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Everything posted by Thyferra

  1. While it is perhaps not desireable to spam Retractable Blade it is still a 6 second spamable slow without a cooldown. We can slow lock someone. I would much rather have Retractable Blade buffed and keep the slow on it than move the slow to a different ability and not getting Retractable Blade buffed. I agree with you that HEGC buff should be tied to the talent. But your suggestion is 2%. And that won't cut it. What if we would add 10% with the talent. HEGC is just so underpowered that people rather face heat issues than having it.
  2. Advanced Prototype does not need much help but there is still room for some balanced improvements in DPS. As many of you said Serrated Blades and HEGC both need a big upgrade. I would also like to merge Serrated Blades with Hamstering. New Serrated Blades Increase the damage dealt by Retractable Blade's bleed effect by 15 / 30 / 45 % and Retractable Blade slows the target by 30% for 2 / 4 / 6 seconds. This keeps the effect of Hamstering the same but adds it a little bit earlier so this might be a small nice buff for PvP as well. The bleed buff effect tripples but since it is so small at the moment it should not be overpowered. Perhaps you can buff it even more. This also frees up one Skill point we have to add somewhere or add a new ability. I would like to add it to Charged Gauntlets. New Charged Gauntlets Damage dealt by Rocket Punch and Retractable Blade has a 15 / 30 % chance to make your next Rail Shot an automatic critical hit / an automatic critical hit and vent 8 heat. This makes the crits on Railshot almost certain and adds a little bit of heat management to the skill. You still can't cast it unless you have 16 free heat. It just vents 8 right after you cast it. New HEGC While active, all internal and elemental damage dealt is increased by 12%. This nearly doubles the effect of HEGC. Current is 5 + 3 = 8%. This would end up at 12 + 3 = 15%. Don't get me wrong this is a strong buff but it does not seem that overpowered.
  3. I only play pvp from time to time. Most of my tme in this game is spend on pve. And i dont have any problems because of the high pop. Yes a few dailys might take a few minute longer but for the most part i can get them done as fast as before the transfers. And for many people that are too shy to form their own groupd, heavy pop servers will help them finding a group through the group finder. The only time heavy pop could be a problem is when everyone tries to do dailys on their own. But if you do them in groups they are really fast. Lets say you got 20 people in the bh area. If all of them are in groups its more like 5 people doing the dailys. But if everyone is doing them alone it will complicate things. So always group up for dailys and you should not have a problem. Edit: But i know grouping is a very noval concept to mmos
  4. I am really surprised by the reactions. Anyone that could not see a forced transfer in the future was either naive or dumb. Did you really think they would keep nearly 190 servers up and running so that a handfull of people can log on and play on those servers? This was a server merge from the start and if you could not see this comming its your own fault. But i do agree that the naming policy should have been based on something different. Active account, date and time of creation and that stuff. Life on the destination servers (at least mine) is really good. I lost my legacy name in the process but i can live with that. I had no trouble leveling a new toon or completing dailys. Yes the fleet lags a little but everything else is fine. Edit: On a free transfer or a merge why would you expect a choice of where you can go to?
  5. To be fair how is that different from pretty much every other theme park mmo? 3 operqations, 8 flashpoints, 3 planets for dailys, pvp, space combat, speeded quests, datacron hunt (unless you got them all while leveleing), pet hunt, world boss hunt. This is all stuff you can do at 50. When i take a look at the latest EQ2 expansion (DoV) at launch you had 3.5 raids, 9 instances, 2 zones for dailys, 2 events that fire every 2 hours, 1 dungeon, some collections that give you house items, crafting, decorating your house. While you could do stuff in olders expansion content it was too easy because you were way too powerfull. Even for same level content. When i compare both they are about the same. The only thing this game can not offer is a housing system and crafting is not really an activity in this game. There is enough to do. If you like this content is up to yourself.
  6. They will merge them all into one and shut the rest down. That way they will keep all the data so returning players will still have their toon. Bioware made the mistake of opening too many servers with a low population cap. At launch everything is nice since there are nearly no queues and you have a healthy amount of people playing. After the initial month you will lose a big chunk of your population. At that point the servers will become empty and even more players leave because of it. There is still a good number playing the game but since you got too many servers they all feel empty. Now Bioware did the right thing and increased population caps on some servers and let people transfer there. I would say there are still 800 k - 1 million active players in the game if you take the 10 - 20 % idea into account. Only 10 - 20 % of your active playerbase will play at peak time. The game is still doing fine. Not great but fine.
