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Everything posted by Yardbird

  1. SWG, CoH, AoC, LotRO, PotBS, CO, STO, and little bits of a few other things. But not the one you mentioned.
  2. Haha. I agree. This has always seemed strange and loopy to me.
  3. Wow this quest is the worst experience I've had in this game, by far. What a shame, 'cause I was enjoying the storyline. What a way to squash my enthusiasm. And you've known about this bugged-up frakfest for months now, devs? Utter shame. And here's a big fat digitus medius right at you for not fixing this (very essential quest) in a timely fashion. Mind-boggling.
  4. This may be the most important thread ever posted. /totalsupport
  5. "I'm gonna go get the papers get the papers."
  6. Looks fantastic. Also, design > rules of physics.
  7. This game is pve-centric (story). But I'm all for expanding and augmenting and improving the pvp as much as possible.
  8. There was only one shot... so, no firsts or seconds.
  9. For my money, one of the most memorable characters in the whole game. Very well-written and voiced. Creepy, sexy, and funny.
  10. This is the way. Take out every turret you see, in between blasting the fighters.
  11. I heard some criticisms, too, but frankly I'm very much enjoying it.
  12. I have never been to Ilum, and all the sass about it makes me never want to set foot there. And when people start waxing nostalgic for LotRO PvP I get pretty weirded out (really that bad?). But I did have plenty of laughs there, playing evil-side.
  13. My Scoundrel kinda looks like a Twi'lek Vera Miles. I couldn't be happier.
  14. Holiday isn't there for the dishes and vacuuming, mate.
  15. Me at the Hollywood Wax Museum (with Butch Cassidy), September 1977, wearing my original first-gen Stare Wars t-shirt. Woo-Hooo! (sorry for bad ancient flash quality) http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/828/sept1977.jpg/
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