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Posts posted by MareLooke

  1. I had the same haircut on a human/cyborg Agent and had the same problem. That's just the hair style.


    My problem is that the hair isn't turned off with full head pieces. I can wear a hood, but Sages don't have many hoods later on. Therefore, as a Miraluka without the large headdress I cannot wear any Sage helmets.


    Odd, I'd have sworn I grouped with a human that didn't show the issue, though it might only happen on some body types then. I think she was body type 1 rather than the more common 2.


    And yeah, the hair not being turned off sounds like a rather serious issue, though one that should be fairly trivial to fix compared to the one I'm going on about. Did you submit an ingame ticket? Because while I know they read these forums (or at least claim to do so) I'm not sure how serious they take everything being reported here.

  2. Nonsense? Like referencing how devs should handle technical issues and referencing how great Blizzard supposedly is right after a mere 3 hour weekly maintainance in the game's first month while some players in early WoW had over 20 days refunded from servers being shut down for days.


    Caring isn't an excuse for asinine threats or dishonesty.


    Early WoW was 7 years ago, back when games of this scale were uncommon, back when hardware was less powerful, back when the game developing (and playing) world had a lot less experience with MMOs. Stop comparing the issues a pioneering company (none of the other MMOs pre-WoW had anywhere near the amount of players WoW had and has) had with the issues a company building on that work 7 years down the road has.


    To make an equally stupid comparison: It's not a problem the suspension on my new Ford sucks terribly, the one on my great-grandfather's model-T was even worse! And to those who think that somehow software engineering hasn't improved over the past 7 years so the previous comparison is not applicable: please crawl back under your rock...if there's any field in which things have improved so rapidly that that exact comparison makes perfect sense it's software design and development.

  3. Yeah, I'm not talking about clipping with some of your neck gear, that is to be expected. This is your hair sticking out of a helmet that should cover up your head, or your hair should be turned off, but isn't.


    Might be just a Miraluka problem? Of course there will be clipping, I get that. But hair shouldn't be sticking out of your helmets.


    Well that's my chestpiece, not a helmet, so I can't even turn it off...and I rather not be bald, thanks ;) And I disagree that clipping through your neck gear "should be expected", it doesn't happen for other races (as I noted, humans don't have the problem with the same haircut). A minimal amount of clipping is to be expected (I put up with enough of that in WoW), but what I show in those screenshots doesn't classify as minimal anymore in my book.


    On a related note, my character's eyebrows tend stick through cowls, looks like she's got little horns then. While cute it's not exactly how I intend her to look...haven't noticed it with helmets yet though.

  4. I don't know if this is a problem for other classes. But for a consular, the clipping of the masks with hair is horrendous. I'm not one to complain about everything, but this I think needs to be addressed, and pretty quickly.


    So far I have seen no real mention of this issue, but if your character can't even look correct, it sends a bad impression.


    Still I love the game. Also, if you read this, you might want to add in some kind of better looking gear for Sages, they tend to look like fruitcakes.


    I assume your issue is related to the one I posted about a few days ago (but the thread got buried faster than you can blink...)

  5. I just wanted to thank you for a great patch. I feel like a lot of people who are complaining about the patch completely overlooked some key issues that deserve a lot of credit. So anyway, thank you for fixing...



    ...some nearly game-breaking issues:


    • Corrected some issues that could cause players to become stuck on the loading screen when logging into a character.
    • Corrected an issue that caused poor performance on some machines in indoor areas with shadows enabled.
    • Fixed an issue that caused a client crash if a space station was destroyed in Space Combat.
    • Corrected mission steps on several planets that could cause client instability.



    ...some behaviors that could have potentially worsened server queue times:


    • Fixed an issue that could prevent players from being logged out for inactivity.
    • Being in Do Not Disturb mode no longer prevents characters from being logged out for being away.



    ...and some general in-game annoyances:

    • The "Show Sith Corruption" option no longer toggles off when transitioning between areas.
    • The Guild interface now properly displays the guild member list when it is sorted.
    • Commendations received via in-game mail are now correctly added to the Currency tab.
    • Fixed issues with some missions that could prevent pending rewards from being accepted.



