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Everything posted by Kickimanjaro

  1. I use them sometimes still, but then again I play a healer so it doesn't matter much.
  2. I also recently returned, and I see many others claiming the same. This bodes well...
  3. I gain a very important utility from the Commando in PvP: entertainment, fun, and the fact that I'm a *********** Republic Commando. I think that your claim of the class' uselessness are unfounded. (Perhaps not entirely unfounded, but I think you should just try playing differently.) EDIT: I have no experience in 50 PvP, and that is probably why I feel this way.
  4. Early on in the Trooper story (right after you are called to the Senate to testify), Garza mentions something about what happened on Ando Prime that lead to Havoc's defection. She said that they went in there, but then encountered much larger Imperial resistance than intel had reported. Doesn't Jaxo run intel missions like that? Could she have been ordered to lie about the Imperial's strength to get Havoc into a position that would either cause a galactic incident or force the Senate to order Havoc to be left to die? If so, who the hell is the mastermind behind all of this? Rakton? (I just got to the Rakton mission on my main trooper but haven't started it yet). I don't know. I think the evidence you've shared is pretty damning, and I don't think this whole Ando Prime link has much weight, regardless it seems possible. I started up a new Trooper toon and I'm playing through the story looking for more Jaxo as a spy hints.
  5. I took your advice and stopped using it, however I have found some useful situations where getting their whole team to suddenly realize "Hey, there's the ******e who keeps healing everyone" to be very helpful. For example, I've been able to keep the tank alive in some situations where my healing couldn't keep up by just spamming my Hammer Shot heal. Their team saw this and immediately piled me, which I was able to sustain for a good 30 seconds by healing myself. That distracted helped us capture the objective and our DPS got their and handled the situation. I died, but the tank and DPS survived and we got the objective. This strategy might not work often, but I have found it helpful in some situations. Impressive! Nice work
  6. I use Armstech, but I hear that it's not too good. I enjoy it though, and I'm not out to make much money. I found that at lower levels it was very helpful to be able to make my own guns and mods for me and my crew. As I've leveled up, I find that I use more weapons/gear from Flashpoints so Armstech is loosing its helpfulness. Yet I think that someone has to make the mods, and I'm willing to do it for my friends (and guild).
  7. I picked the man who had experience and gave him his old position back. It seemed fitting. I was unfamiliar with Elara's experience and felt that my crew would be best suited under a veteran (of both the squad and the position).
  8. This is what you have to do. I sat in the queue for nearly two hours this morning, and when I found a group someone was afk and didn't join so it never happened... I guess that is mostly because I play at such odd hours, but I have also experienced the same leveling up problems that you mentioned. Best of luck leveling, I went from 27-31 today (and still playing) using the above method (with some PvP and Flashpoints thrown in because I enjoy those).
  9. I, too, would like to see such an app added. I feel that such an app would keep me more involved in the game, and have me coming back more often. While it is true that one could use a remote desktop application on their phone, leave the game running with the Crew Skills window open, this is less than ideal. I only have a laptop, and it can get very hot if left on for long periods of time (it is also not very fast, and neither is my phone). I have used remote desktop applications on other games for such purposes, but the experience was frustrating and took longer than it should have. I would imagine that the studio would not want to just go ahead and do this, but they could make it a members-only feature (where, for example, a F2P Player could only send companions on crew tasks 5 times a week with more times purchasable through the Cartel Shop).
  10. I played a few other classes on Republic first, but just started playing a human inquisitor and I have got to say I enjoy the Sith story much better. The beginning seems more entertaining and I like it more all around...then again, I have not played through the beginning for my Republic characters since launch, so I don't know if much has been changed.
  11. These guides are very helpful, thank you. How does a Combat Medic's play-style differ from PvE to PvP? Is there much of a difference or does one just have to be more careful and ready to deal with being jumped in PvP?
  12. I'm in much the same position as s_nibb, and appreciate the detailed advice, KeyboardNinja, thanks.
  13. I am trying to better myself as a PvP Combat Medic, and guides like yours help me greatly. Thank you.
  14. A few friends of mine would come back to this if they could afford it, and I miss playing with them. I am hoping that F2P will come soon.
  15. As a mediocre Commando Combat Medic, I'd say to focus on the following: - Keep track of your teammates health, - Manage your ammo, - ????? - Profit! Support Cell, Basic heal, Med Probe, Basic heal, etc. with some bombs thrown in there for good measure.
  16. I really appreciated how he explained Shaders and showed side-by-side comparisons of his work. I had heard people mention the term Shaders a lot before, but I never really understood what it meant and I feel that now I understand it better. Thanks, and the translucent foliage does look amazing. - Kickimanjaro
  17. This has been frustrating me as well, not to mention the complete lack of ability to tell the game which speaker to use (which is *********** annoying for me as I want to have the game sound through my headset, but I can't do that).
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