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Everything posted by Yakito

  1. I was expecting way more. Good FPS, mostly... A game that can run properly. Hey! Anyone remembers Bioware's comment on "this game has poor graphic"? Something like "We want people to be able to play our game with older machines". Makes me laugh whenever I think about it. And my machine is not even old.
  2. Just came here to tell you that it's spelled "losing". You can have loose pants, but you can LOSE a game, or LOSE interest in playing a game. Anyway, I am also LOSING the interest to play it, so I feel your pain here.
  3. I feel your pain. I am not a tank, but I see what's going on with tanks. Take Karagga's Palace, for example - nightmare. First fight doesn't need a tank, so our MT goes DPS most of the time. Second fight needs two, so we have to either make two guys re-spec or replace a player. Third fight only needs one tank, once again. Fourth one - two (16 man only). And the last boss - one. Lack of consistency. Why is Bioware punishing players that are playing tanks? Constantly... I am pretty much disgusted. I don't know who put Gabe in charge, but I'd suggest he rethinks his choice, if he didn't already. On top of that there's the leveling process. Every group mission requires a tank, which is the hardest to find, therefore many group missions aren't even completed. Then there come flashpoints that also lack the tank most of the time, and then there are OPS which have no spots for tanks. Weird, isn't it? By rolling a tank you are creating a lot of opportunities to have a smooth leveling process, and a lot of grea from Flashpoints, but you'll probably not be able to do Ops at all.
  4. My main reason why I am pretty much done is FPS. Bioware isn't even acknowledging the problem so it seems like I am not going to see any improvements and I know my machine can handle everything but TOR. I didn't expect them to ruin the optimisation so badly. Second thing - Travel system. Makes me want to slash my wrists whenever I have to traven to a different planet. And third - I expected something completely different. I expected to have more Star Wars atmosphere, and something is missing here. Something big, I can't describe it, but something is seriously wrong. Now, I am not going to renew my sub after it runs out, but I'll come here now and then to see if the game had any kind of improvements. If the FPS is not fixed then perhaps in 2 years I'll buy a new computer and be able to play this game if it's not dead by then.
  5. They should replace them with Horses and Panthers if they want to keep that speed. I am sure some Tauntauns would be able to catch up with the fastest "Speeders" You REALLY feel the slowness after you get your big mount instead of the small ones. It feels as if you were cruising on 10% capacity of that thing, it's pretty darn annoying. It should AT LEAST be 200%. At least!
  6. I just know that my game runs FASTER on High settings (shadows off) than on Lowest settings (also no shadows). And it's the same for all my friends experiencing FPS problems. Now, am I supposed to believe that my computer is lacking? Because I honestly do not believe that. I have subbed for 3 months, but if there's not even a slightest improvement fps wise I will not re-sub. I am honestly tired to hell of doing Warzones and Ops with 5-15 fps. Playing with that kind of FPS is literally tiring, it's extremely uncomfortable to look at a slideshow all day. I always have to turn on some game like Skyrim (high details), Assassin's Creed, ME2 or something pretty new to rest from TOR and to realise that my computer is still a very good machine that will handle all the new games coming out this year, and probably next year. All except TOR. ALL except TOR. No one will convince me that the problem is at my end. Not a chance. There are so many decisions being made by Bioware in TOR development, that I just sometimes stop and wonder - what kind of people are working there? I mean honestly... And then we get told that "everything is fine" that only 5% of players experience FPS problems, that Ilum's fine, and so on.
  7. You can't please anyone, it seems. I don't want the colour restrictions. I want my Assault Cannon to shoot out red bolts, or purple, definately NOT blue with black core. Anyway, I am really glad they are taking the restrictions off. I want to be able to customise my characters the way I want them, so for a sentinel I always liked Blue, Red combo. It's stupid how you can't use something because of your alignment.
