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Everything posted by Trevalon

  1. When EQ first came out you had to ask questions to NPC's based on what they say to you to get them to move on in the quest text. While it usually wasn't terribly hard to figure out what to say it could be interesting at times trying to figure out the exact text to type to get the NPC to talk. Later Sony added parenthesis around the words you had to say to move the text on in quests, which made it much quicker to get through quest text, but kind of took away some of the RPG aspect of it. Either way it was a good system for its day.
  2. assuming they didn't bug out lol. I don't think I ever walked into a hearthstone house without at least 1 armor stand completely bugging out and either disappearing and leaving just the armor or floating in the air in some random spot or not showing certain pieces of gear. When they worked they were great, but half the time they didnt... That being said, I think Armor stands are very important and SHOULD be in GSH.
  3. Jack just answered that question on the Twitch - He said that you will have to purchase/buy/obtain multiple copies of that mount to be able to put more than 1. SO if you want 2 Rancors in your SH then you'll have to buy 2 Rancors. The more interesting question was if things that are awarded through achievements would be able to be obtained in other ways also so you can have multiple of those ...and the answer was "yes" but nothing more than that. They also said that if you have something unlocked in your collections tab you cannot drag multiples of them down and basically have an infinite set of those items, you have to re-buy the actual item multiple times...
  4. I remember reading an interview where when they were filming Episode 2 Samuel Jackson asked to have a purple lightsaber and Lucas argued with him because there was no such thing, but he gave in cause well its Samuel L. Basically we have Purple lightsabers in SW canon cause Samuel Jackson played Mace Windu so since he was the first and only Jedi to have a purple lightsaber then obviously it was ...unique
  5. I dont remember what game it was (It may have been LOTRO) but they banned certain words/phrases/etc from global chats so if you typed something that was on the ban list it wouldnt let you sent the message. For instance I remember .com being on the ban list so you couldn't type a URL in global chats. Despite making some limitations on normal users it remember it working really well and there was almost 0 gold spammers.
  6. I get more intrinsic reward from maxing characters out than I do from doing every quest in the game. I enjoy the idea of making a character getting them max level gearing them out to the best of my ability usually involving raiding. Once they are maxed out I either make a new guy or move on to another game for a while. I do not feel any reward for doing the same fetch on Hoth for the second, third, or any subsequent time after the first.
  7. You played some of the EQ Landmark Alpha, which is not the same thing as EQ Next at all. They have actually changed the name from Eq Landmark to just Landmark cause they are tired of people thinking that it was Eq Next. It isn't it is its own completely different game. Just thought I would clear that up. If you are waiting for Eq Next you have a LONG time to wait btw, The earliest release on it will be 2016 possibly even 2017. They are still in design phase on EQ Next, they haven't even started making the assets outside of 2 races and a very small portion of 1 zone.
  8. So I come and go to SWTOR alot (Just resubbed last night actually!) and the last time I played for 1 day and it was to try GSF, it made me quit the game completely for the next 4 months lol. I don't know if I am just bad or what, but I thought the biggest problem was the freaking controls, I couldn't keep my dang ship straight much less fly it where I wanted it to go. Let's not even talk about trying to target and attack other people, I just wanted to fly without my ship being upside down. That was my biggest turn off and the reason I probably will never play GSF. If they ever fix the controls so I don't feel like a bar of soap on an ice sheet then perhaps I would give it another chance.
  9. The problem with your logic is that CC were never a factor originally. It is true that they "gave" us 500 CC after the initial launch of the game, but then again there wasn't CC coins to give us at that time. Since going F2P they have always "given" 500cc every month for paying 15 dollars. Essentially the OP is correct - If you did not sub you do not get those CC's - if they were TRULY free then everyone would get 500 CC's each month - but they don't. They only give them to people who BUY their stuff - meaning we do indeed pay for those CC's each month, they are just included in the 15 dollar sub fee. Furthermore... I assume that by this reasoning, patches are not free either because you have paid for them? And Galactic Starfighter is not a free expansion either since you have paid your subscription Both statements are true - neither of those things are truly free as we pay a monthly fee to make sure those things happen. If they had 0 subs to this and continued patching and doing DLCs then it would be free...as it is people (Subscribers) pay for them to release patches and DLCs...
