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Everything posted by Thorbrand

  1. No different than grinding quests! At least in L2 I don't have to run back to some point every time to turn in I can keep grinding. NA grinding quests is worse than Asian mob grinding!
  2. A real MMO backed by a true gaming company!
  3. To the OP! BW and EA made tons of money! That is all their Exec's care about. They do not care or want the game to last years. Supporting a long lasting MMO takes money! They will just move to the next game launch to make another 100Million. Welcome to the gaming world of America! It will only get worse. FYI...This game is why I will not purchase another BW game in the future.
  4. Ok I don't agree with the OP not being told. Because every single class I played you can't miss it. However, BW did say that at launch they would have a one time respec up to some level for ACs. This looks to never have happened. Now I think what they put in was so they didn't have to put in a respec but people make mistakes. I am still waiting for us to dual spec.
  5. Graphics for this game are poor. Very poor and not a lot of detail. Don't see how anyone can say they are good or even great. They turned them down in my second beta phase because the servers couldn't handle it. That is there fix for everything. Take it out or turn it down.
  6. Interesting! I am from a small town and have to drive to another small town to get a gamestop and yet we had a midnight release.
  7. First time I have ever seen someone else make that comment about WOW and killing Open World with BG's because of their servers. Been trying to tell people this for years.
  8. Don't worry some people, myself is one, will not go for a node someone is fighting next to. I may wait and see if they are going to take it but if they do not after the fight I will take the node, only after they have moved on. Yes, this is just rude and uncalled for.
  9. They have had issues with the serves all through beta, plus a number of other issues they never fixed just removed from the game. I won't get into it all but there is enough problems that this game will fail without major upgrades, patches and fixes for this game.
  10. Money and sales have nothing to do with a successful MMO unless you are one of the investors or like feeding the machine. EQ,DAoC and WOW are successful MMOs because they lasted not because they made millions at launch, yes even WOW wasn't launched like today's MMOs. Until you make it past the 2yr mark you don't have a successful MMO. And this game is probably the least like a MMO of any others released. It isn't going to make but EA and their investors will be rich from it, and both will move on to the next money maker.
  11. Yes it is! Probably the worst MMO ever released and yet it made all this money. Well, it won't be around for long: Single player RPG with MMO fluff doesn't not make one of the history making MMOs. 6mos top and F2P. And the VA story quests are a waste of time, I hate them!
  12. 2 days in and I don't have the desire most MMOs give to play. Usually I am trying to skip work or training to game. Just to easy of a game with no real challenging content. I mean who is even listening to the VO. I haven't seen EA started and still feel like I am wasting time having to space bar though it. Now I know a bunch of Fanbois are going to flame but hey I paid for it also!
  13. Ok so last night was the first time I played the lvl 10 instances since they made the 2 man. Isn't this a little to much? They made they so easy that it isn't even enjoyable anymore. Why even have the awesome story with these instances when the epic battles are ****? I think it should go back to what it was myself. Not like the game isn't already easy mode enough. What is up with 99% of the game is already casual and we can't even keep semi-challenging content. They just keep making it easier every day with every patch. No longevity like this.
  14. I sure hope not because this game is so casual it almost isn't even a game.
  15. Since they took away individual stats and they all have the same stat now it doesn't matter.
  16. I hate the staggered launch but really wipe the servers for what? People are fairly playing when they got access. The broken mechanic with the PvP matches is BioWare's mistake not the players, PvPers are going to PvP! Should they have had staggered the launch? No! Did they have a good reason? No!
  17. He said it all! If it is a game mechanic it isn't an exploit. BioWare should have let everyone in the game.
  18. Why is everyone defending this launch? The OP is right! There is not reason they can only launch with such a small number of people across so many servers. This is a joke but they only care about the money!
  19. Easy most MMOs have more than 10% of the player base playing on day one. BioWare can barely handle that.
  20. Wrong! The first come first server was not in anyway a marketing tactic. However, the current get up to 5 days early access is and they have to abide by that. This is why EA is not first come but random. People just haven't realized that yet.
  21. Useless on a game that everyone is going to have the same stats and be clones of each other.
  22. Wait with so few people on the game there are these issues. WOW...The servers suck!
  23. The OP is right on with his assessment. They have a very small number of people playing and just because the servers are stable with 10% playing means nothing. I can do that at home myself. They should be atleast 500k on day one and the rest on day two. They have more servers than even Rift at launch.
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