    Thank you for fixing all the other stuff too. Fixing the fluff just polishes the game, and I appreciate it! Looking forward to other issues being fixed, but I'm still enjoying the game and will enjoy it even more now thanks to these things being taken care of.


    If they now fix the Sith Inquisitor texture clipping on many female Sith Purebloods with about 80% of the Inquisitor gear I'll be a happy camper. Can anyone confirm or deny they did something about this? Though I guess it's probably on the backburner seeing there's enough other issues to fix first... :(

  6. damn 40? i wish u could tell me how to get 40 quests in mah log!


    2004=2012 amirite? The bugs at endgame are game breaking. Guess what? People have played a polished mmo for the last 1-7 years that means if u can't release a polished mmo at least partially polished ur going under because ppl will go back to the comfort food


    Quoted For Truth.


    WoW being a mess 7 years ago is no excuse. EverQuest 2 being a mess 7 years ago is no excuse. Try looking at Rift if you want to know what polished looks like, sure Rift ha(d/s) loads of other flaws, but they communicated and in a purely technical sense that game was solid. Oh, and their budget was "slightly" smaller than SWToR's. Rift is way closer to the standards a company like BioWare should be judged against than the WoW of 7 years ago.


    Expectations changed, tooling improved, hardware improved, software development techniques improved.

  7. Everything WoW releases now is built AROUND endgame. They don't even really put the leveling into perspective anymore (see Low lvl BG Balance, the butchering of Group Quests in the lvling process, the streamlining of the old world....sure they revamped Azeroth but it was to make getting to Endgame quicker). They have the ability to do this because most of their subscribers are no longer new players....and if they are, Blizzard wants them raiding.



    Bioware on the other hand, has 50 lvls worth of stories to tell and 8 different class stories to tell. The story is a big drawing point and Single player RPG fans will eat this up....I know I am....yes the have an obligation to the Endgame but at launch of a new MMO, its not the most important. What is most important is that people enjoy lvling and I believe for the people who aren't space barring everything, this is true for a large degree.


    I'm not going to argue about WoW's endgame or ToR's, I've seen a lot of the former (and got tired of it) and nothing of the latter, I'm still leveling in ToR.


    WoW has had clipping issues for years. I've had swords clip the ground, things clip my cloak, etc since I've started playing.


    I'm aware of WoW's clipping issues, but I assume you haven't read any of the links I posted so I'll repeat the clipping related stuff: MOST of WoW's clipping issues can be fixed by turning stuff off, I've had a pre-TBC helmet that clipped horribly on my BElf mage, I turned off the headpiece. Cloaks were notorious for clipping, so I turned them off. But if my character's HAIR clips with her CHESTPIECE then there is NOTHING I can do about it. Seeing as this class is one of only TWO this race can play I consider this a really really sad case of neglect, especially since 70% or so of the gear for that class seems to be suffering from this issue. And it's not exactly minor so I can't easily pretend it doesn't happen.


    Also I should mention that one of the hairstyles for the female Sith Pureblood has clipping issues with her head. Yes, the HEAD actually clips through the HAIR, make a female sith pureblood body type 2 (might also happen with other body types, not sure), make the hair black (so it's extra obvious) and run through the hairstyles, I'm sure you'll find it. Or if high enough level, go to Voss and talk to the Bonus Series questgiver, she has that hairstyle with the issue.


    The main thing is that unlike other bugs and issues that I listed character and gear models aren't easy to fix (or rather, are even harder to fix than code).


    Anyway, some things can be brushed away as stuff that can be easily fixed but some issues are just neglect and sheer lack of attention. It should have been very obvious from the beta boards that players care about their characters' looks making these issues all the sadder.


    WoW's engine is also mastered by Blizzard. Bioware is new to the game and has some growing pains to get through. This is EXPECTED of new MMOs. Bioware isn't different in this regard.


    As I posted before: a smart person learns from his mistakes, a wise person learns from others' mistakes. BioWare isn't proving to be wise, let's hope they are at least smart.


    Either way I'm curious how much they manage to fix and how fast because a lot of us are brushed away as malcontents but the issues people complain about are very real and not all of them can and will be fixed before the majority reaches "the endgame". Note also that most of the issues I listed start happening around lvl35, a milestone A LOT of the players is going to be hitting very very soon.