  8. They can keep adding the dailies, but I am so sick of them I am not going to even spend a second thinking whether I should waste my time on doing any. I said "NO" to them when I reached Ilum. I do the PVP ones sometimes, and the Ops ones, that's it. Mostly because of the travel system, but also because the TOR dailies are so unbelievably dull that I think I'd get an internal haemorrhage if I completed any, and I've tried. I mean... good god, I am fine with dailies such as the cooking dailies in WOW, not so bad, same with Jewelcrafting and similar, but these? Not a chance. They REALLY need to work on inventing some new way to make us do something in game every day. If it's a quest, then at least make it interesting. OP's got a nice idea. I'd like to be able to use vehicles and machines to complete quests too. A daily where you have to win 10 Pazaak games with your companions, or players. Yes... bring Pazaak, just bring it in already.
  9. You probably had it on Master Looter Bioware forgot to warn the raiders that it's bugged...
  10. Honestly, this Bioware's response pissed me off. It is clear that they aren't really bothered by people having serious FPS issues. I'll be taking my leave after my 3 month sub if I don't even hear them acknowledging the damn problem...
  11. When I see people actually defending the game engine it make me lose all the faith in Bioware community... all the faith, completely. Guys, if you don't have the issues, move along, but DO NOT try and convince us that it's our fault, because our computers are too old or too cheap. They are not. I can run all the newest games, Crysis 2, Mass Effect, Skyrim, Assassin's Creed and so on on High settings with absolutely no problems, yet I get 5 fps on Ilum when two 10 man Ops meet, I get 12 FPS in 16 man Ops, while my GPU is used only in 50% and I even tried overclocking it by quite a bit just to realise that it does not help one bit, the more juice I give to my GPU the less GPU the game uses, it's kinda hilarious. If you don't have the issue, then I am happy for you, just please do not tell me it's my fault, because it's just making me angry. Don't be ignorant.
  12. I don't know man, but gay community seems to be "DEMANDING" same sex romances in every game Bioware makes and it's kinda making me tired. I don't want to suddenly see a romance option with Aric Jordan on my trooper. I'd probably never talk to him ever again, like it happened with a certain character in Dragon Age 2. Call me a homophobe, but it changes the way you look at your character, like it or not. Unless you also demand that we get to state your sexuality during character creation so there are no accidental romances. That would be fine for me. Otherwise... I am very much against it. Bioware, if you are listening - please make it an option during character creation if you ever choose to implement same sex romances.
  13. You had it in Dragon Age, you now apparently will have it in ME3... how about you don't have it in TOR ?
  14. That is an answer, but I really hoped to keep all my alts on the Republic side, so I can still talk to my friends and listen to the chat, and so I can also help the guild out on my alt if it's required.
  15. I managed to level up two characters to 50. Second time, I was mildly bored of the side quests, Corellia was my breaking point, because the planet is just so horrible that it makes me want to slash my wrists. Anyway, I remember devs hinting us that this MMO is supposed to the kind of MMO where you level multiple alts, because there are many stories. I understand that, I like the idea, but unfortunately the only story that we want to go through on our second, third and fourth playthrough is our Class story, not the side quests that we've done multiple times already. I am a bit sad that there's only one path we can follow, we cannot choose a different planet to level up on. It's always going to be: Starting planet - Coruscant - Taris - Nar Shadaa and so on. There is no alternative. Well, pvp is, but how about people that do not want to level up this way? I like the voice overs, I don't like grinding Warzones to reach 50. Even with the Legacy in place I fear we'll still have to go through the same planets over and over again and it saddens me. So my poor Smuggler is waiting, I log onto it and log off straight away, because I just realise that I simply can not force myself to get even one level in the zones I've seen already. You know, normally I'd go Westfall instead of Darkshore if I wanted a change and it worked perfectly. There was this feeling of freedom, and I could choose my "epic story". I do not think Bioware's idea is bad, I just think that it's extremely bad that we cannot choose where we want to go to level up. It's the first MMO I tried to have this kind of restriction. More experienced MMO players will tell me that there are worse MMOs leveling wise, but to me, this one is the worst when it comes to picking your zones, because you simply can not.
  16. There are no gold sellers because they'd starve if they tried selling credits in this game... honestly.
  17. Damn, I have to agree, the Flashpoints are really "OH god I don't want to do them again!!". There wasn't a single flashpoint I felt in love with, like in Deadmines. This one time, I did Deadmines about 8 times in a row, I could barely exit one instance before getting invited into another party...
