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Everything posted by Fevee

  1. I don't care if destrict is a word or not. Since gear doesn't affect companions anymore, and bare fists are just as powerful as a double-bladed lightsaber, what's the point of forcing them to have only one weapon? Since we now apparently have the freedom of making Doc a tank and Khem Val a healer, why can't we pick what weapon type they wield? Not talking about total unleashment, though, but a longer leash would be appreciated. Gunmen should be allowed to use any ranged weapon they get their hands on. Melee fighters are stuck with melee weaponry. And Force users can use whatever lightsaber style we wish to equip them with. Corso used to be able to wield a pistol or a rifle, but now suddenly he can't anymore. Kira used to be able to wield a single saber, but now suddenly she can't anymore. Andronikous used to be dual-pistols, perhaps this is just a bug, but now he's stuck with one pistol. Again, since weapons are all cosmetic, in the hands of companions, I say we should have more freedom in equipping them. Whether I want Kira to be single saber, twin sabers, or saberstaff, I should be able to pick my preference. Whether I want Vette to use a single pistol, two pistols, a rifle, or even a sniper rifle, I should be able to pick my preference. Whether I want Vector to use an electrostaff, vibrosword, or twin vibroswords, I should be able to pick my preference. I'm sure you get the idea, by now. Either that, or let us craft our own companions, from the ground up.
  2. Don't think so. After a problem becomes old enough, it's not worthy to be fixed. Example: Regal Apparel Miniskirt. Even older example: Character eyes in cinematics in Gratham's compound.
  3. Whereas I do appreciate the throwback, it is a bit of a style clash. If they -our character- could at least repeat the message dictated by our selection, it would feel a little more SWTORish than it does.
  4. I can throw a big wall of names at you, and I'd like to see how many of them you wish to claim aren't unique. However, knowing you, you'll probably just forget to notice the surnames and accuse me of being unoriginal.
  5. Well then just report the name and move on with life. It's not your fault if BW doesn't keep up with enforcing their own naming policy. Perhaps, if they put in a little extra effort, names that are known canon names will be on the blacklist, as will any other names that start with Darth, Master, General, ect.
  6. Player housing, Togruta, legacywide datacrons, random pets/mounts ... There's a chance they'll listen to this, too. Especially since adjusting the companion system is fresh on their minds.
  7. Is it something that only comes with speeder piloting level III? I just figured that if it's going to inspired by the swoop bike from KOTOR, shouldn't it have a ?
  8. With the introduction of combat companions, I don't see why this can't be next.
  9. That would be more appropriate, considering the nature of the classes.
  10. I'd like to see the ability to craft my own companions. There's already combat companions and the ability to toggle between every battle role, now just let us design their face/body type/everything we have when creating our own characters. Let us name them and dictate what their main weapon of choice is. Then boom, stats are self-determined, anyways. So we dress them up how we please and go out and tackle the galaxy.
  11. There's really nothing else to add to the idea, just trying to keep it afloat.
  12. Have been patching 4.0 since early morning of October 20th. It it now late night of October 21st, and I have the usual bugs of an entire asset disappearing after it supposedly downloaded, and the launcher doesn't have the programming to reestablish connection after it supposedly lost it; even though we're all still connected.
  13. They've done the hop and the skip, all that's left is the jump. Seriously, most the elements required are already ingame. Exhibit A: Companions can now be toggled between all desired battle roles. Exhibit B: All gear is simply cosmetic, when donned on a companion, and they retain their efficaciousy. Exhibit C: "They don't have their own storyline..." Since such a thing is now a thing, since we now pretty much have "mail-order" companions, can we please go that last step and allow humanoid combat companions? Either a CM purchase or won from a pack, it's most vague acquisition can be [Humanoid Companion]. You select it and a window opens, allowing you to customize the model's face, hair, species, gender; pretty-much everything you have when it comes to character creation. Then, finally, you name it -and the name should be absolutely unrestricted and allow for the usage of a spacebar (Providing it doesn't violate the character naming policy (on that note, there should simply be an option to right click the player's combat companion and "report companion name"))-. Then, you pick out the preferred weapon style for this companion (Lightsaber, two lightsabers, saberstaff, sniper rifle, techblade, ect...). Once finalized, these customization options are set in stone. If you want to change it up, you have to acquire another [Humanoid Companion]. Or, perhaps, they can come in more specific terms. [Female Human Companion], [Male Twi'Lek Companion], [Female Togruta Companion], and so on. Still either sold directly off the CM, or won through packs. Either way, the game is almost there, and I would love to see that final step taken! Thus, we can design companions how we please. I, personally, aim to pattern them after alternate characters. After all, what are allies on the legacy family tree if they've never met eachother? Whatever the headcanon is, people can finally fulfill it by running around and completing missions with their in-character friend/master/girlfriend/apprentice/son/whatever!
