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Posts posted by Hellapain

  1. Not really re-rolling but rather just treating PvP as an XP/Credit filler now.


    They stated they would base balance on metrics and not forum whining and on top of that they didn't balance it but rather destroyed it as a viable spec.


    Thus I will treat PvP as the sideshow joke that it is and only participate in it to advance the storylines as I try each character.


    I might return to PvP as entertainment when I get around to my Sorc as it has everything a PvP toon could want -- great CC, great damage, great healing, great mitigation and great utility.

  2. operatives got buffed in pvp. so if you're a pvp player quit whining.


    ROFL ....OK. I can now stunlock a single opponent and perhaps get a kill if nobody else jumps in during this stunlock. I can then wait for the cooldown to do it again.


    So lets see I might be able to average a single kill every minute, so that would be about 15 kills a game IF nobody interferes during the stunlocks.


    You guys are kidding yourselves if you think this spec will still be good because stunlock is longer.


    You are in for a rude awakening especially at the L50 bracket where gear and a better chance of fighting skilled/experienced players comes into play.


    The concealment spec did not get balanced but rather it got destroyed by a knee jerk reaction.


    What I really find funny is the thought of how much money they paid somebody to code that spec only to make it useless about a month after release. Comical :D


    I think I'm more upset by the fact that Bioware is following the Blizzard system of balance: Nerf something just because PvPers whine on the forums, without looking at facts or how said nerfs will affect the class in PvE.



    ^This and it is getting really really old. Or maybe I'm just getting old and I've finally outgrown MMOs.


    Seriously reconsidering subscribing now. Not because of changes as I expect changes but rather why it is being changed and the effect on PvE being ignored.

  4. I'll judge it when I experience it but it doesn't sound good. Not sure how a class that is dependent on burst damage can sustain that kind of reduction and still be viable without buffs in other areas. Something else needs to be buffed like mitigation or sustained damage.


    I also know that in PvE I can barely beat the boss mobs in my storyline quests under my current build (I'm L42). If this nerf goes through there is no way my current build will be able to beat them.


    The real problem is not how much damage the OP does as its damage over time is in line with other classes but rather that the OP frontloads so much damage that this creates a perception of being overpowered. Not to mention the insult of being knocked flat on your face while taking most of this burst damage.


    Ah well...this is typically what happens when Devs try to balance based on forum whines rather than metrics.


    No big deal...I will try to adapt to the changes..maybe even change specs. If I find the class is no longer viable or fun to play I'll just retire the toon and play something else.

  5. I'll judge it when I experience it but it doesn't sound good. Not sure how a class that is dependent on burst damage can sustain that kind of reduction and still be viable without buffs in other areas. Something else needs to be buffed like mitigation or sustained damage.


    I also know that in PvE I can barely beat the boss mobs in my storyline quests under my current build (I'm L42). If this nerf goes through there is no way my current build will be able to beat them.


    The real problem is not how much damage the OP does as its damage over time is in line with other classes but rather that the OP frontloads so much damage that this creates a perception of being overpowered. Not to mention the insult of being knocked flat on your face while taking most of this burst damage.


    Ah well...this is typically what happens when Devs try to balance based on forum whines rather than metrics.


    No big deal...I will try to adapt to the changes..maybe even change specs. If I find the class is no longer viable or fun to play I'll just retire the toon and play something else.

  6. Woot! Looks like PvP fun!


    Just goes to show you can't fix player mentality.


    So-called PvPrs whine and cry about reasons/rewards for open world PvP but what they really is a system that they can easily exploit.


    Open World PvP reward systems fail not because of the systems but because of players fixated on pixel acquisition rather than fun PvP.



  7. Congratulations, you are one of maybe 50 vs thousands that want the rollback. The rollback is completely needed and they should just give a free sub day added along with it since some people actually legitimately played yesterday.



    Where did you get those numbers. Oh yeah...nevermind I can guess.


    There are over a million people playing the game. Take a look at the most viewed thread in any of these forums and you will see a tiny fraction visit these forums much less post. The exception being posts with actual usable information from official sources with the company.


    Even if the vast majority of PvP players quit over valor, which I doubt, they would lose far more rolling back on those that do not PvP.


    They clearly know much more about managing an MMO than wannabe forum ragers like you.

  8. its more like 2-300 per kill, there are bonuses for how many objectives you own, Clearly you have no clue whats been going on and how the valour gains were working as of now


    I went to see for myself last night.


    We held ALL objectives except the Republic base. First kill was 120 valor and the second was 130 valor.


    I quickly decided warzones was more fun and worthwhile in terms of rewards especially after adding commendations, credits etc.


    Thus it is clearly you that has no clue and just jumped on the troll bandwagon.

  9. Yes, unfortunately the majority of servers had Empire zerg base spawn point action instead of fun.


    I'm curious where you guys that make these statements about server faction imbalance get your information. I would like to see it as it would be useful in determining where to roll some alt toons. Is there a stat page for server faction population ratios somewhere or something?

  10. Why are we trolls, idiots or whiners for wanting a slightly balanced game?


    Troll=the one that started this post without any metrics or evidence to back it up. The valor gains claimed for turrets was a lie. The spawn camping for valor while true is exaggerated in terms of gains rate.


    Idiots=people that fall for trolls without finding out facts for themselves or from trusted friends.