  10. Just want to say that EQ2's Mentor system is by far the best system out there.
  11. I find it funny that when Bioware makes a way to skip the "leveling" or "Grind" of Galactic Starfighter everyone just seems to be perfectly fine with that.. But another guy brought up the idea of Bioware making a way to skip "leveling" or "grinding" to 55 and everyone was up in arms over that... lol, the hypocrisy of these forums is amazing...
  12. Why does that not make sense? Bioware is here to make money. They don't make a dime from the leveling experience other than people who buy XP Potions...which help you skip the leveling process. By SELLING the leveling process they can then make a good chunk of cash from any person that decides to skip that process...meaning that Bioware would make MORE money from someone willing to shell out cash to skip the leveling than someone who decides to take their time and level on their own. So, for a company that is here to make a profit (And that is their 1 and only goal), then it would make MORE sense to sell the experience than to give it away for free (as they do now).
  13. SWTOR's population isn't that far off from EQ1/EQ2 in the grand scheme of things...I wonder what that means for SWTOR being only 2 years old and having similar subscriber base as games that are 9 and 14 years respectively? Maybe SWTOR is closer to the "tail edge of it's life cycle" too...
  14. Does it matter? You still have the option to level the old fashioned way if you choose that. Just becease YOU don't want to have an instant 55 doesn't mean others wouldn't. Just because YOU love the story lines and every herp derp quest along the way, doesn't mean that EVERYONE loves them. Stop trying to tell people how to play. If someone wants to jump in with a lvl 55 and skip all the stupid story crap...then that is their prerogative. All I am saying is that people throw around nothing but DOOM AND GLOOM when this idea is brought up....and frankly for games that have tried this it is working just fine and has even been very well received...
  15. Really? Cause its been pretty dang nifty for EQ1 and EQ2...One of the best things they have done in the last few years to recapture new/old players...ya know whats even more funny...existing players love it too! They don't have to start from scratch for every single Alt now if they don't want to. Shocking...you mean the mass exodus didn't happen? Sorry, no it didn't happen.. MAYBE, before you make a blanket completely subjective statement like that you should do your research. Cause your actually 100% wrong...
  16. Funny, ya know, EQ1 and EQ2 recently added a "Pay 3000 Cartel Coins and get a free high level character"... And no body quit...If anything it brought back a ton of people who didn't want to have to grind out old or new characters and now they can just jump in and play with their friends immediately. It's been a big success for both of those games. Why do people suddenly think that everyone would quit if they offer high lvl characters to buy...what a dumb straw man argument...current games are now actually testing this exact theory and finding out that it is completely baseless... Just saying before you make outrageous claims like "...many will leave..." you should check out the factual evidence of this exact subject - which, said evidence, is completely opposite of what you proposed...
  17. +1 - The only people who do not want Damage meters are people who are afraid of them because dmg meters will show who is good and who isn't. Good players don't care about dmg meters cause we know we pull our weight and that's it. That all being said, a good Raid Leader can quickly figure out who is not pulling their weight (Especially healers) - DPS can be a little more difficulty (Especially in 16m) but you can figure it out if you pay attention. Aso, While a dmg meter helps, I don't need a meter to tell me who is good and who is bad. In previous games when I lead raids/guilds I usually didn't remove people for lower meter numbers - What got you removed was bad spacial awareness, inability to execute mechanics, or lack of communication...all of which are infinitely more important than dps numbers on MOST fights (Though there are some fights where numbers matter most). P.S. The argument that dmg meters cause DPS to "go crazy" or "over dps" is hogwash. Sure some DPS/Healers are going to do that, but then you just remove them because they are bad players too...Just cause you top a DPS chart doesn't make you a good player - in fact it could make you a really bad player...which is handy information too. So if overzealous DPS is ruining your game play then you have no one to blame but yourself for not removing the person - as a tank, if a DPS consistently pulls agro from me by over dpsing and not dumping then you better believe a group kick is incoming pretty quick.
  18. Your talking about Damage Meters and a lot of people don't like dmg meters cause its an easy way to show that they are terrible players and they don't want that out in the open. That being said, any reputable guild will make you use the meters that are out there now anyway.