  14. Oh, there we go again. You keep doing that like perhaps I didn't notice it the first countless times you've done it. Am I supposed to be ashamed of it, or something? Am I supposed to be embarrassed that you caught me desiring my character names be spelled correctly? Call me a Grammar Nazi, if you wish, but I tend to take pride in proper sentence structure and spelling and punctuation and stuff like that. And guess what, people's names aren't immune to spelling errors. Call me OCD, if you wish, but I just want to see my desired character names spelled correctly. Plus, you're kinda making a mountain out of a molehill. Well, you obviously have no preconceived character designs that you wish to re implement in a SWTOR character. Plus, you can't seem to conceive that characters are defined by both their first and surnames. So what if Paul, for example, isn't a unique name. But that's only one side of the coin. If you don't think the name is unique, maybe that's because you haven't considered the entire name. What if his entire name is Paul Flexendotto. I will bet you've never heard that surname, much less combined as the surname of one named Paul. Thus, the name/surname combination is unique, and thus, the entire name is unique. But, the antiquated SWTOR naming system is only focused on one side of the coin; it needs to consider the other side.
  15. Fine, but I feel compelled to point out that adjusting any feature in the game at all runs the risk of breaking the game. From changing the green lightsaber crystal to a more appropriate shade of green to ... I dunno, implementing legacywide datacrons and random pet/mount buttons! (I wasn't an advocate of either ideas, but I'm still glad to see such a desired player-driven suggestion has been noticed has been implemented.) Datacrons is probably an alpha code feature, too, and was probably harder to make their effects spill over into the rest of the legacy; how hard can it be to add a single spacebar into the allowed characters when it comes to character naming?
  16. Still not your concern, yet you still argue like someone desperately trying to avoid the work. Voice your opinion all you want. It's not what you do, it's how you do it. And you, good sir, voice your opinion in an utterly pompous and self-righteous manner. It's more like a child nagging loudly because they reason that the parent mustn't have heard their request the first one hundred-sixteen times. Plus, you argue from a baseless standpoint, which is essentially that anyone's suggestion will require developer effort. You still can't even argue that the developers should spend their precious time and effort developing your ideas, instead of ours. You just argue all ideas down just for the sake of arguing all ideas down. So, no credibility, no construction at all. I'm not trying to silence you. If anything, I'm trying to encourage you to offer a suggestion of your own; for once.
  17. Well, it's nice to know you have no standards when it comes to character naming or future content. Do you even play the game? Or do you just pay the fee to come here and chop everyone's ideas down?
  18. Since they're revamping crafting in 4.0, perhaps this would be a good time to bring this idea back into the light.
  19. What good is new content if it's garbage, anyways? Plus, does new content trump old issues? I can name issues that have been "standing in line" since beta. But hey, why fix previous problems when they can distract you with a shiny new piece of garbage?
  20. I don't know, I don't care, and it's neither of our concerns. Strongholds didn't happen overnight, either, but people pushed for them, anyways. It's not our job to code it all out, it's our job to offer ideas. Yea, keep capitalizing those like they're a horrible detail people haven't noticed yet. Get over yourself. No, just ... you. Plus, it's not about disagreeing, it's about being a bully. Disagree all you want, just don't cross over into harassment. Clearly, you missed this the first time around:
  21. You beat me to it. Plus, it's good sentence structure, anyways.
  22. Ummmm, duh? Yeesh, if we can't design our characters exactly as we please. And can't dress our characters exactly as we please. And can't have a skillset matching how we please, then the very very very very least one can offer is that we can spell out their names exactly as we please. Naming is important, naming is their very identity, and if they don't have that, then who are they? Sure, for people like you -with no preconceived character designs-, that's no big whoop. What do you care if I name my characters Billy or Paul or Bozheeka LeYop? It's not cheating, it's not providing me with one-hit KOs when it comes to PvP matches, it's not granting myself highly-desired or incredibly-expensive clothes and gear, it doesn't affect you one way or another. I really couldn't care less if you want to brand me as inflexible, for a piece of soggy spaghetti like you, absolutely everything is rigid and inflexible from your point of view. I, unlike you, value my character designs (PS, their identities are included as part of their designs). And if I want to associate a character from a video game, a crossover from another story, my captured Pokémon team, or just a burgandy-colored beanbag as one of my characters, then all I have to do is tag their name on it (and yes, I will spell it accurately). Thus, something that somehow resembled a character I know now holds it's name, and is even more easier to accept that it is a representation of said character. However, (using your own name as an example) if I can't even name my Ratajack-resembling instance Ratajack, then it's just not quite there. Even if it's a small variation, like Rhatajack, or an inconcievable variation, like RhaytahJacobson. Or, just outright abandon the name and call the Ratajack-resembling instance Phillezonekin. You may not have any loyalty to your preconcieved designs -if you even have any- but not all of us are you. Again, that's not your concern. Not even in the very least. No, that's kinda a cop-out. Plus, what if one wanted a apostrophied name along with their copped-out surname? Perhaps you can suggest a hyphen. But, what if someone wants a hyphenated and apostrophied "first name" as well as a unique "surname"; it's not possible with your patch-job solution. Still not your concern, not even in the very least. Yes, yes it is. But just because you can't think up an original name/surname combination doesn't mean the rest of us should be restricted from the freedom to do so. Not all of us are you.
  23. How is that even your business? You're acting like someone who puts more effort into avoiding work than the actual work, itself. ... And it's not even you who has to lift a finger to get this accomplished! Either it's a good idea or it's not, but stop pretending like you're EA/BW's development team's tech support. And since you're ignoring it, or either haven't noticed, I'm going to paste this here in hopes you'll learn something:
  24. You're thinking too small with just a name purge. What it's really time for is to fix the naming system, altogether.
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