patch is deployed, run the same heroics and see what the change is. The thing I like about the upcoming change granting 5k CQ per heroic (max'd out SH bonus) is that it's also infinite. This is, mainly, just for me, but if anyone else is curious, please feel free to contribute their own numbers and observations. I did these on Imp side, with a sniper. Doing some of these on a stealth toon would be faster. I've also rounded up for the time it took. I'm not listing the bonuses for them, some have them, some don't. I did them for this. Spring Thaw, for example, there was already two people there and since we have shared tagging, killing the extra/bonus mobs went very fast. I listed "Glitch" because I like that it has two bonuses...xp and credits. After the patch hits I'm going to do the same thing and see how many more points it actually creates. But honestly, the true benefit is more for the people who do 2 or more toons per server per day. Alderaan Spring Thaw 3 minutes Balmorra Toxic Bombs 3 minutes Balmorra Settling Debts 4 minutes Balmorra A Question of Motivation 6 minutes Belsavis Breakthrough - no bonus 6 minutes Corellia Explosive Assault 5 minutes Corellia Cor Sec Crackdown Dromund Kaas Possessed Hunter 2 minutes Dromund Kaas Personal Challenge 2 minutes Dromund Kaas Saving Face 3 minutes Hoth Deconstruction Efforts +25 Hoth kills 4 minutes Hoth Pirated Lockbox 4 minutes Hoth Taking the Heat 4 minutes Hutta Man with the Steel Voice 1 minute Makeb Sharing the Blame + rep token 4 minutes Nar Shaddaa Botched Interrogation 4 minutes Nar Shaddaa Glitch (two bonus missions) 10 minutes Taris Fathers of Taris 4 minutes 1 hour 10 minutes ~120k conquest points
  11. I wrote a response/explanation to this, from my POV. I can send it to you via DM if you like. it's not....mean....but it is blunt.
  12. I get it. limited play time is limited play time. "Free" CC are free CC and worth going after. Losing those CQ points from the rep tokens slows that down significantly for those who have to manage their RL time more diligently than I do
  13. 4 of the 6 servers that was all I did during the week. On the weekend if I needed to add a few more points to get my guild to the 500k mark, I did, but pretty much, yes. That was it "most" of the time.
  14. This takes an hour, with a ranged toon. (Yes, I know you can't do tython on a ranged toon). There are several short ones that can act as a replacement. My point with this is, with the exception of Ord Mantell / Tython, you can do these on every single character you have, every single day of the week. On toon 2, you'll need to add some more to make up for the CQ points for the kills that you won't be getting, but basically it will take an hour per toon to get to 100k CQ and this is ONLY COUNTING HEROICS It doesn't count the Taskmaster CQ missions for lower level toons. It doesn't count the "do 10 heroics for CQ points" mission. The only thing this change does, is for a SINGLE TOON per day, require more time to get to 100k for that first toon. If you don't know these lists exist, here's a link to one. https://www.reddit.com/r/swtor/comments/ilwgre/612_fastest_appropriate_heroics_list/
  15. So...this is a perfect example of what I wrote in the first response of mine that I quoted. Readers can put the meaning the want out of a text into a text. Though, to be fair, this time, it's at least partially on the author, me, for not being 100% clear, even though I thought I was. "It does" was a reply to "Also “PVP” requires at least two individuals." I was agreeing with you on that point. I didn't feel I needed to spell it out with a quote because it was the last part of the post, and my agreement was the first part of my response. I thought they flowed well together. It looks like I was wrong.
  16. it does. it's also why many people have some people on ignore and don't even see posts from the people who have been ignored. I did that for 2-3 years before I just let it go.
  17. Not what I said. This is a phenomenon that exists, that authors have to just accept with works they've written, people putting the meaning they WANT into what they read instead of just reading what is written. You're welcome to post about your viewpoint, of course, we all are. But is it truly / honestly enjoyable for you to be the opposing view to so many, over so many years, and across so many topics?
