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Posts posted by Jaavik

  1. It's unprofessional. It's not good business. Sorry, but Twitter is a pathetic way of updating your customer base. If this is the best we get for a AAA title such as this one, I'll seek my entertainment value elsewhere. Seriously, they can't be serious with this nonsense.


    try reading what I said again.


    I didn't say that Twitter was Bioware's method of communicating to the customer base. I said it was the INDIVIDUAL'S twitter account. Roughly the same thing as if you happen to run into the guy at the mall and happened to ask what he's been up to with SW:TOR. The individuals are just talking about things with the people who are following them.


    Now once again, I'm making the "assumption" that these Twitter accounts are personal accounts and not business accounts. Either way, I'm pretty certain they would have to be responsible if they release any information on their Twitter accounts that Bioware wants kept under wraps.


    And whether you think it's unprofessional or not, both Twitter AND Facebook are now being used as professional tools. They, as tools are more focused than forums like these. If you follow them, the information comes to you. Here in the forums there are LOTS of different threads and it's more difficult to keep up with whatever information is being released.

  2. This isn't a level 50 unlock. When you complete Chapter 2 on any given class, it unlocks that characters buff to be used simultaneously with every other buff.


    So technically you only need to get the 4 core classes up to the start of Chapter 3 to unlock all 4 buffs.


    Oh, okay.


    Thanks for the correction.

  3. So WHY can't they communicate with us HERE and not just on Twitter? Not everyone TWEETS.

    ( I hate Twitter.)


    It's a difference between the company and individuals.


    Because the tweets are controlled BY the individual, where as the forums are more under the control of the company. A tweet is more of a personal message (unless it's a corporate twitter account).


    These individuals, more likely than not, have no control over what is posted in the forums. I would assume there is a specific employee assigned to manage that.


    I'm sure these individuals are also under contract to not leak information that the company doesn't want them to leak. So although they can't give you the specifics you want, these INDIVIDUALS are trying to communicate with us as best we can. It's an outlet the INDIVIDUALS have access to us with in order to communicate directly.


    If you want more information and more communication, go to where it is. Currently, it appears to be on the developer's twitter accounts. And the people who are monitoring these tweets seem to be bringing the information here.


    It seems kinda silly to complain that these people aren't talking to you on the forums. THEY aren't the company...

  4. Who knows. Apart from the dead servers i don't have much to complain about. Some servers have been suffering from low population since january so if the devs are getting some flak because of it i don't think it's unjustified.


    Oh I absolutely agree. Criticism is rarely unjustified and you make an excellent point!


    It's just how some (not ALL) of the people tend to go about it.


    To look at so many of the posts on here, you can imagine a child throwing a tantrum because if they throw themselves on the ground, stomp their feet, screaming and throwing things that "Mom and Dad" will be embarrassed enough to give in and give them what they want, the way they want it.


    • Communicate what you want on the forums.
    • Don't EXPECT a personal individualized response to your individual questions (but it may happen).
    • If you feel like you are being SO abused by the developers and the money you pay isn't worth it to you, unsubscribe.
    • If the game becomes more of what you want at a later time, come on back.


    It's how adults handle things.

  5. What? Transfers need a ginormous patch to both the character code and the server code. Trust me, the transfer system is way way more difficult to code than adding in a new tool - it's always harder to wade through lots of existing code to add things you didn't plan for than to just graft on a new tool into the code base.

    I think he's referring to the issue that transfers won't be a specific part of the game client. Therefore it won't be "patched into the client". The transfers are being done by the Bioware staff externally, are they not?

  6. Because if they gave specifics and something changes (which happens in the real world) then the forums would be spammed with "WTFBBQ U PROMISED US XXXXX ON YY/YY/YYYY AND IT IS NOW 12.01AM ON YY/YY/YYYY AND YOU HAVEN'T PUT IT IN, YOU ARE ALL INCOMPETENT AND DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT BUSINESS!!!" or some other "i-am-a-shift-leader-at-McDonald's-so-know-all-about-the-business-world" whiney post ...


