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Everything posted by TrooperSev

  1. To me pay2win means any thing that lets a player pay real money for to gain an unfair advantage over another player.
  2. I soloed fe sm with my 55 merc w/ mako healing and the part dropped for me from hk.
  3. 100% acc means that the attacks wont miss. It doesn't do anything to armor value. Anything over the 100/110 decrease opponent defense chance. Enemy has 5% defense, they will dodge 5% of your attack with 100% acc. same enemy, but you have 103% acc, enemy only gets 2% chance to dodge. Enemy's have armor, and that's why bringing dps with armor reduction abilities is good for raids. It increases everybodys dmg against that enemy. It's why when i play my merc and there are multiple enemies, ill try to throw a tm on everything for the armor reduction.
  4. You are not accounting for armor which reduces dmg done by a percentage. I did some math using the low numbers and all of them are around a 30% difference which seems right.
  5. The drops for most bosses were just not worth it to many groups. If the rewards don't equal the effort, then why bother? I know the only bonus boss my guild did from lvl 50 hm's was Kaon's before it stopped dropping the head token. And back then you only got tionese crystals from bosses and some blue gear except the last boss. The lvl 55 hm's are much better in terms of rewards, with the bonus bosses giving black market gear. Bioware has gotten better in that regard and also with their gearing progression.
  6. Yes. Remember he was having visions of Padme dying and sidious coerced anakin into believing he could stop it. Love is the most powerful emotion. Anakin's love for Padme drove him to the dark side even though his intentions were pure. That is why it's forbidden.
  7. This guy speaks the truth. Money is the deciding factor in major decisions. Microsoft overturned the xb1 functions not because of forums and youtube videos. They did it because preorders were 3-1 in favor of ps4. If you don't like something, complaining in the forums won't help. Speak with your wallet. Why do cod games keep getting made when its the most visibly hated franchise? Because despite what everyone says it breaks sales records.
  8. I like how it's assumed that you would be tithe only person who wants whatever name it is. I imagine that if they released all the names you would still not get the name you want because someone else would take it.
  9. Above poster is wrong. It's an increase to heals received from all sources.
  10. In modern pvp games, their is a need for some sort of grind. Whether it be for gear or a ranking. At the moment, swtor does not have a ranking system where pvpers can check out how big their epeen is compared to others. Until that is implemented, expertise type gear will be here to stay.
  11. I guess your cat didn't get the memo that malgus no longer needs to be knocked over the edge to be defeated.
  12. Anything in your personal cargo hold will transfer. It operates like an extended inventory tied to your character only. Mail will not transfer and anything currently on the gtn will not transfer. You should be able to transfer names either way. The less risky way is by doing the second option since the first option could hit a lag in the transfer process and someone could grab your name inbetween.
  13. put those that you don't want to hear on your ignore list. Trust me, your quality of life will go up. After a little while you'll notice chat gets better when you've ignored most of the offenders.
  14. I think the problem with that idea is that people could turn it on and walk away from their computers for hours and not get kicked to the login screen. Back on topic, I thought that the toys seemed to work slow on my bh. Didn't think anything of it though.
  15. Oh man. I wish there was a way for players to create custom channels that you could join. Oh wait. We can already do that.
  16. At least in swtor, skimpy armor can be explained away. Just say that the toon is using a personal energy shield or something like that. Armor in mmo's will always be weird and non-effective. Like someone said earlier, robes are horrible for lightsaber fights. And i'm pretty sure some of the toons can't see out of the helmets they wear. And, oh yeah, it's also just fantasy and sci-fi, so it really doesn't matter. It's not like a real person is going to go fight in a bikini, and even if they did, one shot is likely to kill the bikini wearer as much as someone wearing a uniform.
  17. Your understanding and definition is a little off. Yes, if key '3' was pressed, nothing happens that you can see. That doesn't mean that nothing happens though. When you press the key, in the background a check is made. The game shows you pressing the '3' button, but because nothing is bound, the game doesn't show any ability. For the '2' button, the difference is that instead of the ability playing out, an error comes back showing that that ability can't be used. It doesn't mean that the game just ignores your click.
  18. No reason why Disney would shut the game down. They have zero expenses for swtor and bioware licenses it. So unless bioware stops making a profit the game will go on.
  19. Vent, TS, and Mumble are all software that doesn't interfere with the game. It's against the tos to make swtor do things it's not designed to do. Hence why macros are against tos. As long as whatever you are using is not actively contribiting to gameplay, you are fine. Case in point, active dps meters. The programs such as mox, or torparse pull data from a file seperate from the game. Since voips don't use any information from swtor, it would be impossible to track on their end even if they did want to stop it.
  20. It's really personal choice, armor rating in this game in negligible unless you are a tank. Both classes have the ability to spec into heals, with sorc being an easier healer to learn than merc. Sorcs have a giant mana pool while mercs have to watch their heat. Sorcs have lightning aoe that is spamable, mercs have death from above, flamethrower(which is underated), and sweeping blasters(spamable) Both are turret style dps with a ramp up time, though i believe lightning sorcs take a little longer to fully shine. My main is a merc that I raid on and am currently lvling a sorc dps. No matter what anyone says, every class is viable dps, even pt's(and yes i have a pt alt that i raid with). The best thing you can do is level both to about 20-25, figure out which one is more apealing and then make it your own. Find a set of gear you like, give your toon some backstory.
  21. If you have the time to search dromund kaas, Taris, hoth, sm fe and hm foundry them you have plenty of time to level a pub toon to 12
  22. I had this same problem. I had just got my new tank up to 50 and wanted to get some xp before hitting makeb. Had a couple 55's and a 53 along with me. First problem was they didn't know what to do with the ship boss. We almost wipe from the 400% dmg increase and enrage. Next, we wipe on the unlimited power and I blamed myself for not catching the interrupt, but these players were chalking it up to a bug before i could say anything. They weren't paying attention to any of the mechanics (which is crazy since all the lvl 50 hm's have been extremely dumbed down). Also, to get tanks and healers queueing, I think the game should move to a legacy com system which would only be available from a non premade group finder queue. Players will start playing whichever toon gets a faster que pop if they know they can gear up that way. And honestly, that's what I do anyways. I'll get a bunch of coms on my tank and healer and use legacy gear to transfer to my new toon. Just save a few creds from moding/unmoding.
  23. Thanks for the correction, I knew the moment I hit the post button something wasn't right with what i said. Also, thanks for finding the quote from the dev.
  24. The issue lies in the fact that gear helps cover bad playing. You can "help" a player learn a Fp, but more often than not the other dps is pulling all the weight. If a player doesn't take the time to learn the Fp either through normal modes or reading up on the internet than more than likely they don't understand proper rotations, but they still do ok dmg because of gear and never actually learn their class. With the old hm's at the begining the only way you got through them was knowing how to play.
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