    Whiners=Those that think the game will only be balanced when said balance suits their playstyle/character. True objective balance comes from cold hard metrics and not from subjective individual experiences or opinions.


    The servers probably have not come down because an investigation based on observation and metrics has not yet justified doing so.

  11. Honestly, I was estimating 30-40% leaving.


    I now am estimating 80% - 90% of people leaving. This game is DONE


    More like 90% of the whiney wannabe developers that post on these forums which represents almost 1% of the playing population.


    Hell even the views on the most popular threads in this forum reach only a fraction of the total playerbase. The vast majority are having fun in game.

  12. The point that allowing level 10's to mingle with level 50's with only an underdeveloped bolster system to even the scales is questionable at best is a valid point too.


    The fact there's just as ugly a competition gap at 50 once gear enters the picture is also a valid point.


    Everyone has a lot of valid points. Doesn't slow down the name calling any, though, alas. For a forum full of "adults" we've got a lot of angry children throwing labels around.


    I think the bigger problem was the matchmaking. The bolster system was a great idea to get PvP matches going early on when a good matchmaker wasn't really necessary.


    Now with heavily geared 50s spamming Bio pots etc. having a matchmaker that ensures relatively equal representation is far more important. Hard to believe we reached this critical mass in less than a month.

  13. Ack... 11.1% is a lot to someone with 0%. You're taking 11.1% less damage, 11.1% more heals, deal 11.1% more damage, 11.1% more hp (i think?). All that adds up to an immense disparity between someone with compared to someone without exprtise.


    What he is saying is that good crafted gear or gear from PvE will have other additional good stats other than expertise.


    For example:


    I bought a full set of purple gear off the GTN when I hit 50. I have since replaced parts of the set with 3 pieces of champion gear.


    The result:


    I lost about 10% crit chance for gaining about 5% expertise with all other stats staying roughly the same.

  14. I think we can all agree that mercs are the most boring class to play, and to play against. And that's why something should be done.


    Clearly you have never played the class. It is fun and versatile. While the bread and butter attack is tracer a good BH is using more than just tracer. Tracer really preps the target for the follow up attacks depending on class talent spec.


    So many clueless whiney wannabe developers posting on these forums. One can only hope that BioWare sticks to metrics for balancing and not this cesspool of a forum.

  15. I can't speak for other servers but mine is more packed than ever. The Fleet was full of people this weekend. Getting around there would be nasty if this game had collision detection.


    Planet instances were also heavy with around ~100 players on every planet I went to over the weekend with the exception of Ilum.


    Is it possible they upped the thresholds for the servers now that people are more spread out? I don't have Q times anymore yet everywhere I go I see higher numbers of people than ever before.

  16. Something people are missing:


    There's still absolutely no reason NOT to be biochem.


    ^ This


    The stacking was an issue but the fact remains that Biochem is still the only compelling choice for a PvP player. And it is obviously still the best for PvE.


    They need to buff the other crafting skills with something nifty to contribute to end game/PvP/PvE.


    Still better to have something than nothing.

  17. Seems like a weird knee jerk non-solution.


    Biochem is still going to the best skill to have for the heals. It just means you will need 400 Biochem to use and they will be less useful. Still going to be better to have another heal/stim from these items than none at all right?


    Same goes for Cybertech to a lesser degree. Still better to have some additional DPS than not?


    Wouldn't the better solution have been to beef up the other crafting skills with something that can contribute to endgame PvP/PvE?


    Or perhaps remove the skill requirements to wield these items altogether and maybe actually create an ongoing market for crafted consumables in the economy?


    I don't see these changes as a solution or perhaps I'm missing something.


    Nevermind I found additonal information I was missing as follows:



    The PvP item “Heal Consumable” is now named “Warzone Medpac.” Its cooldown has been reduced from 5 minutes to 3 minutes and it now shares the 1.5-minute cooldown with other medpacs. This item can be used effectively over time, but now cannot be stacked beyond what is intended.

    The PvP item “Overcharge Consumable” is now named “Warzone Expertise Adrenal.” Its cooldown has been reduced from 5 minutes to 3 minutes and it now shares a cooldown with other adrenals. It (and other adrenals) no longer stack with the PvP Power-Up that increases Expertise to prevent Expertise values from increasing beyond intended levels.

    Warzone Medpacs and Warzone Expertise Adrenals no longer share a cooldown with each other.

    A new line of high-end PvP relics with appropriate PvP stats have been added to PvP vendors.

  18. Seems like a weird knee jerk non-solution.


    Biochem is still going to the best skill to have for the heals. It just means you will need 400 Biochem to use and they will be less useful. Still going to be better to have another heal/stim from these items than none at all right?


    Same goes for Cybertech to a lesser degree. Still better to have some additional DPS than not?


    Wouldn't the better solution have been to beef up the other crafting skills with something that can contribute to endgame PvP/PvE?


    Or perhaps remove the skill requirements to wield these items altogether and maybe actually create an ongoing market for crafted consumables in the economy?


    I don't see these changes as a solution or perhaps I'm missing something.

  19. I'm having a blast. First time I've played an MMO and not have it feel like a grind. Thoroughly enjoying the storylines, PvP, crafting system, companion system with their associated stories and Space Combat.


    This may be the first MMO where I will actually experience getting each character/class option to max level. The thought of doing such a thing never crossed my mind in any other MMO after getting just one character to max level.

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