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Posts posted by MareLooke

  1. So you consider random drops from bosses better than random drops from reverse engineering?


    Yes, because the droprate was way higher, for starters. And acquiring them required some actual skill, not just stupid luck as it does here, so people that actually put effort in got an edge compared to people that just got lucky with some RNG.


    For all I care they are guaranteed drops from raid bosses or hard mode bosses, either way would beat this triple RNG system.

  2. They had a good thing going with their mod system, and then they decided to ruin it. If they don't fix this fast (this and a bunch of other major bugs) people will be quitting in droves once they hit the endgame.


    Giving people free reign with the raid mods like it used to be would have been preferable over the current "look like **** or wear subpar gear" system until they thought of a proper fix for the issues.

  3. I just want to play as a kel dor or a kaleesh.


    Voss! They look awesome!


    Also Togruta models are already in the game, obviously, as inquisitors get a Togruta companion, so all that is needed would be to add a male model, assuming that's not already in either...

  4. So basically you want free epics, you want every single crafter to easily own every epic schematics in the game like in WOW.


    That was ****** desgin, it's much better in SWTOR and imo there should be even MORE RNG because that's fun and it helps making every crafter relevant instead of all crafters being clones who can all make everything.


    No offense, but back in the olden days of TBC you had to earn most epic "schematics" from boss drops, which imho is preferable to this horrible random system.


    We don't want free epics, we just don't want this half assed RNG based system (and you can get free epics anyway from PvP which are still better than a lot of the crafted stuff, so your point is moot really)

  5. The main issue I have with a lot of gear is that it clips with my toon's hair (see this thread) it's really annoying, add to that the inability to properly turn off Dark Side Corruption and I'm a very unhappy camper that is often "forced" to use a helmet/mask. If I do it's always Kallig's Countenance though, I also still use the assorted LS (which reminds me of Dooku's, which is cool)
  6. The whole point of having a player economy in a game is that you don't have to craft every single damn item you want to use yourself.


    When you RE, you'll no doubt get some blues & purples that you don't want but other people do. So sell them. Likewise, someone will no doubt get blue/purple recipes that you want. So you buy the product from them.


    The game's barely been launched a couple weeks. Pretty soon most of the desirable purples will be craftable by one or more people, and you'll see them on the AH.


    Why should I have to pay a premium for items I can theoretically craft myself? What's the point of leveling a crafting profession if you can't even provide the stuff you need yourself?


    I'm no trader, I used to be a tailor/enchanter in "that other game" and I nearly never sold enchants even though I had about every single one available in the game at that time (including rare and much sought after ones). The only reason for me to pick up a profession is to be able to provide the stuff I want for myself, or provide for my guildmates (whom I don't charge, usually not even for rare mats). If I can't do either the crafting system has failed.


    If all you want to do is make money off of it then sure, you can make it work. But there's enough people that just want to provide for themselves, the sheer randomness of the entire system makes that if not impossible at least seriously unattractive.


    For the record, at high levels of synthweaving creating blue items takes around 20minutes, so if you need to dissassemble over 200 and still not get the one you want... I'll let you do the math (not counting time/money spent running mission). Also don't forget that dissassembling an item means a net loss of value as you lose mats on it. 200 dissassembles is a LOT of credits and a LOT of time down the drain.


    TL;DR if I roll a profession I need to at least be able to provide for myself, if I can't do that the system has failed.

  7. Well.. thanks for sharing.. but I don't agree, and I certainly don't feel bad that you are unable to craft your self a best in slot item in the first month of the game being out.




    Not having unlocked every single schematic in 200 dissasembles is just totally messed up, sorry but that has NOTHING to do with him being slightly insane and having done so many disassembles this early in the game's life. This just means it's going to a TOTAL *********** NIGHTMARE for casual players to get any kind of reasonable gear in a somewhat reasonable amount of time.


    They wanted to take the grind out of MMOs but they made a crafting system that is one big long random grind.

  8. I'm not 100% sure where to post this as it pertains character creation and customization, or more exactly a rather serious issue I (and no doubt many others) have with it.



    The issue I'm having is basically that my character's hair clips (eg "sticks out through") her chest piece.


    Long attempt at explanation:

    My character is a female Sith Pureblood Inquisitor and as many of you will have noticed a lot of the SI armor has a high neck piece on the chest which looks terrible on my character if I'm not wearing a helmet (which I don't want to do, or at least, I wouldn't if the Sith Corruption toggle worked properly...).


