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Everything posted by kainsec

  1. Ok fair enough I will share what I do that makes me successful. (full disclosure if you haven't read my past posts I think sins themselves are fine it's other classes that are the problem and that the melee archetype needs some adjustment in general to counter range) I played WAR for years. WAR is all PVP all the time bc that's how the game was designed so it was a great place to build up a skill base. It taught me what kind of effects and abilities are more useful than others in PvP. How to coordinate CC correctly (WAR has immunity timers so if your target is immune to that CC you want to use you waste a cd if you fire it off without thinking), it taught me to only target a tank if no one else is in a reasonable distance, it taught me how to kite (this is more for my merc toon but knowing how to kite I know how to stop a kite), it taught me the value of creating altsf in classes you are having a hard time dealing with to see what their weaknesses are, most importantly it taught me that PvP is team sport. Whine, complain, and scream all you want if you didn't roll in a premade it's your own fault your team sucks (i do prefer to pug though I believe pugging builds up skill far more bc you don't rely on your team as much) I have 25 key bindings spread between sin abilities, throw huttball, defensive cds, guard, taunt, and buffs ect all of which with previous practice I can successfully execute. Honestly if you take nothing else away from what I say it's that you need to learn to deal with a large amount of bindings for Sins to work well. Find a binding paradigm that works for you best. Don't be afraid to try one just bc PvP elitists say their paradigm is correct and all others are wrong. I use a very unique binding set and I perform consistently excellent bc it's comfortable for me. Learn to punish ppl who bring cast times into PvP. Cast times are generally powerful abilities so you want to deincentivize them for your target. Learn which icons are the most threatening that class can put out (for instance tracer missile is a very important part of the Merc Arsenal rotation) and wait for it to be about halfway done then interrupt it. Next time they try to use that ability low slash them and use the mez time for the cd on jolt to drop. Next time they use it interrupt them again or stun if jolt isn't off cd and just keep rotating through as much as possible. This tactic works wonders against anyone who brings a long cast spec into PvP. Don't get bloodlust. This is the single biggest killer of ppl in PvP. I see it all the time. A common tactic I employ as a tank is to run away even though my health isn't in danger and I might in fact be able to win a fight against a couple opponents. I do this bc ppl are easily fooled into following you all around the areas for several minutes unable to help their team where they might be back in the action in less than a minute if I just killed them. If your target is running away from you and they are not valuable enough to warrant chasing after (ie not the huttball carrier) let them go if they got a good lead on you it's generally not worth the hassle of killing them compared to helping do an objective. An extension of this is learn when not to kill an weakened opponent. This is another common mistake I see ppl making. Why are you killing ppl so far behind the huttball carrier that they have no chance to stop them. It sends them back to the enemy spawn so they can attack the huttball carrier easily. Stop doing that. Learn the animations of the opponent. For instance I know what voltaic slash looks like so I know after 2 vslash/clairvoyant I know to pop force shroud so I don't eat a 5k shock/project. Same goes with other high damage attacks have clues before they are coming. Those are some of the handy lessons I can pass down. The most important lessons is of course experiment. Find the spec that works for you. Different specs work for different ppl.
  2. I have no issue in threat management vast majority of time. The odd irritating pull where all the mobs are spread apart to prevent wither+discharge pull but even then all I have to do is run through the ranks hit them once to aggro them and ball them up and wither+discharge then maintain aggro which is very easy.
  3. Whoever is being attacked. I move my guard around frequently to anyone under focus fire .
  4. So not in favor of bannings that would be stupid bc it's the patches fault. It will annoy me but I can accept valor rollback even though this has not been a problem yet on my server, though I am sure it will soon enough. I would agree that illum should be taken offline soon until something is done either way.
  5. I would go with Space Marines. The standard bolter fires what is essentially miniature rockets not blaster bolts or even normal gunfire. Worse case scenario any saber attempting to deflect them would probably ignite the fuel inside the bolt causing it to explode in extreme close range. Best case scenario the deflection would just melt the bolt round not rebound it like a blaster bolt. Added to this Space Marines have a huge number of genetic advantages over the Jedi including limited regeneration, acid spit, redundant organs, vastly increased physical strength and endurance, ect. Finally there is sheer numbers. There are enough chapters of space marines to outnumber the Jedi even though by 40k standards both the Space Marines and their Chaos counterparts are actually small armies. Coupled with this is their fleet and vehicles including the Land Raiders which are essentially mobile fortresses capable of leveling cities. The jedi's primary advantage the force may or not be effective at all considering what Librarians can do such as teleportation, smite (think force lightning but not dark side aligned), can create psychic force fields, the ability to disable vehicles, create immense fields of flames, quickening (think revan and meetra's battle precognition ability), the ability to rip a whole in space and reality and throw anyone through it, boil the blood of a victim, ect ect the list goes on. It's a nasty list of things Librarians can do compared to what Jedi can do.