  19. Yea, cause Sony has a huge track record of "binning" low sub games - I mean with Vanguard still alive and kicking... Sony keeps their games going until the Dinosaur ages. The ONLY MMO they have ever canceled was The Matrix Online and that's cause it had less than 1000 subscribers. The only reason SWG got cancelled is because the license was too expensive or possibly Lucas Arts didn't want to renew it with SWTOR coming out. All that aside, I love Sony. They created the single best MMO experience ever in Everquest. Sure they had terrible customer service at one time - but this was in the infancy of the MMO genre. The last 7 or 8 years though, Sony has really come out as one of the better companies for MMOing. I still play multiple Sony games and I have never waited more than an hour for a response to a ticket (Try that in SWTOR - haha, it can take 2-3 days to get a response). In fact I had a problem with my account just a week ago (My fault) and I called their support number and was connected in less than 2 minutes. I had a problem with my Bioware account around the same time and sat on hold for over an hour before someone came on. All in all, The people who condemn Sony really don't know much about Sony these days. Just because you didn't like the NGE doesn't mean everything Sony does is terrible. The entire Everquest Franchise is amazing and their handling of Vanguard has been nothing short of spectacular. Just because a company had "bad service" 10 years ago, doesn't mean it remains that way today.
  20. I am all for Dual Specs. Yes it isn't hard switching specs on the fly. Yes it can be done in 30 secs or so (realistically, for those saying they do it in 15-20 secs are lying - I have never grouped with someone who has been able to fully change specs and redo their bars in 15 seconds...we always end up waiting for 1-2 mins). The question is why do we have to? Dual Spec makes me lazy? Seriously? That's your answer? I have been playing MMO's since 1999 with EQ1...I have walked, without SoW, from Freeport to Qeynos more times than I can count. I sat for 45 mins at a time waiting on the boats to Kaladim. I waited for HOURS at a time trying to find someone to bind me to a city so if I died i didn't have another 2 hour run. I once traversed an entire continent in Shadowbane ON FOOT to get to my new guilds city. Don't tell me about lazy, if you started MMOing with WoW then everything you know about MMO's is lazy...get over yourself. There is NOTHING wrong with convenience in MMO's - it is one of the ONLY good things about the changing MMO world.
  21. Don't worry man, WoW has you covered for all of that and more! That being said, Bioware should take note - Blizzard's new Housing seems really awesome. It seems like they took EQ2's housing and mashed it with LOTRO housing and got what they are releasing. Which sounds pretty dang cool. Furthermore, they are going to make a KILLING selling housing items on their cash shop. Too bad Bioware doesn't see the massive amount of money you can make selling housing related items on cash shops. Sony's been doing it for years and it makes up a large portion of their profits - on housing alone!
  22. Found one, Thanks for the Replies!
  23. I like how EQ2 does this - Each character you have at max level gives you a 20% exp boost for your next. So if you have 1 55 you get an extra 20% on top...if you have 2 55's you get 40%....3, 60% and so on and so forth - Their exp cap maxes at 200% for having high level characters.
  24. I just want to point out that you made a 3 paragraph post nitpicking his first sentence, which was clearly hyperbole, and then went on to say that because of his 1 untrue statement everything he might have said you don't read - THEN you had the nerved to call him "ego run mad"? lol Get off your high horse. His post had merit, just cause he started with a generalized untrue statement doesn't invalidate his entire point. To the OP: I agree. The Dailies in this game are really getting out of hand. Blizzard made this same mistake with MOP at launch. 5000000 daily quests (Oh, Hyperbole again - Careful Mcgee) is not fun for anyone. More Weekly and LESS Daily imo! P.S. Yes I know that is not exactly what the OP was talking about, but its what I am talking about
  25. Heh, I think I was the one who recently use the "Middle of the road MMO" in that other thread. What you are asking and what that other thread was asking are two very different things. AAA simply refers to monetary concerns - How big, how much money did whatever company spend. My, "Middle of the Road MMO" comment related more to the quality of gameplay, content available, and my general enjoyment of the game (Note that the last is 100% subjective). What you should take from that is that, in my opinion, SWTOR is not in the upper echelon of MMO's nor is it the bottom of the barrel. It is a decent, solid MMO that IS worth the purchase price - but there are a lot of MMO's that fall under that exact same description too.
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