  18. Having a different opinion, by itself. No. Posting over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, turning the forum into PVP...does. You have a LONG history of that.
  19. I do this on 4-5 servers (currently) even with the nerfed values. This week I've had more time, so I've done OTHER stuff as well, but if I'm crunched for time, I'll get the Companion Gift Boost CQ points, Stronghold Deco CQ, Rep token CQ, 5 crew skill missions CQ, and Crew Skill mission increase (occasionally). It's a LARGE part of how I've been able to complete previous Galactic Season events on every server.
  20. I didn't say it couldn't be changed. I just offered my opinion on why the rule exists in the first place. Besides, when the forum was created, the game wasn't even out yet. When the game first launched it was subscription only, so the rule made sense. Now...who knows. it isn't my call and my personal opinion obviously doesn't match your personal opinion.
  21. We're still talking about related, but different, things. You're focusing on a single toon. Quick in and out and what it would take to make that up. I'm looking at what happens when you expand that to multiple toons per day. Also..your math is off. Sorry, but you keep bringing it up. It's a minor quibble, but as Reacher says in the TV show...details matter. 45k (old value) - 8K (new value) = 37k missing points per day. It's 56 Heroics per week, not 63, to make up the difference. It doesn't devalue the point you're trying to make...but...the numbers were off.
  22. This is only for a single toon. If you normally do multiple toons on a single day, you can keep going and going and going. It's more work if you do one toon per day per server...which according to the rationale Musco gave, is what they're trying to reign in for the people doing it on multiple servers. I don't agree with it, but it's their call to make. The person posting in this thread, saying something I've repeatedly said in the past, to "vote with your wallets" is the only thing they'll listen to when they're intent on keeping a change. Which is what seems to be the case here. Speaking for myself, the loss of ~37k conquest points (old value minus current value) per token consumption is not enough of a bad thing to even think of unsubbing.
  23. Hasn't this, historically, been a way to fight both BOTS and people who post/troll and not even play the actual game?
  24. The two changes I love about this patch are unlocking new daily areas based on legacy, and infinite 5k points for each heroic across all your alts. They just made conquest super easy. Maybe not fast, but practically brainless. Whether you want to say that's a good thing or a bad thing, that's based on your point of view. I've been wanting that back since they took it away after the first iteration of Conquest when you invaded NS and could practically max out CQ on each toon by doing all the heroics on NS. Does it make up for the loss of the speed of the 45k from the rep token. No, of course not. Every conquest guild will be able to get 4 player groups and crush the fast heroics. There's never been an incentive to do that, at least not in a long time. Now there is. The only thing better, or worse - depending on your POV, would be to allow ALL of an OPS group members to get credit for clickies/kills in open world heroics...because that's still limited to 4. The change to heroics could very well take away from using GF to farm Mando Raiders, or whichever other FP of the week is the fastest. However...if you have to bribe players to do content...it generally means we don't like it enough to do it w/o the bribe...so it needs to be better anyway. I've always been a fan of Heroics and Space PVE. I understand why Space PVE is all but abandoned...the "on rails" aspect of it leads to...issues...that really can't be gotten around w/o some serious reprogramming (randomization). I would have loved to got on board with GSF but during beta we discovered there was no built in flight stick support. That's a no go for me. Always has been, always will be. I don't care how many points you put on it, I won't be participating. Warzones...if you could pick which one you wanted to do, I'd do them more. I have one or two that I really like. Most I don't. But I also understand that if you allowed that, the queue for some of them would take all day. Operations can be fun, I do them occasionally when I have time and there's someone looking for an extra DPS. I like the original ones the most. The new ones are too...busy. For all that I could keep saying, it's still the only official Star Wars MMO out right now. So here I stay. But...devs...think about that. That's a pretty low bar and there's a limit to time played on games. Please start making this one better.
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