  6. Yes i was irked when i logged in and saw the change to overcharge saber. I am not pleased. I get nerfing it somewhat given the 1.2k healing every 3 secs is fairly lulzy but completely removing the increase in healing scaling makes it fairly useless.
  7. I stack willpower+power stim, plus surge adrenal, and crit+surge relic
  8. You realize that your argument supports mine since I specifically said that their is no reward in being melee over range since melee has not one single advantage over it. Also sins aren't weak. We do very good damage we just don't do it while the opponent is stun locked which allows ppl to fight back and the difference between our damage and a range classes isn't sufficient to warrant the extra effort of getting and staying into range. What makes Op/Sco borderline OP is a combo of buff stacking (which is getting a nerf) and their stunlock. Have you been hit by an op that doesn't buff stack or when they couldn't stunlock you due to resolve or your CC breaker? They are wimps that get decimated easily. And yes all Melee classes are mediocre not just sins. No range class cares if any melee gets into range except ops/sco bc the mechanics of the game magnify the power of burst currently and Ops/Sco are the best melee bursters. What do Juggs/Guardian have other than smash o' doom which takes longer to build up than our attacks due to longer cds on the abilities that build up shockwave charges. Same with mara/sent all their trees a meh except rage and they don't have the survivability of their sister class.
  9. No minnie ships are best bc the auto cannon buff made them superior to lasers, missiles, and hybrids even after hybrid rebalancing. Added to that they are the fastest ships, unlike gallente don't rely on armor tanking which slows down the already slowest ships (yes put the shortest ranged weapons on teh slowest ship I am sure that will have no balance issues still haven't figured out who thought that was smart), their weapons don't use cap, they can effectively choose their damage type, and can effectively tackle lock a hybrid ship outside its effective range. Right now in Eve there is little reason not to fly minne vs anything else. However, this is moot bc Eve is nothing like swtor. EVE is infinitely more complex than SWtOR as are it's balancing issues.
  10. Err no not even close. It's all RNG. I have both tanked hm flashpoints and found my gear and DPSed hm fps and not gotten any gear. DPS has nothing to with it.
  11. Point of fact if your being kitied in 31 madness you failed horribly given that creeping terror is the single most OP CC ability in the game. Seriously if you are being kited with the ability to prevent any movement 2 out of every 9 seconds of the time ignoring resolve against your opponent plus force slow you need to practice more. Also, being one of those players who think the class is fine and it's other classes that are not. Tomorrows patch won't change a thing most games on my server are against all 50s. My opinion tomorrow will be the same as today. To the OP roll this class if you want a class that does well and has multiple viable specs. Is this the best class imo, no it is not but if you want to roll fotm that's your buisness.
  12. 2 is working as intended. It doesn't give bonus shock damage per level its the endurance boost that increases by 5 per rank, read very carefully. 3 is working as intended due to trama
  13. Imperial/Republic Engineer Imperial/Republic Engineers represent the pentacle of Navy Support Officers. Trained in both combat and the undisputed masters of technology. Lightly armored relying on guile and skill over brute force. Base armor: Light Base Weapons: Blaster Rifle or Scatter-gun Wield type: Single wield with power generator off hand Resource Type: Energy cells that refuel over time 12 cells each takes 2 seconds to regenerate a single cell. Primary Attribute: Cunning Class buff: Techno mastery: increases armor by 10% Shared Tree: Fleet Training (focuses on reducing cds and costs of shared abilities) AC options Drone Master Specialized training allows the Engineer to launch advanced protoype drone droids capable of significantly increasing firepower, providing suppressive fire, or even suicide bombing. This advance class specializes in fire and forget moves that do not require cast times or channeling. Trees Focus Firing Drones: Focuses on long cd high damage drones with high costs Area Denial Drones; Focuses on low damage, Area of effect drones, with low cds. Key abilities Artillery Drone: Marks a location and deploys an artillery droid dealing periodic kinetic damage to the selected area. Fire and forget ability does not require channeling Lazing Drone: a drone that marks targets and sends targeting data to all allies. For 12 seconds all attacks made on victim are 10% more accurate. Heavy missile drone: requires target to be lazed calls on a drone to launch an aspect locked missile deals massive kinetic damage to target. This attack cannot miss. Kamikaze Drone: launches a drone that runs into enemy dealing x kinetic damage to all enemy's in the area and knocking down the primary target. Turrent Drone: Sets down a drone that will unpack and deal weapon damage in a cone in a 30m range on up to 5 victims until either the drone is destroyed or 9 secs. Second AC Advanced Support Officer Deploys drones and uses experimental equipment to provide field support for allies. Gains additional proficiency in shield generators. Despite having shield proficiency this is not a tank class but a survivable utility class Trees Logistics Support: Focuses on supporting allies abilities Disruptive Tactics: Focuses on hindering enemies Key abilities Shielding Drone: Deploys a stationary shielding drone that provides cover for those behind it. Reduces ranged damage by 20% for 20 seconds or until shield drone is destroyed. Overcharge Shields: Expends energy cells to increase the efficiency of shield drones and your personal shielding generator. Your shield generator for 20 seconds will always proc even on force and tech attacks and those behind your shielding drone are also protected from melee damage for 20 seconds. 