  18. We finally completed the Nightmare mode 16 man, but I think this helmet drops from normal and Hard Mode too. So to all the role- players or people that just love looking hilarious... this is what can drop from Karagga's Palace last boss. There was no roll for it, even though we weren't using master looter, so I guess it's assigned to a player one way or another. http://i1263.photobucket.com/albums/ii631/Pawelcup/Screenshot_2012-02-22_23_02_02_571161.jpg
  19. I think it would be very innovative and actually a lot of fun to have Space Combat ops, attacking some huge station, fight a couple of bosses in space with 15 people around you doing their thing too. Just imagine that. And I wish there were things like turrets to use during raids, like defending against waves of mobs, we've seen it in a Flashpoint already, it could be fun in Ops too, or perhaps fights where you have to operate some kind of machine, perhaps a Walker? I just want to see something new. The Ops fights are all the same, they all have an enrage timer, and I find it the lamest solution to a boss fight ever, the biggest cliché, the laziest choice to end the fight if the raid isn't good enough. I just wish there was more.
  20. Yes, I agree with this. And my initial reply to the thread - I also agree with you, kinda, but at the same time I can see that there are some very, very bad decisions being made and somebody is not stopping certain people from doing more of those. They are human beings, but there's this thing called brain storm. If you have enough people you can avoid making big mistakes, like choosing this Engine for the game. The community is also pretty darn good when it comes to suggestions. There were plenty of good ones given, and people were pretty darn productive during Beta, yet it pains me to say that the Developers didn't really listen. I can honestly say, that this anger being thrown around is coming from disappointment, because many of us tried very hard to help Bioware do the right things, and I know it's hard to do everything the community wants, because some things would actually damage the game (see LFD) but then again, some suggestions were clearly obvious to me and I am surprised Bioware didn't implement them.
  21. I think you missed the fact that he said "Heroic/Hard Mode", which you do indeed need a tiny bit of gear for. I just don't see your point here. It's certainly not an argument for LFD. Not even close.
  22. You are wrong, you can recruit somebody with many methods, one of them is meeting a player in a 5 man and seeing that he's really good. That's how I got into a guild that killed SOA 16 Nightmare fairly early. Funny, but I just don't see it. You are basing this theory on what exactly? (oh the irony!) Yes, because you are throwing this "I am paying for it" around it seems, you don't care. You already jumped ships from WoW, probably Rift too, which makes me think that you'd jump from TOR to GW2 without a second thought. The LFD callers are usually the ones that quit fairly early, to be honest. I am surprised by the lack of your logic. Let me quote you there - "that I pay a monthly fee for" It shows that I am a paying customer with a choice. There are so many issues I have to put up in this game, FPS is the biggest one so far, slideshow Ilum and so on, that I literally cannot take much more crap. If they pile up LFD on top of that... I'll just be done. In my eyes you are, so very very wrong. Also the funny attempts to take my sentences apart are cute, but don't make you smarter or any more convincing. Everything is wrong with that. You didn't really answer my question there, but "nothing is wrong with that" will suffice. It tells me that you don't mind every MMO to be exactly the same, just with a different skin. It puzzles me. It almost makes me laugh at myself, because I should honestly drop this debate, there's no point in arguing with people that came from WoW and want this game to be just like WoW. TOR can rock by being innovative, but Devs are also very scared of even trying anything new, and many people got tired of WoW and will therefore get tired of TOR even faster due to bugs, and WoW has a strong playerbase already, there's no need for them to migrate to this game if all they see is a copy of what they have already but with bugs on top of it. There's a lot of bad press already. It's funny, and you may laugh at it, in fact you have every right to, but majority isn't always right. There are so many people that have no idea what's good. Just look at the world around you and see what the majorities do in some countries. And then again, you have no right to say that people wanting LFD are the majority. As I said, in Beta polls we re clear - no LFD and I think it was 3 to 1. Obviously now we have more people, but I am affraid these people are missing WoW... and a lot of them will come back to it (I hope).
