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Posts posted by Sleign

  1. I agree with this. I would pay cartel coins to have the old Tracer Missile animation and it's a simple animation replacer effect. Please let us decide through the CM please! I don't have much on the CM I would want but the old Tracer Missile animation back would be great.
  2. I was wondering if anyone knows if there is a custom helm that looks like Torian's Frontline Head. I know there was a green version that I loved that I got on Corellia but no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to find a custom version of the helm. Any help would be much appreciated.
  3. So I finally come back after being absent for well over a year. I was all set to play my BH again because I had a blast with him and I was going to stick it to the Hutt Cartel. Next thing I know, I go to use Tracer Missile and I'm shooting it from my wrist and not from my back. I love the back animation, why is it gone? What's going on?


    Is there an animation replacer mod I can use to make it go back to the way it was? Shooting Tracer Missile from the wrist feels like crap, it doesn't feel like it has any impact in combat. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact that Tracer missiles is my main move.

  4. The custom gear/mods thing is only fully viable if EVERY items in the game are FULLY modable.


    Which is not the case, thus making non moddable item that are less good than modded item useless, and non moddable item that are better than modded item, mandatory.


    So yes we need appearance tab, but that doesn't mean removing the mod system, but at least if you get both you can mix and match your appearance with the appearance tab AND finetune the stats on those items using the mods.


    That is the best of both world and easiest to implement right now.


    Otherwise the only other solution is to make EVERYTHING moddable, and have raid mobs drops:


    1) Powerful mods

    2) Orange items with unique skin


    but that's a lot more work.


    The current system falls on itself because of the raid items that are not fully moddable, and the green/blue items that are useless as soon as you get an orange item for that slot.



    No...no you don't need an appearance tab, the system is already there. All they have to do is allow us to remove all mods from lvl 50 gear and place them in the gear of our choice (within the limits as I explained before.)


    You don't need to make everything moddable, that was the point of the Orange Gear. Every item look in the game shows up as an Orange set, so there is no point in making greens and blues moddable too or else you make all gear equally valuable which would shatter the game.


    Also, you mentioned that you were a game designer yet you really just said that reprogramming the UI and adding a new slot would be easier than making all mods removable from their items and setting them to being helm only mods and etc. But that isn't true at all, it would be far more difficult and time consuming to add an appearance slot than it would be to tying mods to certain item types. I'm pretty sure you don't work in Game Design and if you do, you aren't a programmer and your just a dreamer.

  5. Easy way to solve this... Appearance Slots. Rift has done this to perfection.


    I want the best of both worlds, the best gear in the game as well as the look that signifies it as being me.


    People keep saying this and I keep saying, appearance slots don't fix anything. Firstly, if we used appearance slots, then we are just copying another MMO, which I don't see the point when we have a superior system already in place.


    Custom gear doesn't just allow us to make gear look like we want but also, it lets us set stat combinations like we want, people keep overlooking this. If we used an appearance slot, it would just be a copy of the item we got but if we keep using the custom gear system, we can take a surge enhancement out of another item and put it in our gear to replace say, alacrity and everyone would be happier.


    More customization is always better in an RPG and I think people forget this is an MMORPG.

  6. Set bonuses on raid tiers and PvP tiers render orange items useless.


    This. Not to mention that you have to get 3 drops of mods of the right kind just to make your orange helm equivalent to one helm that drops off a boss. Just doesn't seem fair to have to take 3 times as much time just to get back to where you started in stats.

  7. Orange gear is far too delicious to be dropped like a bad apple. Need more, and preferably at all levels!


    Ok, maybe not in the beginning, you need the bad stuff then, so you can look good later...




    Exactly. I have a set of black/blue mando gear right now with a blue mando helm that looks gorgeous together (though I would like the blue mando helm with gold bracings but for some reason, I can't find an orange version of the green helm) and I'd like to keep it forever however, there is only so far I can take it with crafted mods before they become obsolete.

  8. Combat is identical, although SWTOR's is a worse version.


    Zones structure is the same, quest hub to quest hub. Less Zones


    Endgame is 100% identical


    Quests are worse than WoW


    Voiceovers and story delivery is better


    Crafting system is better, but lacks recipes so it's ruined.


