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Posts posted by Sleign

  1. The Devs have said the reason they made it where you can't take mods out of items is because you could take the mods out of, say, a helmet from the first boss in an Op and then put it into your chest. Well, the way you can fix this is by setting the mods in lvl 50 Artifacts and Legendary items to be exclusive to a certain equipment type. So say, you get a Legendary Helm, you can only remove the mods and put them in an Orange helm. This would allow the Custom Armor system to be useful at 50 and eliminate the "clone armor syndrome" that has plagued all MMOs.


    Their change to Custom Armor wasn't in the right direction and instead of fixing a problem, it solved one problem and made an even bigger one, where it completely trivialized an entire armor type. Surely this fix can be implemented by the first content patch as it wouldn't require you to overhaul every item in the game, just the lvl 50 gear. Also, if you could also have it transfer set bonuses to your custom armor, that would be amazing too.


    What does everyone else think about this?


    Edit: Several times people have suggested an Appearance tab but people don't realize that the custom system isn't just making your gear look the way you want but also being able to customize the stats the way you want as well. An Appearance tab only makes your item a copy of another item, the customization system we have in place now in SWTOR is so much more.

  2. Your reply is awkward as seeing how almost every basic UI in MMOs is basically the same and also the PvP is also the same, not sure where you got that from.


    As for my reply, I would recommend them play it as the story is amazing and varying from class to class as well as from player to player depending on their responses and the combat isn't boring "Right click and watch my character beat on them autonomously." Now there are some problems, with bugs that keep you from using your abilities and what not but all games have bugs and as for MMOs go, SWTOR has few. End Game is fine but within a few months it should be improved some if they really do follow player feedback.


    For all it's problems and successes, overall I think SWTOR is great atm and will be even greater over the next several months and improvements are made. I personally would find this game to be perfect when they add in a combat log, make it where you can pull Mods out of any item and put it in custom gear and add in SWG space combat.

  3. How does it make quest rewards useless? Most of the time I just take the mods out of the quest reward and put it in the orange set I like the look of. If I was saddled with just gear I came across, it would be a travesty as I detest some of the gear. Why is it so bad for someone to wear the gear they like the look of while having the stats of another piece of gear you just were rewarded with?


    If your meaning mods from your Crew Skills, that's a reward from your work in your skills, still not a problem. I'd get where your coming from if the Orange gear increased in stats as you leveled or something but in reality, you still get a new item as a reward, but you just convert it's look into the armor you like the look of. I think the Custom Gear is fun and useful, we just need to be able to pull stats out of Artifacts to put into the Orange gear, then it would be perfect.

  4. As it stands right now, custom armor is nearly useless or at least, incredibly hard to make competitive with other lvl 50 gear. Perhaps allow us to remove mods from Artifacts, that would allow us to fill our custom gear more easily instead of making us all clones, which is what I assume is what the Custom Gear was all about. It's just that the inability to remove mods from Artifacts to place in our Custom Gear greatly limits our ability to use Custom Gear.
  5. I think your missing what this game is. It isn't a story mode and a multiplayer mode (PvP), this is an MMO, it's all one game. So to answer your question, yes, you can wear PvP armor in a Flash point/quest convo or anything as long as your just wearing it because the game is not divided as Story Mode or PvP mode.
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