    The issue doesn't seem to exist for humans with the same hairstyle and I haven't seen many others complain about it (but then again, without search function it's kinda hard to know...) which would seem odd as the hairstyle is rather popular (but the issue might be restricted to SI gear, haven't noticed other classes having similar high neckpieces).


    I'll see if I can find my character's exact configuration so I can point to exactly the hairstyle, though some might recognize it from the screenshot.


    The problem wouldn't be as bad if the hair would just cover the entire neckpiece thing, it wouldn't look great, of course, but it would be an improvement, now I have the gear stick through the hair in parts which is absolutely fugly. A screenshot which shows the issue a little bit is here, note that this is one where the issue is minimal, when running around the world it is a lot worse than this, I might try and get a "better" screenshot this evening.


    So anyone else have this and want it fixed? Or has there been any word of BioWare on the issue that I missed? Or will I have to just suck it up and hope we get a barber so I can change my hair to something that works with my gear (as currently I have no gear that doesn't have either a high neckpiece or a cowl...)?

  9. Ashara (and some others, I noticed it with Talos as well) seem to be bugged, sometimes I'm not getting the Affection gain I should judging from the dialogue options I chose (eg, if all the +/-affections add up to, say, +120 by the end, I often get NONE on quest handing). this is especially obvious with the private chats you ahve on the ship (I had one yesterday that should have given +120, I got nothing)


    However for me this isn't constant, sometimes I do get what I should, sometimes I don't, this can be in the same play session sometimes with only a few minutes inbetween.


    Also something I noticed is that sometimes you will get different affection gain/loss for picking the SAME dialogue option if you redo a dialogue. Eg, the FIRST time you do it they don't (seem) care about you doing something they should object to, but when you cancel out and do it again you suddenly get -120 for that same option. I obviously can't know if it's just a display bug as I can't hand in the same quest multiple times (and leveling another sorcerer to lvl47 isn't high on my todo list right now ;)).


    I also sometimes seem to be gaining affection I shouldn't be getting, this might just be my imagination but I often switch companions to maximize my affection gain based on the choices I choose to make (oh, this is something Ashara is gonna like, cancel dialogue, grab her, redo dialogue), but if I did that dialogue before with, say Khem Val and got +15 it seems I sometimes get that +15 even though I didn't do the entire convo with him (though I'm far from certain this happens, but it appears to me like it does, the previous issues I am sure of though)

  10. Here and there I see people that come and say "This game wasn't designed for xxxxx". Really how the **** do you know that? The other day I saw another one saying "This game is not designed to go to 50 quickly" :S


    Man... haven't seen these posts even at wow forums...


    Because WoW is designed to get you to the engame FAST. That expectation has been carried over to SWToR by a lot of the former WoW players. There is not much to WoW besides the engame and the geargrind, especially once you've made it to the maximum level once. It used to be that the road to max levels was where it's at, and I feel that with ToR this is so again to a big extent.


    I heard someone claim you can get to lvl50 in 3 days, I have no doubt this might be true, but I think it's sad if you do so as you will be missing out on what makes this game great: the dialogue and the story.


    As such I think that outleveling content that you're supposed to complete if leveling by questing ("supposed to" not "forced to") is a real issue, a way to block leveling for a while and convert the leftover XP to credits or somesuch would be pretty nice for people that actually care about doing all the quests.

  11. You will, I just had to skip 2 entire planets.


    All I did was all the quests available, only once each including HCs, once each per planet, didn't repeat any daily quests. Also I did every bonus quest with a few pvp matches in between.......


    Doing this I was always way ahead of the planet level-wise (between two to 4 levels, depending on the planet), but never had quests turn grey on the planet I was questing on at that moment, I did stop doing the bonus series though as those would have put me way too much ahead. It's also worth noting that I don't bother with the space missions until they turn grey (also a way to turn down the amount of xp you get)


    Something I did notice though is that somewhere around Hoth there is a very weird "level jump" where I suddenly went from being ahead 2 levels to mobs just being my level again. As far as I'm aware I completed all of Hoth so I think something went wrong there in their level progression. I know it was an issue for some in my guild that are powerleveling and not being a thorough as me as being 2 levels behind the mobs is...ouch in this game ;)


    Right now (47 on Voss) I'm about 2 levels ahead of the quests again and tbh given the difficulty of some of the elites in the class quests this isn't exactly a luxury.

  12. I'm on Tattooine atm and still had no trouble grouping. I suspect it depends if maybe you're on a light server? I usually play on Anchorhead during the day time and yesterday there was around 80+ there. I grouped up with 2 others + my companion and we did 3 heroics in one go.


