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Everything posted by neocoma

  1. Dude it's like soccer. Get the ball in the opposite's goal. Nothing wrong with it for us europeans. In fact there is a tut at the beginning of each match. I think none of the noobs read it yet, tough.
  2. Bleh to all of that "game isnt released yet" crap. There was a beta ...there were weekends. There were balancing issues. There were thousands of Inquisitors and Counselors running around in beta for a reason. There are now lots of them in retail for a reason. Dont give me that crap please. There are issues, real issues. Atm 50% of one game's population (both sides counted) are Inqui/Counselors. For. A. Reason. If you dont roll Inqui/Couns you might lack fun in pvp. I mean come on. Consider a class that can heal, damage, cc your butt and run away. Consider a class which can stealth, melee dps and heal themselves. Think this is balanced? Maybe ...consider a class which can damage, cc and heal while wearing heavy armor. And now consider a class that can damage ...and jump around. See the lacking?
  3. Class? Apart from that people tend to stick together there fore it is impossible to avoid CC. And those who cant CC back are effed. Wasnt the first time where I thought "uhh gonna sneak up this lil sorcerer" and got caught in lightnings, stuns and whatnot. use your team? Ye right. Still waiting for a class repsonse.
  4. Ich hab gerad nix zu tun weil Warteschlange und so ...auf nem PvP Server biste immer flagged, außer du bist an bestimmten Punkten wie der Flotte etc. Im freien Feld ab Nar Shaddar kannst aber angegriffen werden. Balmorra evtl auch schon, keine Ahnung. Warzones, Duelle (sofern du welche findest) und agressives ganken sollten schonmal helfen Keine Ahnung was du spielst aber ...CC (janz wichtig, vergiss den Teil aber wenn du nen Jedi Knight spielst), damage logischerweise, vorzugsweise Burst Damage abilities wenn du dazu Zugriff hast. Hab ich schon CC gesagt? Im Grunde ist PvP ganz einfach. Töte deinen Gegner bevor er dich tötet und CC hilft idR dabei weil er logischerweise weniger Schaden fährt als du. Ansonsten ...aushalten is extrem wichtig und somit auch die Skills, die das fördern. Learn2Keybind. Warum nicht?
  5. You will be glad to outlvl zones, believe me. At least as a sentinel.
  6. If you want to pvp and dont get chopped on sight by CC and whatnot play everything you like except the Sith warrior.
  7. Well then this statement excludes every sentinel/marauder and DPS Juggernaut/Guardian from PvP as these ACs dont have CC at all except ONE AE fear which lasts 6 secs and breaks by damage. Great game. All your statements coming from the fact that all you people play classes that have CC abilities.
  8. As I still dont know what prime stat malavai quinn uses I dont care at all. On top of that I am synthweaver and as soon as I hit 50 I'm gonna craft stuff for Jaesa who will be my comp from that day on.
  9. He complains about "work" in terms of spent hours in 2 characters of the same core class but different ACs when it comes to the point (maybe never though) that you can switch from one to the other AC.
  10. In WoW hast du aber solche Verzögerungen nicht. Nicht mal in AV. Und da rushen insgesamt 80 Leute über die Map. Wie kann man bitte den Netcode so versauen, dass es in SW nicht geht.
  11. first good post in the pvp forum on site 1.
  12. Die AFK Asseln vielleicht Davon ab ...Inqui muss einfach to the ground generft werden ....rennen nur noch Inquis in den warzones rum.
  13. Dont worry. They wont nerf it. I believe they think it's a good thing that half of the players in a warzone play sage/inq. When it comes to balancing they will nerf the warrior/knight classes because some lonely souls managed to kill a sorc and sage here and there. Moreover, Georg Zöller plays a sorc. Only thing that will happen is that PvP as it is balanced now, will become boring pretty quick.Even I am sick of the overpopulation of one frigging class. It just sucks..either pebbles or lightnings from every angle of the map ...you are constantly snared, cced, stunned, you stupid resolve wont break immediately when it's full ...warzones lag which somewhat favors caster even more ....it just sucks. PvP sucks. atm. and for some further months because they wont fix it. To much stuff is out of control or broken.
  14. The problem is you cant just kick them ...it isnt like when you kick em they are school locked for 4 secs. No. they are spell locked, one of gazillion lightning spells is locked. Who cares? Inquisitor is ridiculous. Last huttball match I counted 8 Inquisitors. 8 inquis of 16 people overall. And it is almost every time like this. 50% of the whole match pop are either inquisitors or counselors. Doesnt matter at least they can cast and ololol crush you while force speeding away.
  15. I had high hopes that was a beta only thing but my hopes were shattered by yesterdays and todays play experience. What I mean by fuild combat and that TOR is lacking it is the following thing: You press a button to fire an ability like smash or whatever. However, you dont see your character immediately acting but stumbling the animation, for example he starts animation, stops it, starts again and then finishing it. Another thing is ...you mash buttons in warzones and it takes A LOT of time till your actions will actually happen. That sucks and compared to WoW, the gaming experience atm is not really great. I find it highly disturbing when running after a player while being in 4 meter range and my skills wont work at all, they start but wont end and this for about 3-4 times in a row till it finally works. I wonder what the problem is...cant be lag at all.
  16. Sith Inquisitor - The Old Republic. Looks like we got a flavour of the month class here.
  17. Berechtigterweise aber. Es ist hal ein abartiger Grind bis 400 und das ganze 3 Mal, da will man wissen obs sich lohnt und irgendwie glaub ich ...das lohnt net. Ich werd mir morgen Bio zulegen und mich von Synth trennen. Ist mir persönlich einfach zu nervig. Evtl auch einfach nur Geld machen mit Sammelkram. Weil vor 50 kannste eh nichts von dem Zeug gebrauchen.
  18. Dein Talent dafür Salz in die Wunde zu streuen ist bemerkenswert Ich hoffe die Wellen gehen in zügigen Abständen voran. Ich muss um halb 4 zur Uni und bin erst um 7 wieder zu hause ...bis dahin wärs nett ne Mail im Postfach vorzufinden und nicht davon ausgehen zu müssen, dass BW die Wellen in 8 Stunden Etappen vom Stapel lässt, weil man annimmt, dass sich jeder Spieler jede QUest anhört und man von 8 Stunden ausgeht, bis die ersten das Startgebiet verlassen haben. Langer Satz? Durchaus!
  19. Darth Traya wenn ich denn als erster reinkomme und somit den Server bestimmen kann.
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