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Everything posted by tpryan

  1. well I guess if you AND your companion do not use ANY AOE...you might be able to complete them...but then if you group with someone who is flagged and they heal you...oh screw it...NO if you PVE you will not enjoy this event.
  2. "A new Event has been added to the Western Ice Shelf on Ilum. An ancient Gree starship called "Gray Secant" has transformed the battlefield into a crucible for research, with PvE and PvP missions available for the duration of the Event. Earning Reputation with the Gree Enclave will unlock permission to board Gray Secant itself, which includes access to a new Operation boss - Xenoanalyst II. The "Relics of the Gree" Event will last for two weeks and will return in the future" so those quests without the PVP tag that you are still being PVPed to death in...they are PVE...swear.
  3. ah...ok...you win the whole thread guy...feel better? the Gree event...a new event with new gear and new quests is in an OPEN WORLD PVP area. This is causing many problems with the players that want to play the NEW EVENT but don't like world PVP. oh...and the PVPers out there? they get 200 comms for completing the 2 PVP quests in the area...200. How much do you get for 15 minutes of warzone PvP? this event is a pretty big failure for PVP and PVE.
  4. not careful=using them. the only way to "Safely" get the 4 PVE quests done is without AOE...
  5. learn to read...I was doing the NON PVP quests. I am also not a PVE only person....but they are out there and it seems unfair for Bioware to create an event they cannot play in.
  6. the complete area is open world PvP...if you AOE near a flagged player you get flagged. It odes not matter if you are in the "PVP" area or not. There are players who will not get the rep/gear/dailies from this because they do not want to do world PvP...this is one of the reasons Illium failed in the first place (faction imbalance and engine were the other 2). my personal experience was : no problem on imp isde...played for around 2 hours...was a little confusing, but not a big deal. I switch to pub side and got griefed and ganked in the first 20 minutes...I died 3 times trying to complete a NON PVP mission. signed off...not sure I will go back to the event.
  7. "That said, what is it about PVP specifically that you dislike? " I LOVE PvP...have a character with 1360 exp...but I dont like that this ENTIRE event is for open world PvP. (Which is VERY different from WZ PvP) I may not have been clear but I was doing the quests that were NOT marked PVP...I was killing the Tonvaar(sp?) pirates and grabbing their equipment. I did an AOE (Cyclone slash more than likely) and someone who was stealthed and flagged got hit...this flagged me. Her compadres then jumped me and I was dead.
  8. "they're better left unused during these dailies. " this is very good advice...unfortunately what it means is that you cannot play your character as designed for the entire event.
  9. I think one of the concerns is that this event ...the ENTIRE event can not be played by people who PVE. there was a lot of discussion before the event about this and most concerns were waved off because having a new event that eliminates greater than 50% of the population just didnt make sense so we assumed they would modify the western shelf to be more "comfortable" for PVEers...this was not the case. for the record I like my PVP and PVE separate...I do plenty of PVP but in controlled "fair" environment. I actually do a lot of WZs and enjoy them. The gree event has been, in my few hours experience, the worst time I have had in this game.
  10. when I grabbed the quests I assumed that the ones marked PVP were...well PVP and the ones not marked PVP were...well NOT. I go to the pirate section and am grabbing the equipment and killing the pirates when a flagged member from the opposite faction unsealths into my AOE...then his 5 friends kill me. I manage to get the quest done but die 3 more times...all the while these guys are ganking anyone they can trick into the AOE flag thing. possibly the worst time I have had in this game. and from looking at gen chat the factions are killing themselves too... very negative play experience...My wife and I have leveled several 50's together have a great time most of the time. There is no way I can get her to do this new content if she has to world PvP...so do I go back to grinding the old dailies and PVP zones?
  11. Had some imps using it in Huttball last night...pubs got schooled of course. It was a 50 match on Harbinger.
  12. kicked twice while in winning WZs...into infinite loading screen. why am I paying a monthly fee again?
  13. tpryan

    Ilum Heroic Zones

    I think if an opposing player jumps in your AoE and flags you it can be reported
  14. tpryan

    Ilum Heroic Zones

    I apologize....thought he was on a PVE server. PvP server you take your beatings and like it.
  15. tpryan

    Ilum Heroic Zones

    I believe this is a reportable offense.
  16. tpryan

    noobish gear Q

    if I have a 4+ piece PvP bonus and I put the Mods in a 2 piece PVE set do I get both bonuses?
  17. PvP can be a solo grind...PvE is much harder to get gear solo
  18. The best is when you get stunned...then attacked...then stunned...attacked again....stunned one time....then killed. Takes about 5 to 10 seconds but it feels soooo much longer.
  19. My fresh 50 Jedi got his cherry popped by you several times in PvP this morning
  20. Seems like the truth...did geist win the thread?
  21. He is saying that hacking is creating a NPE for him...I didn't see him say everyone hacks...calm down.
  22. "Any veteran knows that" I am a founder...the chat bug is new to me...only had it since 1.6...thank you for the fix...i guess.
  23. ...I wasn't arguing....I was telling ONE instance where hacking is mentioned and the WZ agrees...about a specific player. Also...holy krap...because I didn't fix a chat bug I am noob? you guys are true believers, no real point in continuing to argue.
  24. just to clarify...my chat was bugged...I could not talk in Ops while in the WZ it was "general chat" which from what I could see was the people in the WZ...so when I mentioned the scoundrel moving very fast people in the LOCAL WZ heard me and commented.
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