3 min cd. Recon Drone; Deploys a recon drone over selected area for 12 seconds all stealthed enemies will be reveled and will suffer a 10% armor reduction. EMP kamikaze drone: Launches a kamikaze drone that rams into enemy deals light kinetic damage to all enemies in range interrupting all abilities and locking victims out of those abilities for 6 seconds. Disruption drone: Launches a drone that uses psychological warfare tactics to distract all enemies in range increasing any push back they suffer by 25% for 20 seconds. EWAR drone: electronic warfare drone that increases all cast times for enemies in it radius of operation by 35% for 10 seconds.
  14. I have said it before and I will say it again there is nothing inherently wrong with the class. The class is in a very good spot. Does it need some tweaking of course but what class in this game can't use tweaks up or down that's the nature of PvP. All 3 trees are very good but do play differently. Ppl whine about not doing Sco/Op burst in deception but guess what they don't have a secondary gap closer (force speed), good resource management, or defensive cds. They only have burst in their burst spec and nothing else. Incoming crit for wall o' text skip to last paragraph for summary. Now I do think their is an issue with sins and all melee classes which is why all melee classes feel weak (except sco/op who have enough burst to outwiegh the disadvantages of melee). I believe the real issue is the relationship between Range and Melee in this game. In a standard relationship between range and melee the ranged players are given tools to kite and evade melee bc if melee reaches them melee is suppose to wreck them. Melee should have to work to get in range for this benefit which is why ranged get kiting tools to keep melee balanced. This is normally done by giving melee tools to punish range in close range (minimum range on ranged abilities, melee has better damage, or melee has higher survivability one of those 3 are the standard). In SWtOR range has all the advantages of melee and more. They have all the CC melee has (normally at higher range), they have virtually the same damage as melee but can project that damage anywhere in a 30m range (35 for sniper/gun and some sorc/sage abilities) in fact many warzones have areas while in a straight line are 30m have terrain blocking that requires more than double that to reach ranged, They all have at least medium armor some have heavy armor (one has heavy armor and heals), tanking stats except armor are useless in PvP so range has no problem burning down tanks either, and normal anti range tools such as push back and interrupts are fairly weak in this game. For example the paragon of range classes atm Merc/Vanguards (don't think they are OP atm as I don't think any classes are OP given that I feel we haven't had enough time to compare and contrast) have 2 kbs through speccing one with a snare component and both can through set bonuses and speccing have less than 20 seconds cd giving them virtually no excuse to ever let melee into range if they are actually kiting and not just standing still doing long casts. They have heavy armor and limited healing capability if DPS spec. They do fantastic damage in both Pyrotech/mirror (free moving spec) and in Arsenal/mirror (omgwtfbbq long cast spec). Fortunately most of the have not yet figured out kiting and our still standing still atm. What does melee have, well they have CC most within 10m range which means they already had to close the distance while range was projecting damage and using superior ranged CC, they have gap closers well unless your Sco/Op then your screwed totally but even then every single range classes has more than one way to shut down gap closers and melee classes only get one in combat gap closer, melee does have interrupts but they are fairly high cd and only lock out a single ability for 4 seconds hardly punishing, melee admittedly does have better damage but not by any margin that one would describe as significant given the amount of damage range can project before melee gets into range. So since melee has not one single advantage over range the relationship between the two is broken. So what possible solutions are there. Well since range has very little incentive to kite one solution would be to give melee classes ground damage abilities. These abilities would do damage to anyone standing in the area dealing progressively more the longer a person stays put, and unlike most sustained GTAoE these would be fire and forget. Another option is adding a second in combat gap closer or in sco/op case a first one which will make getting into range a bit easier and faster. Another option si to increase pushback caused by melee attacks which will deincentivize standing still and laughing in melee's face. A final option is to give all melee classes and proactive CC defense.Aan ability one a long cd that doesn't remove CC but prevents them from being applied for 3 seconds. So to sum it all up. The existing relationship between melee and range is heavily in ranged favor which makes all melee classes feel they are weak. Until the relationship is fixed Sins/Mara/Juggs/Ops will always feel weak bc range classes outperform them simply by being ranged.
