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  1. I completely agree with OP. Ability delay is very frustrating, especially in PvP for melee classes. I also noticed an animation issue. When I press the ability (Slash for example) and my Jedi Knight raises his lightsaber to attack, and while doing so parries an incoming blow, he suddenly stops executing a given command. Not to mention double animations of abilities even if I press them only once. This has a great impact on my combat and overall playing experience. I quickly grow tired of slow character response and after 4-5 hours of gameplay I fall asleep.
  2. I have no trouble finding a group in General chat. If you are a tank and have a friend healer. anything is possible.
  3. If you're not allowed to change your spec in the middle of a battle then that's fine by me. Dual spec is important for hybrid classes and it saves much precious time. How could anyone be against this?
  4. Let's hope this MMO will last for years to come. May the Force be with you, Bioware.
  5. English is the most widespread language in the world. Great Britain had many colonies around the globe back in 19th century.
  6. I think this will happen only during EGA, because all the developers are in US, and they have to make sure that everything goes smooth.
  7. Well typing Russian words using English letters isn't fun, but I don't want to unleash Cyrillic spam madness on our European friends. I would like Cyrillic restricted to Guild, Private and Party chats only.
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