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Everything posted by Harabek

  1. They just hand out in-game pets for WoW if you sub Titan and they are golden
  2. Hehe like any Bioware Developers would dare meet their player-base open field
  3. Their canceled subs and the long survey that follows sure as hell does change more tho than tons of fan-boy love
  4. Tip: In a game with loop-sided factions PvP Servers aren't fun. It just means that you get jumped each 5 minutes by packs of 4-5 players and re-spawn at badly designed quest-hubs (where other players of the opposite faction are handing in their quests and decide to gank you again right away). Enjoy your leveling to 50, really do Because at 50 the fun part is over. And that's not because of a lack of FPs or whatever. Endgame content in this game just isn't fun.
  5. I'm not trying to defend WoW nor do i want to advertise for it. I'm just sick of the comparison with a 7 year old state of the game and the logic involved. The game genre evolved a lot. I didn't expect SW to bring tons of new ideas, but we could at least expect it to fulfill certain standards (which it does not at all). LS/DS may be "new", but it doesn't have ANY impact at all on the story. The only place where it made a tiny difference was Es/BT. That seems to be the point where development pretty much stopped for that part, all following FPs are a mindless Trash-mob fest. WoW may not have those 15% class-based quests, but it does have a lot more different zones and alternative routes. Say what you want about it, it is a LOT less on rails. I know about 40 players from various games that started SW, with great hopes, almost all hopeless fanboys at start. They all stopped except for one. Sure, it may be a size that is dwarfed compared to their "official" player base, but it does show an alarming trend. I for example am a big SW fan, not a WoW fanboy and really wanted to like this game. I tried hard But it simply isn't fun, sorry. And if i (as a die hard fan) cant stand to do most content twice.. well that says something.
  6. You gave the answer yourself. You don't have a lvl 50 yet.
  7. The only thing that SW:ToR killed was the SW franchise. Sure, voice acting is nice, but it doesn't make up for a lack of content or talk away bugs. Not to mention that most players skip it after the first or second play through.
  8. Well if you compare a crappy modern car to a Ford T-Model.. yeah, the modern car wins. Doesn't make it a good car tho. SW:ToR doesn't stand a chance against WoW if it comes to features, balance, content, customer support or even replay-factor. And i am NOT a WoW fan. If this game wasn't about Star Wars the numbers would look different, too. 6 months from now the subs will look a lot different. At least half the people i know who started this game bought 6 month subs, no one of them plays anymore.
  9. There is a lot more work involved for a XServer LFD compared to XServer PvP Loot handling for example.
  10. Arena would also mean that they would have to try to balance the classes. They cant even handle the obvious imbalances... I mean seriously... how did different cool-downs for "mirror" classes even make it into release ?
  11. There wont be any Server transfers or merges in near future, that would be PR suicide. You can either hope that cave in on the LFD topic or reroll on another Server I don't think they would manage to pull off a XServer LFD tool tbh. It feels like whoever knew what to do with that engine left
  12. The tiny bit that is interesting is squashed by the bugs. Replay value: Zero. I would not play them again if Bioware pays me to do so.
  13. 1st time 1-49 8/10 2nd time 1-49 2/10 50 1/10
  14. I was speaking of an average Server. It's great for you that your server is that full, but its not and example for a typical server then, is it ? The biggest part of the light and standard servers doesn't have 500 players online, heck mine doesn't most of the time, and its considered "very heavy" to "full".
  15. They parse them, and in most MMOs you agreed to it (like WoW f.e.). No privacy in MMOs A friend of mine worked as a GM at Blizzard. You dont want to know
  16. Hey they never said that 1.7 Mio actually play There aren't even 500 per server, yet alone 5k ?
  17. Cant blame them. Its a pain, same as flashpoints.
  18. Honestly... nothing You have beaten SW:ToR... And you didn't even get a t shirt..
  19. Hey, you need space for all those 1.7 mio subs!!
  20. The OP didn't just make a post saying "WoW is better", he made an effort explaining which features he liked. Pretty useful feedback for the developers of a game that is losing subscriptions on a daily base. If someone only replies with "go play WoW" i do call that a fan-boy response. I am happy for everyone who actually likes this game, i did too in the beginning. It's people like you that don't allow any other opinions next to "the game is awesome, the game is fine". I hate the typical "this game blows" posts as much as you do. That's why i think you should treat players fair that take a different approach.
  21. I bet when you buy a car you also compare the features to the first Ford T-Model ?
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