    I nearly did a spit-take when I read this.


    It's funny 'cause it's true...LOL



  7. Anyone want to place bets now that they still won't be happy after transfers and 1.3 hit?


    It will be interesting to find out what will be the chief "They just aren't listening to us" tantrum after the transfers are done and over with.


    The next feature I want more than anything else is the mentoring system (similar to side-kicking from City of Heroes) so it will be easier to bring in new players with the promise that they can play alongside their friends who have already been playing the game with established characters.


    I quit Warcraft on 3 different occasions because I wasn't able to play with my friends unless they rolled a character that they would only play when I was on and then if they weren't on, I'd play and out-level their character. It was a mess and extremely frustrating.


    I think the mentoring system makes the best business sense for a young game that wants to bring in and maintain subscriptions from many of the more casual gamers as well as keep the hardcore gamers happy. It also makes for a more cohesive guild system if the veterans are willing and able to spend time with the newer members.

  8. Why aren't they announcing this information on here?


    Is twitter where important news comes from?



    Good to hear, though. I think its a very smart idea to release transfers along with new content.


    I'm not positive, but in most cases, twitter accounts are posted by the actual individuals and aren't subject to the "PR filters" that tend to post information on the forums.


    Occasionally, someone's tweet might let some information slip that the company didn't yet want released. But that's all speculation on my part.


  9. Also, i apoligize for my bad grammar. Ive been replying from my phone and sometimes it doesnt like to show me everything ive typed into the text box.


    Im not looking for fights are fumers, but simply input towards these issues. I understand how these frustrations impact your gameplay, but seriously if you dont like it then dont pkay it. If you did everything you could to rectify a problem and had no success, move on. This game is still in the works and we are here judging a palette of colors and effects before they can make it to the canvas for a portrait of exhilerating beauty. I have high hopes for this game and with how well Bioshock went under Bioware (as well as Dragon Age) im sure theere is a lot we can expect to be fulfilled.


    Don't sweat the haters too much, Rohgur. I've been with the game since the beginning and although I absolutely agree that there are several problems that need to be resolved as quickly as possible to bring the game back to a "Massively Multiplayer" status, to read some of these posts, you'd think that Bioware and EA had eaten their kittens.


    They don't know how to be constructive in their criticism, they only know how to flamewar.


    That being said, the server population problem is a primary problem that needs to be treated with absolute urgency and not left to the vague response of "early summer" for a solution. It's unacceptable for many (if not MOST) of the subscribers.


    The LFG tool will hopefully relieve some of the steam on this pressure cooker, but it's NOT a fix. In my own opinion, the primary things the game needs is transfers, mergers and sidekicking.


    The sidekicking (or mentoring) system will allow subscribers to bring in their friends in a way that the established characters can play alongside the new toons and not affect their XP, etc. A lack of a mentoring system is what keeps the more casual gamers from staying with an MMO. If you mainly want to play in order to "play with your friends" above all else, then sidekicking is absolutely VITAL to keeping and bringing in new subscriptions.


    It's the reason i stopped playing Warcraft although SO many of my friends play. They have maxed out their character slots with 50s and cannot play alongside with me without either killing all the mobs for me (eliminating MY playing the game) or screwing up the amount of XP I get if they team with me.

  10. Options, options, options. Add the cybernetic implant display option in addition to cosmetics & such for non-cyborg characters. Afterall, we all know that cyborg isn't a race. Those are humans with implants. Let's spread the implant love to other species, too.


    Yeah I completely agree on that one. I couldn't figure out that choice at all. It's like they were desperate for another playable race and didn't have time to work one out so they just tossed that in. Cyborgs are only a race in Star Trek, people... :D


    ...resistance is futile...

  11. I'd think that dual pistols really isn't a professional agent kind of role, but that's me.


    I can definitely see your point on that, When anyone thinks of agents they usually think of James Bond types which would normally carry a single pistol (Walther PPK), but I can see dual pistiols on an agent as much as a blaster rifle (which is what the Operative uses).



