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Everything posted by IasonEvan

  1. Guilds just don't get a lot of love in terms of quality of life or basic features for that matter. Heck, it took a few months before I could add a guildy to my party from the guild list. Paying for a guild bank is ludicrous. The amount of people that steal from the guild bank is ridiculous too; which is on the community, not BW, but speaks to the amount of thought put into it on BW's behalf which is to say they didn't do a very good job implementing security features. A place to hang out is great for guilds. This game just doesn't concern itself with socializing as a feature of the game. We have a casino with no working Pazaak tables or slot machines. There are no swoop bike races, the world doesn't feel lived in by NPCs. Where's the Dejaarik? I am willing to bet that this stuff won't make it into the game soon, much less on guild ships where it should be.
  2. Columi Shadow Tank here. I was worried a little about the changes. After one HM FP, I am no longer worried. We are a little more in line with other tank classes now which is the way it should be! The class is right where it needs to be atm, as far as tanking goes. To me, it is still one of the most versatile classes in the game. We have great stealth, great survivability and decent damage.
  3. There needs to be a game with just raids in it for the OP. That is all that is in the game. Raids. If you don't like leveling, you shouldn't be playing MMO's.
  4. They are adding social gear to the list of armors for all characters instead of just light armor wearers. I find that transferring mods etc. to orange pieces gives nice options. NOT being able to dye the chest piece or dye all the armor pieces was a huge mistake on BW's part. This game has the worst armor customization in any MMO I've played. NOT being able to preview weapons in the preview window is terrible too.
  5. Or, you put the movie on pause(i.e. stop subbing for a few months) and come back when you feel like it. People keep wanting these single MMO experiences that last for 5 years at a time and that is all they play for those 5 years and I just don't see that happening anymore.
  6. They said you need a character at 50 and another that is fairly far along as well. They detailed a lot of it and said that there would be a really involved quest line. To the poster above me: That isn't exactly a Nostre Damus prediction bro.
  7. Regardless of any theory, Anakin still brought balance to the force when he threw the emperor down the hole. That is where everything really ends where the lore starts getting convoluted because George lets people do whatever they want to his tale. I love talking lore with people and someone ultimately tries telling me that Darth Maul is still alive and I laugh and tell them they should start watching soap operas if they are willing to read something that somebody wrote who wasn't creative enough to come up with something other than, "I'm gonna bring Darth Maul back from being chopped in half and thrown in a bottomless pit!"
  8. I came from Guild Wars, LOTRO and SWG. I have played a few others a little bit. I have never played WoW, and I can say that this game isn't very feature rich is the problem. I'm not talking sandbox vs theme park really, but it just doesn't have the little touches that make a game world feel alive. There aren't any real dwellings to speak of as far as homes go and the ones that do exist are laughable. There may be a desk in the room, but they don't look lived in. There aren't any social things to do either. I think BW just didn't really realize what it took to make a game that people wanted to spend tons of time in. You have to make the world feel lived in and this game certainly doesn't feel that.
  9. nah the bottom line is give people more choices in the servers they can transfer to. it clears up choices for the player that didn't know and absolves BW for obviously not thinking about it ahead of time. BW has stated many times that they purposefully made too many servers at lauch. For them to not factor in having to reduce that number at some point is hubris of the highest degree. Not giving players choices of servers after the fact is rude.
  10. I think that not having a spawn point in the Flashpoint is tiresome. I know the GTN is going neutral so there should be one on every planet now, especially since we will be using the group finder from anywhere. Pazaak, swoop racing(or pod racing), Dejaarik, Sabaac, slot machines that work on Nar Shaddaa, etc. need to be added to the game. There was an interview with Daniel Erickson on giantbomb.com where he talks about the Capitals being so big because festivals were going to be there. Huh? We are 6 months into the year. Wouldn't these be annual things? I realize we had the Rakghoul thing, but that was explained to be a one off event. If you want to create nostalgia, it starts with holiday events and festivals. You can't start that cycle a year after the fact.
  11. The OP is talking about options in game to communicate in game. It's not far off to say that BW's guild options/perks/communication systems are pretty lackluster. Heck, a few months ago you couldn't invite guild members to a party from the guild list. My guild has everything outside the game, but in game stuff is pretty bad. There needs to be stuff for cross faction communication as well. We have two guilds: One on the Imp side and one on the Pub side. It would be great to connect those two communication wise. Sometimes options and feature-rich convenience options for your player base trump lore when it comes to faction based games.
  12. This game is really good at having all the classes work well. This is one of those rare games where I find every class fun. There isn't a niche class in the lot. I can see a little FOTM in PvP, but a good player will excel at any class in this game.