  7. Are we still assuming that only 10 - 20 % of a total available (time that could be spend playing the game) server population logs in at any given time? With that in mind would it be ok to say that a server that peaks full (full with a queue) and full is somewhere around 4000 users (lets assume it is 4000) logged in for that server, that this server has a total population of 20000 - 40000? At a median of 30000. If that number is true for every destination and aussie server (and i know it is not some are higher some are lower) that would result in 810000 total users. If you take that number and try to place that many players on 217 servers evenly and assume that only 10% logs in that would result in 373 players on any given server at peak. We know that many peeople switched servers before the merge already so some servers where ghost towns and other had a healthy pop. TLDR A pop around 800k does not seem that far off.
  8. That is something that was to be expected. The Fatman was the go to server wheny our server was dead. So many people created toon there because their server was empty. Now that they transferred all their main toon they will play those again. Edit: New numbers from Nightmare Lands. The server is now labled heavy and we got over 2208 players logged in. We got more than 100 level 50 sorcerers. I doubt it will be much more but i cant give a 100% accurate number because of this. Again this has been taken over 15 mins. Edit: I doubt i can do much more. As soon as we hit very heavy quite a few classes will be over 100. Sorcerers already are.
  9. Just added the data to the survey. I did not have numbers for the fleet so i put in 100 as a ph. will try to get that data next time as well.
  10. I know its nots much but it is a start. Just took my first data from Nightmare Lands. Its labled as standard and i counted 1596 players online. This took me about 10 - 15 mins to get this data so its not 100 % accurate. Once the server jumps to heavy i will do it again.
  11. Is there any way to get easy access of the Lvl 50 pop on a server? all the other level ranges are quite easy to get but lvl 50 seems to be a pain. I don't really want to check every possible instance of the game to find a few stray lvl 50s. Perhaps i am missing something.
  12. What will happen to the 187 now pretty much dead servers. Will they get merged into one big server for people to come back and transfer off of or will you just shut them down?
  13. Only had one toon (now there is a second ) and kept his name. But the legacy was lost. I managed to come up with a nice new legacy name tho. So i can live with that.
  14. A free transfer will most of the time be used to balance out population. Did you really expect them to let you transfer wherever you want on a free transfer and so creating another population disaster? What you are looking for are paid transfers. Those will come once they either shut down or merge the origin servers into one. Btw transfers from Jung Ma to Pot5 might never happen since one is a RP-PVP and the other is a PVP server.
  15. The overall gameplay experience after the transfer has been great so far. With the only exception being lag on the fleet. But that is a small price to pay. I give BW two thumbs up for this. The transfer process was quick and easy. Again two thumbs up for BW. The naming policy was handled poorly. It should have been based on if the account is still active and who created the toon first. Same for the lagcy. The transfer staggering was not handled well. Especially since most of what i predicted happened there was no point in letting so many people hang in mid air. Overall this transfer was a great success for me. I only had one toon and was able to keep his name but lost my legacy. Its not too bad because i found a nice new legacy name. Edit: To those asking about combining all their toons on one server. This was not intended to accomplish that. This is a server merge disguised as a free transfer programm. To those that got too many toon. I think BW should allow up to 16 toon per account no matter where they are stored. That way everyone can have each advanced class. That seems to be a good compromise.
  16. I like the more open planets like Alderaan, Tattooine, Hoth and to some extend Voss and Dromund Kaas best. I don't really like tunnel planets like Belsavis, Belsavis or Corellia but i do think that Coruscant and Nar Shadda are pretty cool because they feel alive the most. For upcomming planets i do hope they can manage to create a planet that feels open and still feels alive.