    As far as Dual Pistols not being an "Imperial Agent" thing...


    On Hoth, the Imperial Agent picks up a female companion that is also "an agent" (using base stats of Cunning and Endurance) and she wields dual pistols in combat.


    I was VERY jealous...

  12. As far as equipment, will that sniper gear like a gunslinger, that mercenary use a big 'ol commando cannon, etc. it is far more unlikely methinks. Perhaps orange skins that have the appearances closer to other weapon types (a sniper with a long-barreled scoped pistol) but that's as close as I can imagine seeing.

    I'm not really thinking that a Sith Inquisitor should be able to haul around an assault cannon or something like that, But additional skill sets that may work with the archtype. Maybe a Bounty Hunter with Assault Cannon or Smuggler that can use a staff, etc.

  13. social. Armor.


    I currently have social armor on him, but many of the pants types only aesthetically match the accompanying armor set.


    I got the formal pants from Dromund Kaas on because they are black/grey and more easily work with other pieces, other than those, I haven't seen any other social pants that work with other tops.

  14. I have this feeling that the entire game is a little too easy.


    I hear from people on the threads all the time that mention how many quests and heroics they will completely skip before they head to the next planet.


    I. for one, try to do all of the missions that are available (including heroics and bonus series) on every planet I am on. I also try to do every Flashpoint and Space Combat mission as it becomes available. For me, it helps with the immersion of the game to do as much as possible.But, because I do this, everywhere I go, I end up 5-6 levels above most mobs I'm fighting.


    I haven't really gotten into PVP Warzones or Huttball or anything like that, so I'm not getting any extra XP that way. Sure it makes me feel like a bit of a bad-***, but isn't the point to BOTH have players play as much content as is available AND to make the game challenging?


    I know that some people out there don't want to HAVE to complete every available mission (other than class quests) and want to be able to get to 50 as easily as possible so they can enjoy the end-game content (or whatever).


    I'm not looking for the game to be incredibly hard and overly frustrating, but I do like it more when I have to FOCUS to survive a mob (and even occasionally die). It seems that if you don't want to do all the missions, you should at least NEED to complete several flashpoints or PVP missions in order to be skilled enough to go to the next planet and progress your character.


    Or at the very least, it should encourage players to team up to complete some of the missions?


    • Challenging Game!
    • Exposure to as much game content as possible!
    • Encouraging players to play together!
    • Not maxing out characters WAY too fast!


    Where's the downside?


    Does anyone else feel like the game is a bit too easy to outlevel your missions, or is it basically just my own fault for being anal-retentive (insert joke here)?

  15. No joke.


    I am in for the long haul, but the mentoring system is very important to me and will add a lot of fun to my game.




    Although, I'm basically happy with my subscription and I love this game, any lengthy delays on the following would make me unsub until they are implemented:


    • Server Populations
    • Character Transfers
    • Mentoring System (Sidekicking)
    • Effective Group Finder


    resolving the population issues is the primary need of this game, I truly hope they don't drag their feet on this issue.The ability to transfer characters (even at my own expense) is needed badly and will hopefully help resolve the FIRST issue.


    Mentoring, to me, is a no-brainer. If you don't have a way for established players to help and play alongside lower levels (for the benefit of either), then people have a VERY difficult time bringing in their friends and keeping them interested. The lack of this system in Warcraft caused me to unsub on 3 different occasions because I want to play with my friends who may have more or less time to level a character than I do. There's no excuse for this to not be implemented in EVERY MMO at launch. What do you think kept City of Heroes/Villains as such a highly populated game for so long? It was the community that kept that game alive for 8 years.


    The group finder is another system that every game should have ready at launch. It clears up the text spamming in general Chat for people trying to form groups. Lucasarts was, at one time, FAMOUS for taking what worked in other games and using it to springboard to the NEXT level and make a great game. I'm a bit surprised that the capabilities of the established SUCCESSFUL games wasn't already incorporated at launch.