  23. So you took my post apart and even insulted me? Well, I guess you just don't want to see my input, you want it all wiped out so yours is right, yes? You think I was the bad one? Well then, since you don't know me and never did, you shouldn't assume these things. I was in a hardcore guild that I grew tired off, because well... I wanted some time for myself, "get a life" as you said it. The more casual guild was full of people that kept failing on the simplest tasks, we kept teaching them, but we couldn't really replace them with anyone else, because there was no one available, and the replacements were usually just as bad. How do I know the LFG lovers are parents with little time to play? Because almost every person giving an argument for LFG says he's a busy person with a family, he pays so he WANTS to have things handed to him, does it matter that it's an MMO and the nature of it is actually socializing? Nope... You are forgetting the main aspect of the game, you see. If I wanted to have everything handed on a single platter without having to talk to anyone I'd play a single player, but I am in a MMO, which I know, has some social aspects in it, not just limited to the guilds. You aren't asking for realm LFG, you are asking for a Cross realm, which in my opinion is just an attempt to destroy this game even further. We haven't even got any firm communities yet, people are still coming here. In Warcraft you had some steady core on each realm that didn't really get harmed by the Dungeon Finder. This game is too new to ruin it with a lazy tool to fix a problem. Like Dual Spec was just a lazy attempt to fix the lack of PVE to PVP talents balance, which was not a problem in EQ2. I'd somehow live with realm LFG, but if there's Cross realm ever implemented, I'll be out of here and you'll have 1 less person to group up with, actually not just one, because I know for a fact that many people will cancel the moment Cross realm LFD goes live. Go ahead and pick this post apart too, I have a feeling we'll be running in circles if you do, because I am giving you my point of view, not saying you are wrong (I'll leave it here in case you come back to quote this..., note "not saying you are wrong" but I think you are very, very wrong indeed), you somehow want to convince me that you are right. You won't, because I gave it a lot of thought a long time before you even registered on the forums. During Beta forum was full of people that actually wanted this game to be better than everything else, and the polls and all the threads said one thing - "No LFD!!!". This debate is endless, and lasted for years, every argument was given, both sides are still thinking they are right. No one changes it's mind. I just wish that people that wanted LFD tool went back to WoW where the tool is available. I want a bit of a different game, you see. One that doesn't copy 100% of the features from WoW just to have a good start. For once I'd like some innovation. Why do you insist on bringing every single tool from WoW? Dual Spec, LFD, and so on? Why do people do that? I will never understand. I thought people wanted something new in a different game, but I was wrong, people apparently hate change and even when they hate something they'll miss it after it's gone and they'll want it back.
  24. I saw a major difference after LFD was implemented in WoW. Perhaps you didn't play that much. The ones that want LFD are usually parents with work and family that have 2 hours to play a day. Why do I have to suffer because you are a busy person? Perhaps you haven't seen the change in WoW because of LFD, but I have. Recruiting into guilds became an absolute horror. Instead of spamming for "looking for x for dungeon y" we had to spam Guild Recruitment advertisement and we had sooo maaany bad players because we couldn't really test them before inviting, their applications were often very good. So our guild had low progress. Also, before LFD I was constantly meeting new friends in dungeons, some of these friends lasted after 5 years and we still talk and play other games together. I haven't met a single new friend after LFD was implemented, not a single one. Before LFD people would know each other, I'd be on someone's friend list because he knew I could heal well, I had plenty of great players on my list, after LFD it did not matter, because we had our own guilds and dungeons within the Realm were pointless. Also, Dugneons lost it's charm, we went there, but just for the daily, nothing else, no one needs to talk at all, because why bother? We aren't going to meet again most likely, right? So we do our thing as if it was single player not an MMO. And so my conclusion is this - people are complaining that TOR feels like a single player now, imagine how it will feel when you don't even socialise in it, because after 1 press of a button you find yourself in a dungeon with people you don't know, never said a word to and probably never talk to ever again. Now THAT will feel like a single player with Co-OP, and nothing else. There was Community in WoW, perhaps you were on a different server, I was on a RP, RP-PVP one, and there were groups of people that were well known by the whole server, some were hated, some were respected, but there was this "something" that was gone after LFD. And I am not the only one thinking that, because I've had many conversations about it with many people in WoW. I haven't met a single person there that said it's a great tool. Once again, different servers, different people, but that's my point of view.
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