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Everything posted by fredsaase

  1. I wasn't aware being rooted, facing one direction, eliminated 180 degree coverage. My bad. Oh wait. You can leave cover at ANY TIME and reposition yourself. If cover had a cooldown on it I could understand. But you can essentially leapfrog back and forth from cover. I've watched decent snipers do it.
  2. Luck has nothing to do with it. You're getting farmed because you're the weaker team. If losing really affects you that terribly that your experience is miserable, then maybe MMOs aren't for you. But that hasn't stopped anyone else, I suppose.
  3. Sounds like you live a pretty bitter life. I mean, generally I don't pay 3-month subscriptions for something I'm not sure I'm going to enjoy. That's like complaining after you've bought a month's supply of Pistachios and you'd never even tried them beforehand. So instead of owning up to your mistake, your plans are to be selfish and make your teammates gameplay experiences as awful as you can because you can't get past your delusional, entitled attitude. Man, I love the internet.
  4. I don't wonder why players bail. It's also still a l2p issue.
  5. Almost every other class has stringent positional requirements. Why shouldn't snipers?
  6. It's there to use after you bait a player's CC breaker with your stun.
  7. Personally I really like the Consular PvP set. Opinions are subjective.
  8. Yeah, you should be forced to remain facing one direction when in cover. It's too easy to jump in and out of cover for it to ignore facing like that.
  9. Hopefully add consequences for leaving WZs early.
  10. Ironically, even if they nerf sorc/sage (isn't there at 20% consumption nerf coming sometime?), I will still play mine. And I will still be better at the game than most of the people crying for nerfs.
  11. I've had my overload/wave have different results based on speed and direction of players. I highly doubt they've taken actual physics into account, so I am agreeing there are shenanigans at work here. A lot of it has to do with latency, as I've had the animation go off with the person right next to me. Instead, the knockback is delayed slightly and they end up being knocked diagonally by a much shorter distance.
  12. A simpler solution is don't pay $15 to be angry. But you go ahead and act entitled. =D
  13. I have a lot of fun when gunslingers shoot me in the face. I run up, knock them back out of cover, and watch them freak out because they don't know what to do. Same thing with interrupting Tracer Missile/Grav Round.
  14. Just convert the VIP lounge to a dueling zone. It's not like anyone goes there anyways.
  15. Ignore this forum. Don't open it, don't read the threads, don't even think about it. Just rename it to Carecup and do what you gotta do. inb4 being called BWDF
  16. No thanks, I'll just play my N64 game.
  17. I like the part where stealth classes can obviously get to the goal line without crossing the incredibly narrow catwalks, where if people were paying attention and not tunnel vision herpderping, they'd probably get AoE'd out. FIX EXPLOYT NAOW PLZZZZZZ
  18. What's up with all the terribad, dumb ideas and complaints tonight? Oh, right. PvP forums.
  19. Why is no one CCing one of the healers is my question. By the way, that was probably the worst idea ever, because damage in PvP is never spread. It would make focus-targeting someone an instant, unrecoverable gimp.
  20. So what? Don't like it? Roll a healer. Are people seriously still crying about this?
  21. Seconded. Whether it's the best troll of the day or a serious post, it's still pretty epic.
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