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Everything posted by JSleeper

  1. This thread has existed for half an hour. I think they're in the middle of tracking down the problem and will fill us in when they have something to tell us. Chill.
  2. Seems to be a wider connectivity problem from here. I can't get to a few other websites, including Weather Underground.
  3. San Diego here. Was booted from Hyperspace Cannon just as I was logging in. 9001 error. Now the launcher lags on the patch phase, and the game hangs trying to get to the character select. They got some issues.
  4. Agreement here. Corso's my bro! We've been across the galaxy and he's always there to watch my back. I'm level 26, and he holds his own better than Bowdaar does.
  5. They were used in beta as the only place you could mod your gear. But after player testing they decided that this was too restricting, so you can do it anywhere.
  6. I would play a Sith as using any emotion as a means to an end, be it anger and hatred or love and kindness. Even in TOR itself you have an example of love through Darth Malgus's wife.
  7. It'd be great if BioWare was perfect and never made a mistake. Since that's impossible, it's more important that they realize they have made a mistake and make amends. In this case--via getting retailers to ship early, adding two EGA days, and now adding two day of grace period--they have more than addressed my concerns. Credit where credit is due. Well done, BioWare.
  8. Well, Bioware's really done it. Evoking that kind of emotion is the mark of good storytelling.
  9. I liked and was genuinely upset
  10. You might say that the Jedi rejection of all emotion is the cause of a lot of their problems. I mean, they're not followers of Surak (if I can mix my franchises here). They don't replace emotion with logic. It just feels like a constant repression, which isn't really beneficial for mental health.
  11. I think this is more or less the case. They've reached a technological plateau where the kind of exponential improvements we're experiencing are just not possible.
  12. I was in Headstart and launch for Star Trek Online. So far, this isn't a bad launch. We'll see how well things hold up as we approach launch day, then the month after that.
  13. The tech stagnation over thousand-year timescales isn't easy to reconcile with what we know how tech advances, especially over the last century or so. The tech in KOTOR and TOR is definitely chunkier and less refined than in the movie era, but its function is pretty much the same. Hyperdrive, blasters, lightsabers, etc.. Advances do take place, however. And keep in mind that over thousands of years there could still be analogues to the "Dark Ages" where knowledge was lost.
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