  8. and I'm sure those bugs have been logged and have been reproduced and they are just trying to isolate the cause so that they can put a fix out as soon as possible.


    Fixing bugs aren't always as easy as changing one line of Code. Some bugs take months, even years to find. (I always use WoW's warrior Charge Pathing as an example. It took Blizzard 7 years from launch to get that right)


    I'm a software engineer, no need to lecture me about fixing bugs in complex systems, building and maintaining them is my job and probably the reason I have less tolerance for the state somethings in ToR (and other games, like Skyrim) are in, it's a matter of professional pride. Also I figured listing the issues I have was more productive than "you shouldn't rush waah waah I have less free time than you and wasn't in early access waah waah" posts as seems to be the norm in these threads ;)


    Considering pathing in WoW; after 7 years blink still didn't work properly (try blinking on a surface with a relief in it), so yeah, there's that. Still while I've seen some rather horrible bugs in WoW they have learned and their current releases are pretty polished (whether the gameplay is any good is arguable, but technically things are good)


    As they say: "a smart person learns from his mistakes, a wise man learns from others' mistakes". BioWare certainly isn't proving wise, let's hope they at least prove to be smart.

  9. I think World of Warcraft was released too soon. I mean... after 6 years there's STILL bugs, balancing issues, spelling errors... ***, Blizzard, I want my money back!


    There's a difference between bugs and bugs, every piece of software will have bugs but some of the things that don't work really shouldn't be broken, just look at that list I posted earlier, some of the things on there are disgraceful.


    Also there's a difference between bugs and incomplete, half arsed an plain unfinished. WoW has bugs, but the quest mobs are properly tuned, encounters actually work, graphical glitches and clipping are minimal (certainly not as horrible as some of the clipping I have to watch each time I see my character) etc.

  10. This is what happens when you do random testing.


    You get immature children testing a game that are only testing to play the game. Do you really think they took time out of their busy game playing to report bugs. The more I play the more I realize I am not happy with the route Bioware decided to take with this game.


    So much potential wasted in so many areas, I wouldn't know where to begin.


    Blaming the testers is easy, I was in the last two beta weekends, every single bug I reported then was still present on release. I guess being able to easily blame the beta testers is one of the reasons the beta boards got wiped, or you'd see how much noise there has been about a lot of issues that people now complain about as well.

  11. I compiled a list of issues I've found so far, some of those are more serious than others, some are opinion and only stuff I've experienced myself is on there. Since I haven't hit lvl50 yet none of the endgame trouble is on there.


    This is an updated version from the one I created yesterday without putting much thought in it, I got 21 points then, without effort.


    I've also scrapped things that were already fixed (like the unharvestable nodes), frankly there's stuff on there that really shouldn't be possible (the clipping issue is a pet peeve of mine as it just reeks of lazyness if a race that can only be two classes has clipping issues with 70% of the gear for one of those classes...)

  12. Yeah Saber marshal all the way. I finally found the belt on the market. It took a lot of effort but at level 40 I finally look like I did with 16 again and I love it. ;)


    I'll be forced to start wearing those again as well because of this or just simply this for those that don't want to click twice to get to a screenshot of the problem.


    I actually like the high collars and I'd like to get my hands on the red set (PvP maybe?) but alas, they don't exactly work out for my character due to sloppy character design :(

  13. I think it is possible to be 50 and still have a job. I guess the OP wasnt trying to say that you are all jobless, but that you most likely put your priorities at other stuff, like at playing games a lot instead of hanging out with friends, having xmas with your family etc.



    To insult him all the time, is silly - it makes the impression tho, that somewhere he has a valid point.


    I'm sorry, but I did celebrate christmas with my family (parents and sister, to be exact) and new year's eve with friends. I also work 8 hours a day (taking up 10hours/day including commuting) and I still regularly have friends over. I'm lvl47 now.


    I do play a lot though and I don't need lots of sleep (5-7hours is quite enough) which I think only gives credit to how well crafted the story is. People that consider that a problem have a problem themselves imho, if I'm reading a really good book I'll keep reading every waking minute until it's finished and this can take a few weeks if it's a long series of books. I don't see why doing the same with a game should suddenly be a problem and mean people are asocial basement dwellers. Once I've "finished" my chosen class' storyline I'll probably be cutting my gaming time back to a more "sane" amount. The same as I do when I'm done reading a book or any other really engaging activity.


