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Everything posted by snafus

  1. I know "the fat man" is doing quite well population wise.
  2. Just to add my two cents "Death Wind Corridor" Can be added to the dead server list. We get about 30 at prim time and almost all the good pvpers are absent these days. Really hope Bioware gets there heads on straight and react to what the community needs to survive. I refuse to re roll on another server and lose all the work I've done with my other characters. Come may with D3 SWTOR will begin its death spiral if they don't make corrective actions now.
  3. So for the past few weeks my server "Death Wind corridor" has about died. We average about 30 players in fleet at prime time. But i haven't seen bioware acknowledge these growing population issues. And i know this isn't a problem just for my server. I really just want to know if bioware will do the smart thing and merge severs or at least put out a plan of action to fix the problem. If they don't get their **** together come may D3 will take whats left of these dieing servers.
  4. You need to add more options to vote on. My wz's are just fine never have issues there. Now Ilum on the other hand is ok when its around 60 people anymore then that **** gets rough.
  5. Completely agree we've had this same issue almost every raid now. Seems like bioware either made another mistake or simply tryed to encourage players to roll smugglers. Please bioware fix this it is far from fair that other classes get no loot because of bad loot tables.
  6. Pretty bad but the valor gain was worth the trouble.
  7. Just for an update Exile took Ilum the other night again. Had a great time killing the Empire op groups for a few hours. Always good to remind the imps who is better at pvp stirs **** up nicely.
  8. Will you be adjusting classes to be actual mirrors of each other? There are quite a few imbalances in classes that are suppose to be the same, though small differences the amount that favor empire is staggering.
  9. Come to Death Wind Corridor and lets see how nice your win/lose ratio holds up republic owns wz here.
  10. So you guys know the majority of that op was bm and above. So we rly dont need to be in Ilum or wz's for that matter other then dailys/weeklys. So why not go piss off the sith and make them do something else then sit on a bridge in ilum?
  11. It wasnt anything to do with pvp issues. That game failed due to instability and them releasing a unfinished product. PvP was great in aoc If it wasnt for the lack of content which created a huge grind gap to lvl and the many many bugs it would have kept doing well. Instead they took to long to fix those issues quickly then to piss on the players who stuck to the game they wiped all our previous pvp kills and added the new pvp system.
  12. snafus

    Commando PVP Help

    I quite regularly hit people regardless of class for 3.2k with grav round. But their expertise makes a difference on how likely it is to get that high. But as you said its our demo round you need to fear i've gotten 6k crits with it on fresh 50s.
  13. snafus

    Commando PVP Help

    Heres my rotation for my commando. grav3-demo-grav2-bolt-full auto. Most anyone will be dead after that if you are relatively geared. plus my skill tree is 7-31-3. Im currently the top dps commando on death wind corridor through my experience so i feel this setup is succesful.
  14. Thank you glad to hear it, Don't like any of my other companions lol.
  15. So at the end of the Gauntlet mission Elara is injured for me. But now she is unavailable and has been for a few missions. Does anyone know if and when she will return? And has anyone had other members get hurt in their story?
  16. It really seems I've received more emails this week then I've ever had. They know i'm watching lol.
  17. Dec 1st hope i get that email before i go to work today.
  18. Dec 1st, ill be checking my phone for that golden ticket all day now thanks Bioware lol.
  19. I've actually been impressed with the patience from the Decemberist so far. The two threads that were made for us were very polite and lacked all the pointless rage seen in almost all these threads this week.
  20. It will be funny how quite these forums will get when everyone gets their early access. I bet Bioware wont be such a failure in their tear stained eyes anymore.
  21. Good post always good to see some common sense among all this childish rage.
  22. Army jacked up my pay for about 8 months couldn't afford it till dec 1st. But at least we get to play a lot of people are deploying soon they dont get it for a year lol.
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