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Everything posted by AbsolutGrndZero

  1. Ah, okay, thank you very much! I'll let my guild leader know!
  2. I am not a GM, but my GM doesn't frequent the forums like I do, so what's this about "Reinforcement Components" being BOUND? Apparenly these are needed for the perks, but they are bound. Anyone that knows more about this that can explain it and help report it if it's bug?
  3. Someone did In another thread, I think they said that you have like 120CC left over, but not sure how they came to that conclusion unless they bought the entire pass to find out the unlock costs. As for my opinion on this, I think it's BS how they've increased the price. Less CC isn't so bad, but the price increase for the account level unlocks is what has me angry.
  4. Yes, they really need to rethink this, it's complete BS. Now, granted the weapons and armor and such are all bind on legacy, so you don't NEED to account unlock them but it's a convenience factor we were willing to pay for at 10 coins. But hiking the price of a LEGACY item up to full price? Why was this done if not for simple greed? Hell, if I'd know it was going to be this way, I'd have gotten the new companion on just my smuggler and left it alone, but expecting it to be the same as the previous two seasons, I did it on my bounty hunter main first.
  5. NO,please not another server merge. I am sick of losing names (and don't want to be the cause of someone else losing a name.)
  6. As a player with multiple bounty hunters, that makes me cry, since I don't think she was a troll. Players be that clueless, sadly.
  7. While I think it would be cool, I doubt they will ever do it, more than likely for server load. As of now, each character's customization is saved. Allowing such changes for companions would add an insane amount of "characters" to the files. Another game I played had the same problem back in the day, which is why they never did it. While some of the private servers running that game today allow it, those are the smaller private servers, the huge main one still doesn't allow it, and they've outright said they can't due to the exponential amount of data it would take (they already have a 1000 character limit for players!)
  8. This doesn't work, since medals are in the Galactic Seasons pass, which means unable to claim certain rewards in the Galactic Seasons track as it won't let me until I am no longer at the cap. "Claiming this reward would put you over the Medals of Commendation Cap"
  9. I came here to throw in my agreement, as I figured there was already a thread about it. As others have said, with the upgrade materials being so expensive, not to mention the credits cost of the items, I've been sitting at max medals since the first week and as others have said, I can't even claim OTHER rewards on the Galactic Seasons tab because it won't let me since I am at the cap and only 3 of my characters are at 80. At the very least let us claim the GS rewards with a popup warning, though it would be better to raise that damn cap.
  10. Yea, though didn't they ditch Korriban completely now? It's no longer the Sith homeworld, nor is there even some race of red skinned aliens that they got their name from?
  11. I've told this story before, but it shows the biggest problem I have with how the restrictions work and the fact that many times customer service doesn't even know how they work themselves. So, back in beta I had a twi'lek assassin named Jen'tara. At launch when I tried to remake her, I got the message "Invalid Name" which okay, uh... why? So I sent in a petition. Turns out Jen'tara is not allowed because it has sexual connotations. Wait, what? Can you explain that? No, sorry we cannot discuss things of a sexual nature with customers. Okay, then escalate me to a supervisor, escalate me to the president of EA, someone that can explain what sexual connotations the name Jen'tara has. Oh, sorry we got your petition mixed up with another, the reason Jen'tara is not a valid name is because punctuation of any kind is not allowed. Yeah. Okay. So her name is Jentara.
  12. So, never played Champions Online then, or any other game made by that company? For example, say my name in chat you see like "Queen of Spades" but if you click to send a whisper, it will come up as "Queen of Spades@Absolutgrndzero" I honestly wish more MMO would incorporate something like that.
  13. Yep! Jim Butcher playing as Harry Dresden, kept getting reported and genericed until he finally had his lawyers as them to flag his account for them to ignore reports.
  14. I've seen it from the other side hilariously. I play a game where a famous author kept getting his character flagged because he chose to play using the actual name of his fictional character. Finally he actually had his lawyers ask the game's legal team to put a note on his account that yes it really is him and please let him play as his character. They agreed, since their only reason for not allowing him was they didn't know it was really him and didn't want to get sued by him, but since his lawyers were like "Yea, we're not going to sue you because this is really him" they let him. (Also, yes I know this story is true because it was told to me by another famous author who played (and still does) that for reasons of her privacy I can't say how I know for sure it's actually her.)