    Maybe some of the posters here have been watching too much Southpark and consider all gamers idiots literally living in mom's basement not even leaving their chairs to go to the toilet? Do I have news for them: most PC gamers are in their late 20s or somewhere in their 30s and have paid jobs.



    Also people totally forget, that everyone does play different. Some do just make their class quest and a few side quest´s, others do pvp all the time and others again just do everything what the game has to offer. Last ones wont be 50 now and most likely not in the next few days.

    The game has a lot of content to explore, everything does take a long time - even a powergamer most likely wont have seen everything yet.


    You don't need to be a powergamer (whatever that means anyway, if just playing a lot qualifies then I qualify I guess) to be high lvl now, I'm level 47 and indeed, i haven't done many of the spaceship missions, I'm just not too fond of them. Nor have I bothered with PvP, I'm not a big PvP fan and consider it more of a distraction once I've run out of other things to do than an end in itself. So that leaves flashpoints and quests. I prefer to just run flashpoints with guildies rather than standing on the fleet for hours trying to get a group but even so I've done most of them so far.


    In the end it boils down to the fact that I spend almost all my ingame time rather efficiëntly doing what I enjoy most: questing. The net result is that I level rather fast as in this game questing is the fastest way to gain XP (from what I've heard anyway). I don't skip quests and I don't group up with people for regular quests either.


    I also type rather fast, so I don't have to choose between turning into an asocial blob ignoring everyone and everything while questing or standing around typing to people, I can quite easily do both (resulting in the occasional death because I was typing instead of paying attention to the mob I was fighting, but that's ok).

  14. I'm loving this game and the stories. I keep wanting to try the other classes but I'd like to wait until they release a few new species. So I'm wondering if they have given out a rough estimate for when new playable species will be coming. I'd hate to put off making a new character only to find out that it's going to be a year plus.


    Maybe they should start by fixing some of the major clipping issues with the existing species before they start considering adding new ones.

  15. You really have no clue about massive patches to software this size.. You dont automate it...


    Which is my point exactly. I'm sorry if my sarcasm passed you by.


    And I probably have a better idea about patching systems that require MINIMAL downtime than you do (hint, I used to work on market data systems, for example stock exchanges)

  16. If you took your time and enjoyed the game, you wouldn't be 50 before the end of early access.


    I have several guildmates who didn't take their time, hit 50, and do not speak of this broken, content free level 50 you speak of. Are you going to tell me they're lying? That they're delusional? They're in this camp of players who are supposedly betrayed by the devs for "taking their time" but they have nothing bad to say.


    Now for those of us who truly have taken our time we'll hit 50 with plenty of others to play the game with. I'm sorry you falsely perceive the game as ruined and the devs as liars due to your own mistakes, but if you want to feel that way I can't stop you.


    If you'd actually read my post instead of immediately getting out your flamethrower an making yourself look like an idiot by replying entirely next to the question you'd have seen I am lvl47 NOW which by no stretch of the imagination is "impossible" to reach without skipping content (though I haven't done any PvP yet and haven't bothered much with the spaceship missions as I like neither very much, to each their own).


    If your friends haven't noticed any issues they are indeed either lying, blind or have been using Microsoft or Bethesda software for their entire lives giving them an insanely high tolerance for retarded amounts of issues.

  17. Sure take the servers down during the downtime for every continent, then the server maintenance staff can work a 24 hour shift. I bet those guys would enjoy the OT. Seriously, it is the way it is for the Bioware staff, not for any consideration of the players. It's way early in the morning so that if things go wrong, they have plenty of time to fix it and if its really bad, the staff that works during normal operating hours can work on it. Do you really think server maintenance is some guy logging into each server and doing work by hand? Id make a bet that its mostly an automated process, that may be monitored by a small staff (if that) working a graveyard maintenance shift, that way they can monitor all the servers at once, and only need to wake people up if things go wrong.


    If it would have been an automated process there is no need to do it at a specific time, a pager to wake someone up if things go bad would have been quite enough.


