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Everything posted by chronomasakari

  1. My highest was around 680k healing... the same game a sorc healer on the opposite end pulled 850k healing a number which still boggles my mind.
  2. How is it? ridiculous against pug PVP teams that let you just sit and spam heals and armor all day. Things get dicey against organized teams that know to go after you. In terms of sheer healing output you would pass an equally geared scoundrel or commando, but the commando could sit and take a lot more punishment and scoundrels have all sorts of cool things they can do. However it is pretty boring, you basically do two things, force armor everyone, and throw salvation down. That's it, that's the key to getting 600k healing games in voidstar. You use your hot and healing trance only to regain force back, and spam deliverance only when you really need to save someone, otherwise just armor, pop salvation down, and run around kiting people.
  3. I've tried to convince myself I like the force-mystic 4pc bonus for our pve set, but I can't do it. No matter how I look at it, it's just not a very good bonus, so I've gone back and forth between using the 2pc PVP bonus but I can't decide which I like more. I want to state my reasoning and get some insight from other sage healers to see if I can finally pick one or the other. An additional 50 force if you're running straight heals and not sacrificing to regen, amounts to one additional deliverance which in reality isn't that useful because if you're down to your last heal, your ability to regen force is very poor and you're usually exchanging health for force at that point anyway It does however, give you an additional 4 force back when you do use sacrifice, which I think is why bioware kept the number low (and not say, 100). But thinking about how often I would sacrifice, if the fight is crazy I don't sacrifice whenever proc comes up because I might not have a spare GCD, but let's pretend I do since it makes number crunching easier, you can get a free sacrifice every 10 seconds or so assuming you use healing trance off CD and it crits (though I usually sacrifice anyway since it usually crits and I can't be bothered to look through 15 buffs to see if I have proc) Going off that, you'd get an extra 4 force every 10 seconds, 24 in a minute, 240 force back in a 10 minute fight. That amounts to an extra 4 deliverance's, 5 if you count the extra one you get innately from having 50 extra force, which let's say you do a 4k heal with it, amounts to an extra 20k healing you can use throughout the fight. If you break it down by HP/S it's about 33.3 hp/s Alternatively what I find myself using a lot, is my 2 pc pvp bonus, which reduces the exhaustion on force armor by 3 seconds (down to 17 from 20) which doesn't seem like much, but let's me keep more rolling shields on the tank going, and in any given boss fight in an operation, the tank is usually taking damage throughout the fight so very rarely will a shield go ununsed (except for movement phases possibly) so I'm going to pretend the shield will always absorb damage. I haven't done extensive testing on my shield but I think it absorbs around 4k damage. Going off that if I had rolling shields on a tank going over a 10 minute fight @ 20 seconds a piece I'd get an extra 5 shields off one single-target during that period of time, which is completely sustainable, plus you could potentially get a few more shields off on the off-tank or dps. However that's hard to calculate especially given force constraints, so for the sake of number crunching I'm going to just use the 5 you get off the main tank. At 4k absorbed, it amounts to 20k absorbed which is also 33.3 hp/s, exactly the same as the 4 pc pve bonus. By the numbers they are about the same overall, but there are advantages to either side. Going with the 4pc bonus does amount to a little bit better stats (remember we're only replacing two pve pieces with pvp pieces here) Which, will amount to somewhere between 5-10 hp/s depending on the healing spell you're currently casting. However I've never thought to myself "If only I had an extra 20 damaged healed off that deliverance" The force regen is very miniscule and I never notice, at the end of the day it seems like if I'm burning force I'll run out, or if I'm able to be conservative I can restore it. Going with the 2pc pvp bonus, gets you a little more flexibility on healing, first off your other healer loves your shields, the longer it's up the less they have to do and shields are fantastic because they *never* result in overheals unless they go unused (again hard to do when the shield's on the tank you're far more likely to overheal with deliverance, either from you or from your other healers. And I have felt very glad, that occasionally my shield was up just a little bit sooner. I'm not 100% sure on my numbers, but I'd like some insight to see what other healers think, if any have reached a similar conclusion to me or not.
  4. I died a few times because his cast bar didn't always show up for his cave-in ability that wiped you. Once I figured the screen starts to shake when he uses it I didn't have any real issue though. I don't recall if I used Nadia or Iresso though.
  5. Hard modes weren't designed to be pugged at current gear levels. They take more practice then the normal mode operations. Eventually gear levels could be at a point where you could power through everything but it's not there yet, until then it's ill-advisable to pug hard modes, just like it's ill-advisable to run EV on nightmare with people you don't know. It's not even impossible to tell what your dps is. If you care that much, do the math. Figure out your rotation, and add up the numbers. You should come reasonably close to your actual dps extracted from a combat log. Once you figure out an ideal rotation, then your tracking your dps through recount is irrelevant because the only two ways to truly improve your dps after that is to 1) Give yourself as much dps time as possible and 2) Figure out what to do when your rotation gets interrupted. Neither of which you need to actively track your dps.
  6. There's only ever three things to do in an MMO at 50. Raid, PVP, and collect. And if you think starting an alt in this game is repetitive, I'd say you never started an alt in any other MMO ever, this is the first major MMO I can think of with a significant amount of unique class content all the way through the end-game. Sure it takes place in the same areas and crosses with other class content, but it's still fairly unique. If you hit 50 and you don't want to start an alt, and don't want to raid or pvp, then move on to a new game. You just spent 60 dollars on a new game and you beat it. i
  7. Don't pug hard mode flashpoints or hard/nightmare mode operations and you don't need a dps meter. The end. Normal operations are very friendly on the enrage timers making them puggable thus not needing a dps meter. Hard/nightmare modes are designed to be done with organized groups, thus, also, not needing a dps meter. You should *always* be looking to improve your own game, you don't need a meter to push yourself to perform better in progression content, if you do you are far too reliant on mods anyway. And besides there is a more important factor then sheer dps to judge how well a dps is doing, it's how stupid they are with standing in void zones. If you wanna know if a dps is worth raiding with, ask the healer how bad often they had to get healed because they stood through void zones.
  8. That's a silly complaint because there's more then enough solo content to make your way through 50 without dipping into flashpoints and heroic missions. In fact if you were one of the earlier 50's you had to do so because there was no one to group with to do flashpoints or heroic quests. Hell when I finished Corellia I was the only one on the planet. Trust me, there's more then enough solo content.
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