  16. What I would like to see:


    Swtor: Jump to lightspeed


    Space combat - styled after Star Wars: X-wing vs Tie-fighter (non-railed combat)




    A planet expansion pack - an additional +5 planets (keeps the lvl cap at 50)




    I'd love to see the ability for more open space combat and even PVP. There was talk at one point about "something special" in the works for space combat, but I don't think it's been followed up on yet.

  17. Are there any plans in the works to allow for more flexibility in character creation, such as allowing characters to purchase skill sets with other weapon types?


    I have an Imperial Agent as my main and would love to be able to use "dual pistols" on him at some point in the future.


    Also, my other main is a Sith Inquisitor and have been REALLY frustrated with the ability to find PANTS for him. Sith Warriors/Jedi Knights have several options for either and I would appreciate the same consideration so I don't have to always wear a robe.


    Could their possibly be "Legacy Gear" in the future that would allow more options for Jedis/Sith to wear jackets, pants, etc?.

  18. I was thinking that once you get to the higher levels, you should get a MUCH higher chance to re-engineer (RE) a very low level item and get a schematic. It seems to be a very logical progression that the more you know about "how something works", the better chance you have of recreating it.


    I also agree with the idea that the more often you try to RE an item, the better your odds at re-engineering it should be. Everyone should be able to "learn from mistakes"

  19. This has never worked. The moment the Dev's put a date on something, that date is set in stone, and there will be flames when that date is changed or if the system isn't out on the promised date.


    I don't care what you tell people, or how you word it. A date is always read as being a written in stone promise.


    I agree it's a "damned if you do and damned if you don't" scenario for Bioware, but maybe they should do it for the benefit of the loyal subscribers and not just to silence the tantrum-throwers?

  20. How about we present some ideas to try to alleviate some of the stress that seems to be rampant in the forums. A lot of the complaints I'm personally coming across is over a perceived "lack of communication" between the developer's and the subscribers.


    I, for one, love this game and I really want it to succeed and I don't want to see subscriptions drop because players feel like they are roaming around in the dark, waiting for things to get better. I'm not personally accusing either side of being wrong, I would just like to see some constructive ideas.


    I though this could be a good place to pitch some ideas without all the aggressiveness...


    My idea is for some kind of a chart (possibly as a "sticky" in the forums) that may list several different features that are being requested and have some kind of release estimation - however vague (with the EXPRESS understanding that the dates are subject to change).


    i know a lot of this information is already out there (dev tracker, weekly (now BI-weekly) Q&A and blogs), but after an amount of time, the data gets pushed down and lost in the shuffle of the forums and it would be cool to have a single location to get quick updates (when available) and get a general idea of when the devs have heard our suggestions and which ones are being taken seriously.


    The moderator of this particular thread could even implement "polls" that could give the subscribers the opportunity to vote on what features they think are needed or not needed and what features should take priority over others, so the developer's can get a sense of what the player base is more eager to implement (people may be willing to delay the ability to change hairstyles over - say - a side-kicking system, etc)


    It's not perfect, but it would give the players some assurance that the ideas are being looked into/worked on and it give a sense of interactivity between Bioware and the gamers.


    If anyone has any additional ideas to fine tune this one, I'd love to hear it.

  21. City of Heroes had a system where when you died, a portion of your XP was "in debt", and the level of debt would max out at different amounts, depending on your level. You would then earn XP at 1/2 the rate until the "debt" was paid off. It doesn't reverse your XP, but hinders your ability to move forward until it is repaired.


    This also made death mean something in the game and often encouraged players to play together more to avoid XP debt.


    This XP debt feature, accompanied with a side-kicking system (allowing lower level characters to play side-by-side with higher level players) creates an incentive for higher level characters to "exemplar" (opposite of side-kicking up) down to a lower level character's level to play with them. They wouldn't earn XP at lower levels, but could still work off the debt until it was gone.


    This encouraged higher level toons to play with the lower levels without risk of gaining more XP debt.


    I actually prefer some kind of penalty when your character dies (aside from damage to gear). It adds a little more immersion to the game and encourages teaming.

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