    Heroics only get hard starting from Alderaan. The only hard-ish heroic on Tatooine is the Blood and Sand one. (which we still 2manned the first time around)


    People running all 4man heroics with two after Alderaan are either healers, way overleveled or liars.

  13. This is my BIGGEST issue with SWTOR.


    I came to SWTOR specifically to escape this very problem in WoW.


    I made my first ever character, not knowing the ropes or anything, and did everything on my way once. I didn't do any dailies, I didn't repeat any heroic quests, I didn't do any flashpoints more than once. I just fluidly went through the content.


    And here I am at level 28 on Nar Shadda, a 20-24 planet...


    This really irritates me. If I can't get away from this nonsense even here, in such a heavily story driven MMORPG, where can I?


    In EverQuest 2, just push your AA slider all the way to max and you will get minimal amounts of leveling XP. It's (imho) a pretty neat system that allows people to level at their own pace while still rewarding them at the same time.

  14. I have absolutely no problem getting a group for any heroic 2-4+ quests. I just type in General and within 15 seconds I have at least 3 whispers, and the group is formed and we mow down the quest objectives with ease.


    This comment is pretty useless without you specifying what planet you're on. Starting from Alderaan just grabbing 4 random people wasn't exactly enough to be able to do heroic 4 quests. You really needed a tank, a healer and 2 dps which is and was a real pain to find, as dps I generally don't even bother making groups, if I see one I'll jump in, if I don't I move on to the next planet.

  15. This is what I was afraid of. Endgame, you need raid gear or pvp gear stats to be competitive or viable. I don't believe there is any way whatsoever to obtain armoring mods with these levels of stats on them (you can rip the stat mods and enhancements from those pieces but most of the stats are built into the armor itself). This makes the entire orange armor system fail as an alternative to an appearance tab because you cannot obtain armoring mods of raid or pvp level quality (as far as I know).


    Unless they weren't truthful about that either the armor mods also drop in raids. That of course still leaves the set bonuses as a serious issue.


    So, as it stands, since the orange custom armor system fails with respect to endgame stats, if you hate the look of raid/pvp gear (and you can never design armor with universal appeal), you can either look like crap or quit if you are serious about endgame progression.


    Alas. I at first signed for a 6month sub but I think I'll cancel that and replace it with a monthly sub and see where they're at 2 months in. At the very least they should work on their communication skills...

  16. When maintenance goes over the extended period, then it goes over the extended period.


    I'm amazed at the whining over it going over. I was off that day as well, but I got over it. I work in research and realize that sometimes things don't go exactly as planned. And whether you like it or not, coding (which is what they are implementing during maintenance) may not go exactly as planned. And maybe that is why I am not having a temper tantrum over having to wait an extra 2-3 hours to get in. Sometimes, sh*t happens!


    It's also perfectly possible to have software run for years with minimal interruptions. It's just what you prioritize: stability and solid upgradeability or quick results. MMOs seem to go for the latter without exceptions (that I know of). People are getting a little too used to using badly written software so they consider having to restart a computer or a piece of software "normal": it's not, it means the software sucks.


    That said, **** does happen (ask the London stock exchange...) but it shouldn't be accepted the way it generally is and it especially shouldn't be accepted during prime time for a planned update, that's what off hours are for and that's why you roll stuff out when the users in the affected region are asleep so you affect your users as little as humanly possible.


    It may very well be that on the grand scale of things that's when the least people are on, as the US will be in bed and a big chunk of the EU will be at work, but I'm pretty sure that if you stop counting the US you'll see that a much larger percentage is still online during those "lowest activity hours". It all boils down to: "stop being so gosh darn US centric".

  17. prices are fine, i had 70,000 credits by the time i was 25 and that was just from missions and vendoring. I did all gathering my self and it is still at the level i need it to be to make my own weapons. Playing an Imperial Agent Sniper.


    Hint: there are levels past 25.


    The crew skills really eat up a lot of your money in the end. Not to mention inventory expansions and the likes. While it's far from impossible to make 210k by lvl40 I wasn't aware it was this stupidly expensive so I sit at 170k or so. Sure I'll make 210k soon enough but it's annoying nevertheless. I'm also concerned about having to fall back on a boring grind once I hit lvl50 as I certainly won't have enough of a money buffer to be able to raid (judging by the repair costs...) without grinding out cash from somewhere. And if that means I have to suffer through a WoW-esque daily grind system then...well thanks but no thanks.

