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Everything posted by Neopopulas

  1. I have noticed that. No matter the pockets, or plates, or whatever.. usually leg armour looks painted on. Though as a Marauder, i'd just sort of like some pants and trade in my skirt..
  2. Hell i'm wearing the green horseman armour (/whatever) you got in the newest paid expansion thing, the one you got for preordering, which looks like a big tunic and a cloak, and thats in. (because the end-game raid gear i have on is all green with a giant skirt (JUST like the one i hate in SWTOR) and i hate the look of it..) ALL end-game gear seems to be like that, in all games. The higher the level the more ridiculous it is, which is why i liked nothing more than when the cosmetic wardrobe came out and i didn't have to walk around in it anymore.
  3. Its also about.. what are you using it for. The social/cosmetic stuff. Look at The prequels for an example. The hair, the costumes (queen of naboo, anyone) even the senators. BUT, then look at Amadella. huge hair things, massive dresses and robes. But then she goes to kick some *** and she's basically in a tank top and jeans by comparison. ARMOUR, and combat outfits should look functional, simplistic and minimal. Ceremonial or social outfits should be huge and showy. I think, at least to start with, and way back when, i'd almost say everything was exaggerated so people could see it. The massively oversized, shiny, glowy weapons, the huge armour pieces, so people with smaller screens can SEE what they have (which i still find silly). But then look at games like LOTRO, which doesn't have hugely oversized weapons (for the most part) or massive armour (again, for the most part. But it proves that you don't NEED the massive, ridiculous looking things to look cool
  4. The idea of putting any mod into any orange, its just a shame some really good stuff is just blue. But if this is the case i am never selling any old **** every again because there were some really awesome outfits that were level 13 i would LOVE for my level 48 Marauder. Simple dark robes of red and black, hooded.. awesome. I have the esseles robe for my Sentinal that i am NEVER going to sell, since its perfect and all i want (even if he is level III dark side and i want a black version.. Dyes anyone?) I can't help but think of the image i saw for new epic Marauder armour that was bright read with a huge helmet with massive horns and spikes on the shoulders and the sorcerer armour was Skeletor.. and i don't want to wear ANY of that. WoW in space i do not want. Awesome, simple, gritty, REALISTIC (sort of) armour.. is what i want seom star wars. Full masks and robes and robotic looking bits are fine, even some big(ish) gloves like those mantellian laninated hanguards are fine, but nothing more than that
  5. The problem with anything, and its always going to be the case, is that you can't make everyone happy. I like simply things, i do NOT like things that look like they are from WoW. Oversized weapons, oversized armour. I know that it makes them easier to see but i do not want huge horns on my sith, i do not want massive shoulderpads. I am also kind of sick of wearing a skirt, almost no sith in any fiction has worn a skirt and yet my maruder has had to do so for dozens of levels because medium armour seems to be all about the skirt.. I just wants some pants and/or a proper robe over the top.. no more skirts/dresses please. Tunics and robes are the way to go, like in all the movies, cartoons, pictures.. I know this probably has been mentioned and its not really the idea of the thread since its a logn way off but i would kill for cosmetic options. LOTRO has had them for awhile now and that means i could take ANY piece of armour, no matter the stats or whether it is light or heavy, and allow it to be how i look and my stats can stay good. I can have an imperial uniform for my Operative for when she is in town, i can have pants and hooded robe on my sith, i can wear the good looking armour and not the one with the huge shoulderpads and massive, ridiculous cape. The key i think for most of these things and for most people is SIMPLE and not over the top, exaggerated. huge shoulderpads and things like that, those are things i don't think we want to see anymore, simple robes, cool cloaks, awesome hoods and masks and so on.
  6. Only if i can position the ALTS as i like. I want my bounty hunter sitting in front of a holoscreen for bounties and my sniper cleaning her rifler at a table and my sith seething away in a 'meditation' chamber and my Sorcerer surrounded by holocons. The last thing i want to do is see them standing around in one or two rooms in basic default idle animations, all just standing around looking at empty space.
  7. This is so ridiculous. For me at least, and it seems like most its a matter of WHY. Why give sprint at level one. If you do, you might as well just increase the overall speed and remove sprint entirely, since it becomes pointless if everyone has it from level one anyway. Its not even about WHEN you get it, its more that if you have it at all, and get it from level one, its silly to even have it as a toggle ability. Hell, having it at level 14, and then having it on for the entirely of your leveling is also kind of ridiculous so how it matters i'm not entirely sure.
  8. I also believe there were the rare clones that didn't turn on the jedi, it shows that not all clones follow orders blindly, its not like they are mind controlled, they just obey without question most of the time. 99% of the clones show little free-thinking ability or any desire to think for themselves, but they can't be as bad as droids (thats the whole point) so they have this middleground of obedience and free-thinking. However some clones are more individual than others.
  9. Looks like someone has been playing too much WoW.. This is moving away from WoW into the more 'lets make everything as big and spiky as possible' territory.. The reason i disliked a lot of WoW stuff is because it was too big and bulky to be even a little realistic. All that **** in the way is just too much. I know its that big so people can see it easier but it looks terrible and i don't want to wear any of it I'm voting for a cosmetic outtfit option so i can wear GOOD looking armour from early levels and not look so ridiculous.
  10. The problem with all these 'just roll alts on the new server' posts is that most people already have all the alts they want, they have already played the classes and the ACs and have done all the early quests and don't want to spend the next two months playing the same quests again, only to then be able to transfer the characters over.. either duplicating classes they now have two of or just negating all the work they did. I can also, however, imagine people rolling a lot of alts, doing nothing but amassing wealth with their foresight after having end game characters, making a point to not spend money they don't need to so that when their other characters do some back they have an even bigger credit base than they would otherwise. The idea this is to save the economic balance of the servers are a little silly. PLUS, the idea that its to 'protect' the new players from the transferred vets doesn't hold up either. All the new AP players will be level 1.. obviously. (most) of the transfers will be much higher 40+, they won't interact at all (PvP maybe.. but if the newbies are smart they'll wait, just like everyone else, and not PvP at level 15..)
  11. This is completely unacceptable. I've got a handful of 15-40 level characters, so i have two options. Wait two months, by which time i'll have leveled even more with the lag and the bad time schedule. OR, i make all new characters and level all the way up like i did in the last month, which means doing everything all over again, all the same quests i JUST did... uuugh I was expecting transfers by about the 5th of march, or maybe the 15th or something not TWO months.. I have a few people i know who are going to start soon, do i suggest they roll on the new servers, where i can't (or won't remark whole new characters), or do i suggest they roll on the server i am on, so we can transfer together later? Really disappointed.. really..
  12. That's completely unacceptable. I've got a handful of 15-40 level characters, so i have two options. Wait two months, by which time i'll have leveled even more with the lag and the bad time schedule. OR, i make all new characters and level all the way up like i did in the last month, which means doing everything all over again, all the same quests i JUST did... uuugh I was expecting transfers by about the 5th of march, or maybe the 15th or something not TWO months..
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