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Everything posted by Maullum

  1. I cry myself to sleep every night knowing that neither my Jedi Knight nor my Smuggler can show off their man-loving amazingness. It sucks . ON THE PLUS SIDE: I forgot to add this a while back but I got confirmation over twitter that BioWare's new MMO-thingy Shadow Realms will have s/s romaces from the get-go. So that's good.
  2. Was this on the Imp side? Cause Theron said nothing like that to me, and I've been spamming [FLIRT] like a... flirt spammer. Can I just say it really annoys me that he says "If we have more time... but we don't", suggesting he'd be interested, but we can't even get a goodbye kiss? After all this time in SW:TOR, two men kissing seems almost impossible. Especially as a Pub. I feel so unsatisfied! Also, I've totally headcanoned that Darok and Arkous are together. As in romantically . And I find them cute together. That is all.
  3. Not to mention an actual slave dancer outfit for males. Standard pants just does not do it. Show us some thighs!
  4. I also play tank and I've lost 100% of the drops (decor or otherwise) that have dropped from the ~25 FPs I've done since GSH came out. Rolled 'Need' on each one. So I think you just have great luck. Me... not so much.
  5. But.. but... wesa be waiting for you! Seriously though, Rakata Prime's coming very soon. Confirmed with multiple in-game screenshots from Gamescom's Cantina Flash Drives. But yeah KASHYYK we need to see KASHYYK (Dantooine would be nice too, especially if it goes all viney-plainey again. I found it pretty .
  6. Yeah, agreed. Even if they had to make it an "unlockable" door or something, I think it would be easy to make it a 0cred cost.
  7. Agreed and signed. The only thing I would add is that these rewards should be small, max size being a medium hook. While I would like our starship decoration rewarded as part of class achievements, I wouldn't want that to be the end all be all as not every house even has a starship hook. These should be small enough to be a valid choice for every size stronghold. And look awesome.* *No 'photograph' cop-out.
  8. Housing, right now, is a PvE conquest mechanic. It exists, to fill, to give you bonus conquest points. Getting visitors helps an achievement, so... Added to that is what the poster said above. Junker stuff is creds only, slightly suckish is about 100k-200k (these prices are in mats), mediocre is an RNG drop, good stuff is 1mil (look up MK-3 on GTN), big stuff is RNG from ops and best stuff is a *few* cartel pieces. Point being to make a stronghold look not like garbage costs several 10s of millions (guessimated), and to fill it to 100% with not garbage is for the richest of the rich. Strongholds fail in a big area. That they do not appeal to full-on casuals who don't/rarely craft. In any way. At all. Even reputation items cost MK-2s. So, well, get used to seeing more rows of chairs than you will well thought out floorplans.
  9. Perhaps, but there's not enough non-RNG yet affordable pieces to justify keeping players interested long enough in GSH to keep them grinding (IMO, from all the threads I've read). A single MK-3 goes for at least a mil. And it seems to be rising. In the end, stuff like this prevents GSH from interesting the people that should be the focus of housing. Casuals who like decorating. And incentivizes... you know what, I've said this a billion times, I'm just gonna stop.
  10. Agreed with that last statement there. Even after all this time, it seems a bit poorly planned and a bit rushed. Sigh. ALSO. If you are going corporate, there are several "Czerka-esque" Executive pieces in the newest Carte pack. Also an arrangement (that matches) from CZ-198 if you have the rep. Bring MK-2s. For me I feel like, as a non-crafting casual, my choices are junker furniture and outlandish pieces that never seem to drop for me. (Heck, I've lost about 100 Manaan Research drops, which is also 100% for me, so even that's been sucky). I know, I know, grind for creds.