  18. Indeed, Black Talon and The Foundry are the only two I've encountered so far with some dialogue though I can't say I had the impression the choices you make in The Foundry have any effect on how it plays out. Hope I'm wrong though.


    A lot of them also are a tad too similar to each other surroundings wise. The only one that sorta impressed me architecturally was Athiss, really has this KotOR feel about it which was awesome. The Foundry was a big letdown in that respect,


    didn't look anything like the Star Forge.


  19. I keep a lot of orange pieces in the bank trying to find a good combination, not there yet.


    Also do you guys know where to find orange belts and bracers for sorcs? I have seen saber marshal stuff listed on sites but never see it on GTN and have no idea how to get it myself, thanks.


    I got some orange bracers as a random world drop on (I think) Balmorra. Haven't found or seen any schematics for them yet nor do I know of any vendors selling orange bracers (maybe endgame, but none so far, and I'm just past Quesh)


    Is there any look a like helm to that kalligs helm? (also orange)

    i vendord it without thinking and later got to the idea that you can keep upgrading it by changing mods in and out. Since armor doesn't matter that much to a sorc


    Armor rating also is dependant on the armor mod, so orange gear is only as good as the armor mod you put in. That said I fear Kallig's helm might be a unique piece and the only way to get it back may be contacting support and hoping they feel like helping you (which judging by how helpful support has been so far probably means you gotta dance naked in the moonlight to summon the favor of some ancient deity in hopes of getting help)

  20. the amount of gift and fabric missions is ridiculous, more often than not i don't have any Metal missions available, its starting to remind me of *shudder* WoW archeology, I need Metal so why would i waste time and credits on sending my companion out after gifts/fabrics


    I have the same but inverse problem...it's all in the RNG, I just run lower lvl gift missions when this happens, but it sure is annoying.

  21. I didnt have any professions giving me credits at all on my way up to level 50.

    When I reached 50 I had 800k credits along with every ability up to that point, including mountspeed.


    The fact that you didn't have any professions explains why you have so much money. Most professions are money sinks, not money makers.


    That said, getting the lvl25 speeder is easy, the lvl40 one, if you spend any time crafting, not so much (it's 210k for the speeder training only btw, haven't checked the price for the actual speeder yet...). Gonna stop crafting for a while I guess, get the speeder and then start again. It's annoying that these things are such a money sink, they basically make me not spend any credits on anything else.

  22. I would never use the community to gauge a game. They have the exact same threads after release as every other mmo. Even WoW had horrible threads and "this game will FAIL" threads all over it. I form my own opinion of a game and then view how successful it is by legitimate news regarding how well its selling and what not. I just find it funny seeing all the DOOM AND GLOOM threads I typically see in every game here. Especially when its impossible to deny the success its seen so far.


    There's two kinds of threads, the "this game will fail threads" without much actual content and the ones dealing with actual issues. I concentrate on the latter ones and decide how much of an issue I consider those issues to be for me personally. I also try to find threads by people with similar tastes (hardcore RPG players, usually, though for MMOs this is not applicable, as much as they like to pretend otherwise, most MMOs have very little RPG to them)


    Review sites concentrate on some imaginary average gamer, I (un)fortunately don't fit that stereotype nor do a lot of others, still games get designed more and more for that stereotype because that would sell more (because it results in good reviews, see the paradox here?). Unfortunately doing well in a niche market seems to no longer be a viable business strategy, resulting in abominations like DA2 (sorry, I'm one of them PS:T/Fallout/BG/IWD/DAO cRPG players) which is a hack and slash game with a very linear story (or two very linear stories, you get to choose!) and a simple combat system modeled after MMOs.

  23. But all this gear is useless compared to PvP gear and set gear end game.


    This is the crux of the issue, well this and how insanely hard it is to acquire schematics for orange gear.


    BioWare promised us we'd be able to look the way we want, even in the endgame. This has turned out to be pretty much all lies so far.


    The reward vs effort ratio to acquire schematics for orange gear is way out of whack, there's no decent way to search the GTN for them (they get lumped in with blue items and there's no way to tell whether you already know a schematic aside from keeping a list on a sheet of paper or so), the 'droprate' from mission skills is insanely low (my last, useless, schematic drop was three days ago and I run missions constantly with my companion that has bonuses for UT) and then you only get one part of a set.


    And on top of that they are useless compared to the endgame gear (or the exceptionally crafted epics as apparently you can't crit on orange gear?)


    Sure the system is new, but these issues could and should have been foreseen (and they were foreseen by the beta testers but ignored by BioWare) and have been solved before release.

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