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Everything posted by DasHunta

  1. I like the instances city suggestion a lot and could definitely see that working. Now I'm not too familiar with Coruscant but I know in Kaas City, huge sets of stairs lead down to an open area right in the middle of the city. This would be a great PvP area for people that want to duel and the same set of stairs leads right up to where the GTN/Crafting vendors and everything else is. The design is perfect and I would definitely love the feeling much more than the fleet. Or just make a cross faction main hub city on Correlia or another high level planet where imps and pubs can just hang out together. Somewhat similar to the main city in the Burning Crusade expansion for WoW (can't remember the name).
  2. I like this idea a lot and it would be easier than implementing pod racing. It would also be cool to adapt mods to speeders like they have for your ship. You could have a Grade 5 Nitrous mod that would be an activation for a speed boost and different things like that. Of course For world PvP purposes, they could make it so these mods are only usable within the instanced race tracks.
  3. Hey folks, just sifted through 4 pages of threads to no avail and figured I would throw this up. I have seen a lot of unfortunately negative feedback about the Imperial Fleet design and size issues (feeling cramped all the time). I would have to agree and would love to see Kaas City/Coruscant become the main faction hubs once again. To my knowledge, the cities have everything the fleet does minus the operation/flashpoint terminals. Would you guys like to see this change? Has it been mentioned/discussed by BioWare? Would this be a difficult task to change it? I can see them adding a shuttle to the Imperial/Republic fleet from the city to run operations, etc. and that would simply solve that issue. Let's hear some thoughts!
  4. Right now, there are 4 base classes with a republic and empire variation of each. I'd like to see a "paladin/shaman" type deal where they are completely different core classes yet give advantages to each faction. Different advantages of course but this would leave even more room for expandability for future exPansions, unlocking the class for the other faction and so on. It also opens up the opportunity for great story that involves explaining why that class decided to leave the republic/empire and so on.
  5. Yea that will definitely make a difference. 750W and up will do just fine and leave some room for overclocking to keep the system stable!
  6. Yea that will definitely make a difference. 750W and up will do just fine and leave some room for overclocking to keep the system stable!
  7. Your set up will be golden then. You can easily get 4.0Ghz out of it.
  8. Good choice and i believe that's a black edition? Very easy and very stable overclocking on those.
  9. If this game is the main thing you will be using the PC for then that looks like a decent build to me. Remember though, you may be able to pump out graphics but you are limited in your monitor. If you have a 120hz monitor the. You're golden but don't expect to see much difference past 60fps and beyond if you can get that out of the card you listed. Only recommendation I would make would be to get better RAM. 8GB is enough but for a few bucks more, pick up this patriot. I run 16GB of it and it's flawless. http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820220562
  10. As of right now, I see no reason to run a 16 man operation...ever. It's the same level gear as the 8 man difficulty equivalent but it just drops more gear? I hate to be the guy that brings up WoW but their system was very effective and gave incentives to run their 25 man version of raids. The gear was better and the hard mode gear was even better than that. It also gave you a sense of "bad-***" when you could sit in a capital area and the 25 man hard mode gear was recognizable. I understand that BW wants this game to appeal to a vast majority of casual players but implementing this system into the current one would do wonders (at least for now) for the hardcore, end game players. This by no means is a /rant on how this game blows and I'll keep running 8 mans 'til I die, I'm just trying to exhaust all possibilities to please the masses. What are your thoughts?
  11. Ok great, thank you. My guild is through HM Denova and don't need anything from EV so I'm hoping they're willing to sacrifice
  12. I ran a HM EV pug last night and we kept bugging out on Soa so we decided to call it quits. If someone from that group forms a new group tonight and kills Soa, will I then be unable to kill him? Or can I form my own group and finish it?
  13. It's a bug. Happened to my group in a HM and ended up having to all drop group then reform, only to find out that doing that resets the entire place. Solved our issue though!
  14. You can have friends on your ship already I believe. Unless its limited by class which I can't remember. I like the kids idea, Sims 4: The Old Republic
  15. BioWare, please don't move this thread, I'm trying to spread the word as much as possible to help out. I happened to come across this thread today http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=493083 It really hit home with how people's actions in game can and do effect people outside of the game. It doesn't hurt to show a little compassion every now and then and make someone's day a little brighter. I've contacted the author of the post to find out their character name and server, who would be willing to set up a little in-game "server event" and have a get together to hang out with him for a little while? I figure everyone can make an alt and meet on Korriban and chat for a while to show the OP that Star Wars the Old Republic really does have a great community. If we can get enough participants, I will post this in the server group forums as well and update it with the author's in game character name and server. A date and time will also be set to make this happen. Please post in here of you're interested and share any ideas that can make this an even better experience for a fellow gamer and Star Wars lover!
  16. Any word if they will be Available after the release of 1.3 tomorrow?
  17. Are paid transfers being included with the release of 1.3 tomorrow?
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