  11. 1. You'll need a lot of credits and be able to do a lot of crafting to actually decorate without grinding forever. 2. Public strongholds are an excuse to show off junker chairs, as the real purpose of housing is not to decorate, but to fill to 100% to maximize conquest points. 3. Decor is either rare or expensive (double if you're not a crafter). 4. If you aren't rich, or a big crafter, or both, it will get boring before you ever have a chance to fully use it. In short, it's a PvE mechanic for conquests that values the rich and crafters (for good or ill). If you aren't one of those, it won't be too much fun. 2/5
  12. Agreed. Rating is a popularity contest (for every player that will rate all active strongholds, there are three that will rate their friends' for a rating in return). What's suckish is that the order is controlled by the same system that maxes conquest points.The current system incentivizes guilding the richest characters, and have them buy all four strongholds, only to decorate them with junk to 100%. It sucks because it disproportionately values the wealthy (who can afford all four strongholds plus enough junker chairs to fill em), and it devalues casuals who care about decorating. Which is supposed to be the exact purpose of a house. They tried to make housing directly involved in gameplay and it bit em in the ***. I honestly don't know if there's a fair way to fix it short of a revamp. But yes, I would like it fixed.
  13. The vending machine from the Regen item "Vending Machine". Bonus points if it dispenses items (per the regen) upon right-clicking. I dunno about you, but I need my caf available all the time. ALL THE TIME.
  14. Please, please make the 'talk' emote looped. You already did it with 'crazy talk', but it's a bit too crazy for your average pretend conversation. Also, thanks for the sleep and chair emotes in 2.9. The awesomeness is almost too much. But please, make the talk emote loop. For RPers everywhere.
  15. Non-faction based guards, maybe droids? It'd be great for non-faction strongholds.
  16. 1st to the OP. The moment I thought of Strongholds, I thought "wouldn't having your own pod on Manaan be AWESOME". 2nd, we know from datamining that yes, Manaan will have a flashpoint. But that's all we know, it could be larger, it could not, and we have no information on that. If it's, at the smallest, a daily area comparable to CZ-198, it's big enough to contain a stronghold as it is technically a landable planet at that point. As all the strongholds are instanced, it is entirely possible. Let folks dream, let em request, because the truth is we know next to nothing about Manaan in SW:TOR.
  17. My problem is that it has been something we asked since the inception of the legacy, and it seems a bit half-baked. It has such limited uses that it seems to me that it really is going to only be used by hardcore crafters (who have multiple characters with the same crafting abilities). I'm not saying it should be something hardcore crafters can't use, I'm saying it should have more usage than just that. Credits, with a limit and the rest going to "Legacy Escrow", would be a good option
  18. We were talking about how pretty Musco is. Scale of 1 to "I froze him in carbonite just to look at him." Seriously though, (short) jackets with hoods would be nice. I believe there is only model in game and it's Agents only.
  19. Yeah, and there's normal hair styles (mostly fringes) that also are blocked to Miraluka. It's sad. And yeah, more masks. A lot of them. It's ridiculous that we get only 10 choices, and there's no simple blindfold option. I don't care if it cuts with hair, I'll take it regardless.
  20. Our own frigate connected to fleet chat would be awesome, especially if they made it so it would only be lit with decorations, so you could create this amazing, fully decorated, derelict ship or something. Voss would be nice because the colour palette is so pretty, and I can see it being more open air than the rest, maybe a "house" on actual ground (bordered of course) rather than an apartment complex. Alderaan has the potential to be rather nice, I'd like it to be someplace cool though, like a retreat on the side of a mountain maybe. I worry something like Hoth would look too industrial, I want a nice place, big windows and stuff. Speaking of big windows.... Manaan would be sick if we ever get it as a planet. Underwater Palace? Yes please.
  21. There's still some pre-beta fans around. I believe I'm like 33k or something. The number HAS gone waaaay down though.
  22. Granted, but you may only light one blade at a time. I wish I was a powerful Jedi Master.
  23. Granted, it's an hour special, someone forgot to replace a fuse. Everything's better now. I wish I could have Theron Shan as a companion.
  24. Even if the lower robe thing was limited by the engine (But Malak's set seems to disprove that theory), your first pic is not only do-able, but awesome. Especially the legs. I mean rubber tubing and kneepads? Seriously?
  25. More tattoos for Zabrak (both types), Twi'lek and Rattataki, new hair for all races, new masks for the Miraluka, new scars across board, maybe even a new body type. But what I'd really want to see is body customizations, like body hair and body tattoos. I'd kill for these, and I don't mind paying for them. New races are fun, but why not shore up the quality of the others to match up the Cathar first (they had furry, marked bodies compared to the other race's plastic ones).
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