  13. BW keeps missing the mark on what players actually want out of customization. We want control of how we look. These are our characters. I want to wear my hood some times and some times not. I want to dye my armor all sorts of colors. Go play the Guild Wars 2 beta this weekend and check out their dye system. Each piece of armor has 3-4 dye channels that you can change the color and texture of each piece of armor independently. If I want my armor to look sueded, I can. If I want my plate mail to look matted, or pearlescent, I can. and then each piece has 3-4 different channels that dye it more than one color and i can pick those independently on each piece.
  14. Fortunately, I am on a RP PvP server that is already nicely populated and I play in a great guild with RL friends. I agree there will be chaos though. Also, if you think transferring to a well populated server means all smooth sailing, think again. Welcome back to server queues and trolls and loot and crafting node steals and gankers and all sorts of nasty. My advice, find a great guild or make one on a medium population server.
  15. I think it depends on the amount of content. If this is $10 for a new planet and some character slots then sign me up. If it's more than that for the same content, then I am happy just rerolling new toons on the same old planets.
  16. Bith, Gree, Selkath, Trandoshan, Gran, etc. and on and on.
  17. I can't believe they are considering a level cap increase but introducing 1 new planet. That seems really off to me. SO all the rest of the gear in the game is going to be obsolete because you are adding 1 single planet? Makes no sense.
  18. I am in a small but very active guild so the game never feels dead to me. Are the smaller servers not making guilds for everyone who is still active? Are the smaller servers down to 10 people per server? Part of me doesn't understand as my guild mates(friends in RL) were playing this more as a multiplayer sequel to KOTOR and it has delivered in spades on that front. Fill me in on why people on smaller servers can;t just make a big guild. Thanks.
  19. Kudos to you OP! I have 4 level 50's(Shadow, Sniper, Mercenary, and Sentinel) and I am only Legacy 37. I also have a 31 Scoundrel and 19 Juggernaut, so what exactly were you doing to get to level 50 Legacy? Just PvP? I don't PvP in this game so it makes sense if that were the case.
  20. They will just rehash what was said at that England Expo thing last week. I am sure they will sprinkle in a few extras, but it won't be anything ground breaking. I bet they waited to release 1.3 after E3 for marketing reasons. Meanwhile they are bleeding subs all over the battlefield.
  21. As we near 1.3, I would like to know who has considered this in the last month. Any new buyers of this 5 million credit "perk"? Is the market merge even happening in 1.3? Does someone have a link confirming it? Any BioWare staff willing to lend some insight here? Is it staying the same price? So many questions that need answering.
  22. I understand about not giving dates. It would however be nice to see prices of things. I would like to know what to work towards. For example, Legacy perks per character. How much is the speeder at level 10 gonna cost me and what does my legacy level need to be? How much XP will I get for the bonus Space combat legacy perk? How much at rank 1? At rank 5? It was frustrating with 1.2 because we were told at one point that we would get stuff just for legacy level. Then it was legacy or money and for some it was both. It would be nice to have some of that info and give you all feed back on it before it's implemented and set in stone and then we have to wait for months for it to change.
  23. She's the grand master of the order. I think it's safe to say she is strong. Sad that we don't see her in game defending the republic on what she calls the greatest threat to the galaxy multiple times. I guess she just couldn't be bugged to help.
  24. MMO's do need money sinks, but getting a Columi/Black Hole/Rakata piece and then having to spend 100k to transfer the mods to a piece of armor you actually want to equip isn't a money sink. A money sink is a repair bill. Perfect example: My Twi'lek Shadow is going to get the Black Hole Chest piece next week. Problem: I really like the armor but her lekku go through the hood in the preview window. I equip a hat and the hat stays on and clips through the back of the hood. I am not spending 60 Black Hole Comms to wear a piece of armor that is that broken. I have to transfer the mods. I know that ttransferring my Columi stuff costs 33k+ PER mod to transfer. That's 100k per piece of armor. A money sink is a nominal fee for sending a dude on a crafting mission. 100k is a steep fee, not a money sink, especially when it's spending 100k after beating a Flashpoint or Ops. I am supposed to be stoked my group got through some tough content and my reward is a 100k fee to use the mods how I see fit? No thanks. I understand the 30% decrease in 1.3. That is great. A money sink would be 10k PER SET of armor. We are still looking at 60k per set. The game was designed to let us put mods on the armor we want. A reward shouldn't include a steep fee. It's a design flaw when you attach a steep fee to a reward. It snatches part of the carrot back from the player who wants their character to look how they want it to look. It means I also bought or crafted the armor I wanted to transfer the mods too. Making characters look how you want them to is one of the joys of playing MMOs. Don't sully it with adding steep fees. Add a money sink which isn't 60k per piece of armor.
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