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Everything posted by Yardbird

  1. While I am sometimes exasperated by people, I try to remember that this simply a form of cheap, passing entertainment. There is nothing intrinsically important about any of this. People will have fun as they wish, regardless of how others demand them to conform. As far as pugs go, sometimes you hit on a good group of guys that tries to compliment each other as a team, or at least are trying to make some kind of difference in some way individually; other times, you just have to do your best in spite of the questionable environment. Don't let it ruin your buzz. This ultimately just another form of wanking.
  2. oh god... weep...weep...barffffff
  3. Natural because of the long-O vowel already present.
  4. Wake up, bro. I mean: for me, tooling around in the empty, nether regions and farming asteroids = not a priority. But the ability to take on other players in space = a lot of fun. It was my favorite part of SWG. Hope to find it again.
  5. Chill, man. I agree. But that guy's probably right when he says that people should voice their opinions about a feature, one way or another. Because the devs do look at it, and weigh it for what it's worth.
  6. No. They do take forum opinions into account. They've said as much. Several times.
  7. I don't care about a space sim... But space pvp would be great.
  8. Yardbird


    Thanks for heads-up, OP.
  9. Favourite class : Imperial Agent But my main, and my oldest is: Smuggler [scoundrel]. Datacron dork, right here.
  10. I like him. But I'd prefer if I could put him in the cockpit, seated at one of the controls.
  11. Yeah, good question. Myself, I'm still working on getting my main to the capital planet. Can't wait to get my ship!
  12. If you're old enough to do so, I'd suggest a nice cold beer. To begin with.
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