  17. Das Problem ist doch einfach, dass BW gedacht hat es passt schon wenn man alle auf einen Server schiebt. Wenn BW jetzt noch die letzten 8 Server auch noch auf den einen drauf packt, dann gute Nacht. Die Leute wollten mehr Leute auf den Servern, aber niemand wollte wieder Warteschlangen. Im Endeffekt macht BW den gleichen Fehler wie beim Launch. Man unterschätzt einfach was passieren wird. Aus dem Launch hätte man eigentlich lernen müssen, hat man aber offensichtlich nicht gemacht. Wenn man das Ganze beobachten will, dann fängt man außerdem mit einer viel kleineren Anzahl von Servern an und nicht gleich mit 80% aller Server. Es zeugt einfach von der absoluten Hilflosigkeit von BW.
  18. Its pretty simple math. (number of servers not affected yet = 40) / (total number of servers that can be affected by this transfer = 211) = 18.9% Some might argue that its 214 or 217 but there is no current solution for the eu rp pvp servers and i don't count the asia pacific servers for this. But if you do count both its 18.4%
  19. To control what? The two east pvp servers will not get a new destination they will transfer into a current. (this will create long ques but there is no other option since they wont have enough to create a healthy pop) The seven west pve servers will not get a new destination they will transfer into a current (here i can se your point a little btw) (this will create long ques but there is no other option since they wont have enough to create a healthy pop) The thirteen east pve servers will not transfer into a current destination they will get a new one. (otherwise it will create long ques) The ten eu en pve will not transfer into a current destination they will get a new one. (otherwise it will create long ques) The eight eu ger pve servers will most likly get a new destination as well. (otherwise it will create long ques)
  20. It just shows again how bad this was handled. And i fear that they might just add the remining euro en pve servers to The Red Eclipse. That will cause ques as well. I still have my money set on them transferring those servers into Dune Bantha but nothing is certain with these guys. They allowed twenty servers to transfer into one. No ieda what they were thinking.
  21. I have to disagree with this. Especially when you look at the two remaining pvp servers in the east. When you look at the eu servers it either they move them all into current destination servers (this will create ques) or create new destination servers and move all remining there. If you move just a few to the the current destination servers and some now you will have one nearly full and one at standard. People on the standard server will not take that and i bet a huge number on the leftover server will quit if that happens. Same goes for the east pve servers. Currently they have enough servers left to warrent a new destination server. It is the same problem as in the eu. In the west they have not enough servers to warrent a new destination server. So those servers have to be moved to current destination servers. This will most likely create ques at prime time. With what they have left they can't balance servers out nicely. They moved themself into a position that they can't back out off anymore. If they create leftover servers they are in for a nother 5 - 10 % subscription loss. I can only hope they know this.
  22. Klar braucht sowas Zeit, aber 80% der Server innerhalb von 3 Tagen zu öffen und die letzten 20% jetzt im Regen stehen zu lassen ist einfach nur dumm. Von 217 Servern sind nur 46 nicht berücksichtigt worden bei dieser Zusammenführung. Darunter die drei Asia/Pacific Server und die drei EU RP-PVP Server. In NA hat BW sowieso den Vogel angeschossen. Alle PVP Server bis auf zwei wurden geöffnet. Was sie da jetzt noch mit den zwei übrig geblieben Server großartig machen wollen erschließt sich mir überhaupt nicht. Ich gehe ohnehin stark davon aus, dass nächste Woche drei weitere Server als Zielserver freigegeben werden und dann alle übrigen Server sich auf diese verteilen. Jeweils einen für EU De PVE, EU En PVE und NA East PVE. Warum das nun am Freitag nicht möglich war erschließt sich mir auch nicht.
  23. There are 13 pve servers left in the east. When they open a new destination and transfer all those servers there you wont have a problem. If they open a new pvp destination server in the east i could see them losing many subs from those two servers. The players will not take this.
  24. When you put up to 20% of your population (your customers) on the line you don't have a weekend. I am pretty sure 5 - 10% of these people (lets see who gets the math wrong) will unsub or will let their sub run out because of this. If there would have been a time table from the start much of this uproar could have been prevented. Propper Server merges would have been the better solution anyway. We are going down from 217 servers to something around 25 - 30. I could even see the remaining servers getting merged and locked. So no new toon could be cretaed but you could log in and move your toon off with a free server transfer.
  25. Since we are going down from 217 servers to about 30. Will those 187 dead servers be merged or shut down in the future?
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