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Everything posted by daimyotx

  1. Actually - the Light side and the Dark side are differentiated in canon. Light Side (Ashla) and Dark Side (Bogun). Yes - there were Jedi traditions that referred to the Light side of the Force simply as "The Force". All this does is emphasise the lack of knowledge of the power they were tapping into (hence you have the Potentium and Unifying Force methodologies). Of course this also depends on if you consider only the movies as canon, or if you consider any of the expanded universe media to be canon also. (of course the devs damned canon all the heck when they introduced Ewoks as the same species culturally 3600 years BBY..... just sayin) *** to the OP's point tho... no.. I don't think Light Side choices should have a cosmetic effect.. because that is NOT reflected in canon anywhere.
  2. Maybe it's time to revive the old post? guess I need to search for that. to the OP's point tho - YES.. YES YES YES YES! I would sell the dev teams children on ebay and give the money to charity (not really.. well maybe) if they'd give us some legacy storage!
  3. yeah - even before the patch my opinion of digging with Seeker Droids was "I want to strangle some developers".. After the patch, I just don't bother. If things were fixed, I'd also like to see some player craftable purple triangulation buffs maybe? Or add them as weekly GSI rewards? Just ANYTHING to make me actually WANT to divert time to using my seeker droid.
  4. I'm immediately in support of most of the items in the OP's thread - for the things I don't immediately support.. well - I'm not against them, either! I definitely agree that the guild tools need a serious revamp / overhaul / upgrade.
  5. I'm actually against this. I played most of my levelling career solo. Grouped for some FP's and Heroics as necessary, but I like the idea of Heroic meaning Heroic - not solo. I also like the idea of Operations being fights with epic bosses that are not meant to be solo content. Even a solo version of these epic fights to me is an injustice. In a game that rewards you for grouping (ie, Social Points), it just makes sense to have group content. Also, missing the group content does not hinder you from playing the game solo in any way. If you don't have time for the group content on the day that you log in, then don't attempt it. And if you find yourself with that stretch of free time, hopefully you've cultivated one or two people as in-game "friends" that you can get some group content cleared out with.
  6. I think this would be a great option to help encourage grouping. For the people that are all the way across a planet (or even on a different planet), this can facilitate getting to a Heroic group, or even an Operations gathering. Making it a Legacy unlock in the character perks screen makes sense to me as well.
  7. Back to the topic of the post, I'd definitely 2nd an in-game Feedback option. Even adding some scripting so that the in-game Feedback updates an RSS or Atom feed that the community can peruse.. if we like something we read there, maybe we could have a way to rate the entries or something.. that would allow us to provide input at well, while also allowing us to read some of the suggestions from a creative community with a lot of MMO experience. Of course you'd have to have either very good scripting or a CSR to act as gatekeeper to ensure that no inappropriate feedback (IE profanity, insults, etc) made it into the feed. Inappropriate feedback could also be mitigated some by having clear feedback guidelines listed in the screen that comes up when you type /feedback. Just like has been said, there are times where I'm in game running around and it would be so much quicker to type /feedback and type my thought-stream of the moment right there, than to alt-tab out and into a website (where I can't hear or see the game) and type the information up. ANYthing that expedites your ability to receive constructive input from your gaming community should be on the table for a game that requires that community in order to keep operating.
  8. Posting here as advised by in-game CSR: I've noticed that the droid mobs in Ilum on the path to the Jedi temple that are carrying assault cannons have a tendency to stretch their backs and set the cannons down to shake off the weariness in their mechanical arms. Maybe some new droid-specific animations are in order?
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