    No, the fact that they have to have their staff awake and that they have to take things down for so long means it's a highly manual, very error prone process, if it were otherwise any halfway competent sysadmin could do it and there would have been no reason to piss off EU customers in this way.


    Oh btw, I thought they promised they weren't going to do this again? Gee, another broken promise, you'd think BioWare got bought be EA or something...

  18. It's taking me a long time just to break 30, and some are at level 50 already? The amount of XP required for that is HUGE. I really haven't any idea how some players have managed to get to level 50, even before the game was officially released, unless they just sat at their computers like drones.


    Do players not have priorities or responsibilities? Just curious, because I have seen the argument, "WAIT TIL YOU GET TO 50! IT'LL BE BORING!". Um, yeah... no doubt! Especially when the majority of us are still at level 20 or so.


    I'm having the time of my life both on the PVE and on the PVP. Graphics are fantastic, storyline is fantastic, the quests are FANTASTIC!!! Everything about this game, I love. :-)


    Not a fanboy because I drifted away from the SW series prior to getting TOR, but it has dragged me back in. I have been wanting to buy things (figures, comics, books, the movies, various other collectibles, etc) involved wit the series ever since I started playing.


    10/10 for this game, no joke.



    Most bugs only start showing past lvl35 (or Alderaan) and it progressively gets worse. If you started during early access and spend most of your free time gaming it's not exactly hard to be AT LEAST level 40 if you started in early access and don't have lots of alts.


    Trust me, I was pretty happy until I hit that point and things have been degrading ever since that the point I'm considering just cancelling and waiting 6months before giving the game another go.

  19. The dev saying that "it's lonely at the top" is, if I may be so blunt, an idiot. It's not that hard to be lvl50 for someone who games a lot without skipping content and was in early access. I haven't purposefully skipped a single quest (though I started skipping the bonus series on planets as otherwise I would be outleveling the planets I was on by a bit too much) and I made it to 47 now, sure I've played loads, but I haven't exactly been powerleveling I even went as far as spending an entire day just cruising around Dromund Kaas and Hutta to get the datacrons (I'm Sith, so there's no other reason for me to go to Nal Hutta)


    Yesterday I compiled a list of 21 major flaws just off the top of my head (some might be arguable or related, but most are not), without putting much thought in. People leveling fast is no excuse for the sort of major issues the game still has. All of which are either common knowledge (eg. have HUGE threads on these boards) or have been reported (by me or mates of mine, usually both). Reports usually get closed without receiving ANY help or ANY information on what they are planning to do about the problem ("thank you for the bug report, we passed it on but we're not going to help you anyway or give you any more information or any way to follow up on the problem").


    Honestly "it's lonely at the top" is just a lame excuse for "we released an unfinished game and you have been playing too much for us to be able to cover up our ****ups and now we are going to blame it on those really enjoying the game and putting in lots of time". Smart way to piss off your most loyal fans.


    And if people shouldn't be this high level by now th en maybe they shouldn't have done the entire early access thing because anyone who's not been making tons of alts, started during early access and has been putting in any amount of time will be well past level 30 now.

  20. Pretty common in most MMOs and probably not going to be a priority item.


    Clipping of this magnitude on a character or a race that can only be 2 classes and where 70%of the gear is of this type is pretty uncommon even in C-quality MMOs (tbh, I've never seen it before). While usually cloaks are a major source of fugly clipping these are luckily less common in ToR (and can usually be turned off in games where they are an issue) and on top of that most classes that do use cloaks in ToR tend to use lightsabers (although vibroblade + cloak looks pretty terrible as well as far as I've seen).


    Fact is that this race was designed for these two classes so the very least you would expect is the basic gear to look decent on them, it's not like there are that many gear models really, most are only slight variations of the same making this a pretty big issue as finding something else that looks good to wear is hard (I'd have to go back to the lvl10 orange gear and find a complete set then...)...


    The only time I've seen something even remotely this bad was in WoW on a female Blood Elf wearing a pre-TBC headpiece that they wouldn't be wearing for any serious amount of time anyway (the headpiece of the D1 set iirc) and unlike the chest, turning off the headpiece is a perfectly viable option.

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