  15. Then don't buy them? I mean, nobody is forcing you to spend your money on purchasable cosmetics. It's like another game I play that is purely a 4 v 1 PvP game, and the 1 in that equation is stuck in first person. So you don't actually see your own character except on the loading screen, and yet there is a huge market for skins for them anyway, because for those of us that do care, it's fun to have the idea that, for example, the 4 other players are being attacked by a guy in a bunny rabbit costume. But, if you don't care, nothing stops you from just sticking to the base outfit that comes with the character. They just recently added this adorable hoodie with a cartoon kitten on it wielding a knife, and I love it and bought it right away. I've even played against a player or two that bought it, and that's when it's even more fun. But I say again, they are in no way forcing me or anyone to buy these outfits, so I will never understand people like you that just want the world to burn.
  16. Try right clicking it and "Open Link in new tab"?
  17. They changed that a long time ago, now Diplomacy gives whatever alignment points you are set to same as all missions. I even double checked. For example, there is one mission where some refugees are being denied asylum and you send your companion to argue their case... for my Dark Side aligned character it's DS (as are ALL her Diplomacy missions) I even used that when I was leveling her to keep her neutral despite doing al Light Side Decisions as she's a light side sorcerer but I wanted the neutral name in story and now I have her set to DS even though she makes LS decisions, as the intent is for it to be the way it should be, the fact that she's making lightside decisions doesn't offset the fact that she's killing people with lightning.
  18. Most of the RE stuff has been removed, how long ago did you make the original character? Awhile back they got rid of that mechanic and you just learn the higher level schematics directly.
  19. That reminds me of back before Mastery when Knight/Warrior was Strength, Consular/Inquistor was Willpower, etc. you had players that were like "I am a sniper, I need Aim to be effective you moron!" or "I'm a Jedi knight, I need Willpower for my force powers you moron" and no amount of trying to explain the system would work... or even worse was the many times my Sitn Assassin was kicked form a group for trying to tank in the Imperial Dancer's Outfit. She's a Sith Assassin, she wears light armor (when it's not adaptive as most armor is these days) and they would take her outfit literally, she can't tank in a bikini and kick me.
  20. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! Seriously dude, people have been saying this for 10 years now. Will this game shut down? Yes, it will. All games eventually do. Will it be tomorrow? No. Will it be before the 10 year mark? Doubtful. Will it happen someday? Yes, sadly it will. All things end eventually. But seriously, if I had a nickel for every time a player over the years claimed DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! upon this game, I'd be richer than Jeff Bezos.
  21. Honestly, if they DID make it all canon, the most likely thing they would do is what they did with this game. Everyone always says "We want KotOR 3!!!" Okay, well then play SWtOR as a Jedi Knight. That's your KotOR 3. Don't get me wrong, all the stories are amazing and the Imperial Agent and Bounty Hunter are my two favorites, however if you want a true 'canon story' then the jedi knight's journey to defeat the Sith Emperor once and for all, well that really makes the most sense to be "canon" as that's the most consistent player story, especially with Scouge and Kira. I'd vote for a Female Miraluka Jedi Sentinel, but that's just me.
  22. I've probably said before, but I'll say again... I really want a version of the Imperial Dancer's Armor on the Security Vendor that can be properly dyed (or just that one fixed if they want to keep it exclusive to the security vendor)... The current one you can dye the yellow as you please, but the black remains black no matter what.
  23. Oh yea true, GOG is wonderful for games like that, and yea I have the discs when they came out about 20 years ago with the "Forgotten Realms collection" it was all the old SSR games like Pool of Radiance, Eye of the Beholder, Menzoberranzan, etc. Then I also have the Ravenloft Strahd's Possession game. But yea, you need something like DOSBox to slow it down.
  24. So, it seems the texture bug with certain cutscenes is back. My Kira is wearing the Relexed Jedi Vestments and her skin is a slightly darker brown than the material of the outfit except her legs (in elegant loungwear) are the black/white texture missing. I tried putting Lana in the bikini outfit too, and she looks like she got a bad spray tan (head and hands are fine)... so I tried the Euphoric Corellian Tunic outfit and it gets even weirder... She's wearing a brown undercoat complete with shuolder patches. Like it's not even a missing texture on her skin, it's an entirely different outfit on underneath the Corellian Tunic... I'm doing a game repair scan now, but... anyone else having issues like this? I Can't be the only one. EDIT Nope the game repair didn't fix it.
  25. Most games nowadays are programmed to run on newer systems, as long as they keep updating it for the OS. However, if you play some older games like for example, Pools of Radiance from the 80's, back then game speed was tied to the processor speed. Nice and slow for reading because you were playing it on an IMB 286. But you try running that game on today's processors and text scrolls by like the scene in Daybreak where Turbo does a long epic speech (for those that haven't' seen the show, Turbo doesn't' speak, but everyone seems to know what he's thinking... so in episode six he gives a long inspirational speech, which again since he doesn't speak, it's subtitled... however it scrolls by in one second. A good 10-15 minute long speech scrolls on the screen in about one second).
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