  15. Yes in a map that encourages teamwork and strategic play you want to prevent one team from using teamwork bc your team hasn't figured out to not to get tunnel vision and ignore the rest of the ball carriers team. Sarcasm aside just pay attention and don't get tunnel vision problem solved.
  16. Root. Seriously it's been nearly a month how has no one caught on to the fact that root ignores resolve and counters force speed. Other counters that do involve resolve may include kb, pull, kd, or stun. Learn to not fill up a ball carriers resolve asap and use your CC effectively. Besides Force speed is the only in combat gap closers for shadows and sins which being a light armor melee class in 2/3rds of their spec might be important to them.
  17. I do think roots are a bit OP atm since they don't add to your resolve bc someone thought it was a good idea to make roots read as 100% snares instead of as a CC. Roots are a hard CC and should very much count towards resolve. Snares ok not a hard CC so I can agree with it not filling resolve but roots absolutely are and the fact that some abilities with roots are on as short of cd a 9 secs is very ridiculous. No one should be unable to move 20% of the time for any reason and not count towards resolve.
  18. Yes bc range just wasn't easy enough of an archetype to play on that map with high vertical catwalks often protected by traps you want to screw with one melee class' only gap closer. How about instead you stop sitting in a convenient spot for them to force charge to your goal from the pit below. You know that pit you can jump into it as well or back up so they can't see you. If your teammates are to inept to figure this out well should have rolled with a premade otherwise you got no right to complain about your team.
  19. In game Yellow/Orange/Magenta/White (if it actually exists) In lore there is no lore supporting color restrictions. Sith Saber tend to be red bc the crystals are synthetic since Jedi have strongholds on most planets where crystals are found naturally. However, as someone else noted Freedon Nadd and other Sith used different colors. Likewise red may be frowned upon by the Jedi Council for it's connection with the Sith it is not forbidden much like double-bladed lightsabers which is frowned upon bc it is viewed as a more efficient tool for killing rather than a weapon suitable for a peacekeeper.
  20. Until I see a corpse I never count a Star Wars character as dead. Wouldn't be the first person tossed over a bridge into a certain death to come back to life
  21. The reason ppl don't complain as much about sins is bc they all say Inquisitor. There are plenty of QQ threads that mix up SS and SA abilities and capabilities in an effort to make Inquisitors seem OP. Also while some ppl on these boards think Sins are a subpar class I respectfully disagree with them. I have used all 4 of the major specs (darkness, darkness/madness hybrid, Deception, and Madness) and have always performed fantastically even when compared to the equally geared or better 50s on my server (which are few since I am valor 54). Could sins use tweaking sure of course what class can't. I do think tanking is more viable atm in PvP but DPS is still viable. It is easily possible for a well geared sin to do more than 13k damage in 10 seconds from start of wind up (proc building) to full use.
  22. kainsec

    Never Again .....

    As a tank i can feel the under appreciation when I do fantastic on protection but Healers require more effort on their part. Plus there are so few healers in Warzones compared to tanks (most of whom do not do any protection, which is tremendously fail on their part even if dps spec they can still throw out a taunt) that healing needs to be encouraged more. Tanking is all passive through guard and taunts. All we do is switch guard targets as need and throw our taunts out when they would do the most good. It's more a side effect of what class we rolled than an actual concentrated role (anything we would do in tank spec like healer lock with CC is something we would still do in DPS spec). Thus I prefer to award healers the MVP if they did it well.
  23. yea personally i would be tickled pink to get you know a weapon or a belt or some gloves or some legs but no I get helms..... stupid RNG
  24. Crit and surge is on the helm. I just happened to have 5 helms and a lot of money to pull those mods out
  25. Accuracy is a trash stat for anyone who does not wield an offhand weapon currently. In PvP all of our hardest hitting attacks require resist to defend against which does not scale to anything so it rarely if ever happens except against ppl using force shroud even at base accuracy which is 100% for those attacks. In PvE same thing 100% base accuracy on our hardest hitters which again require the resist stat instead of whatever the bosses chance to defend against weapon attacks is. Even with weapon attack your base accuracy is at 90%. Accuracy just does not effectively increase DPS compared to power, crit, and surge but endgame gear does not leave alot of customizing unless you end up getting the same piece with desirable mods over and over so chance are you will have far more accuracy than you need.
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