    With a few differences, how is the game "not WoW-like"


    Your trolling right? Less Zones? How do you figure that? First of all, wow has multiple expansions so you can't even add them in to the equation of zones. If you just figure in the vanilla zones, SWTOR has more zones.


    I'll give you that Endgame is the same but it's the same for all MMOs so yeah... Every MMO is "fight X boss with many friends".


    Crafting system is better and it has recipes, so I don't know where you got that. Would've actually liked having SWG crafting system but you can't win them all.


    The only thing similar between WoW and SWTOR is that SWTOR copied their UI bindings because it's what is familiar. Beyond that, the combat is more engaging, the quests are far better and the game as a whole is far more fast paced.

  9. Yaaa, but even with the fix to oranges, they'd still be inferior, because of set bonuses, they need an appearance tab >.<


    Well set bonuses should be transferable also. The custom gear is just too good a system to let just sit there and die. Being able to not only customize the look of your gear but also the stats? It is one of the greatest things to ever bless an MMO (short of SWGs crafting system of course)

  10. So you dont want gear with set bonuses or you want those in mods aswell? come on... you kidding me?


    Moddable gear is for roleplaying and leveling.


    In other words your probably one of the people that skip every conversation in game and then complain that the game is boring. Hmm, I wonder why...

  11. Actually, the easy way to solve all this would be to make the last raid boss drop mods instead of full gear.

    Its been suggested before, i know, but it is the right idea.


    that way you'll HAVE to fight until the last boss to get those drops.

    noone will be able to just farm the first boss.


    How is that simpler than making mods locked in to item type? It still leaves it at having to farm 3+ times just to get your orange gear to equal stats as that of one drop off the other bosses. The best way to fix it is just make it where mods from a helm can only go to another helm and mods from a chest can only go to another chest and so on. It just doesn't make sense to have to farm three items to be equivalent to one other item in the OP.

  12. appearance tab ftw :)


    Meh, appearance tab is limited to only changing the look of the armor, orange armor can set the look you want while also opening horizons of being able to mix and match stats as well. Does this one helm you got have alacrity but you want crit but you have this other helm with crit you want but you don't like the other stats. You can take the crit enhancement out of the one helm and replace the alacrity enhancement from the other helm.


    The flexibility and customization is far greater than people take it at face value. This deep system is one of the best in the MMO genre and it would be nice to extend it into the end game.

  13. As HexCalibur said, that's it in a nutshell. However, because people were exploiting the modification system, people would just do the easiest Op bosses and just remove the mods from them and place them in any orange item they wanted, essentially getting a full set of the best gear for only doing a couple of bosses each Op. So they removed being able to take out mods and said they would make them drop from bosses, which is yet to be seen but still doesn't fix the issue.


    So it comes back to being able to fix the exploit by just making it where helm modifications from Op gear and PvP gear being bound to a certain item type. So Chest mods from an Op chest can only go in your Orange Chest piece. This fixes the exploit, gives everyone the customization they yearn for (if they care about customization that is) and makes and entire item classification viable again.

  14. I am not sure I fully understand the issue. Are you saying that:


    1. Currently better gear drops from bosses in raids than what can be modded

    2. The gear that drops is all the same for each class - so essentially it's a set of gear

    3. Supposedly there are equivalent mods that can drop later on in raids that equate to the stats on the current gear


    Assuming there are mods that drop later on, what is wrong with that? Why not wear what you get for the time being and then continue to work your way through the mod dropss until you are able to completely mod your preferred set? It's no different than raiding over and over to get the full gear set you want in other games. At least this one has the ability to mod your preferred set. You just have to continue raiding until you get the gear setup you desire.


    The problem with the mods dropping in the Ops instead of being able to take mods out of a helm and put it in your helm is that you have to do Ops to get the helm with the stats and actually win it. Then you have to hope a mod drops and win it. Then another mod and then another. So basically you had to win three items to make your orange helm equal the helm you won a month ago. Why do that when I could just win a helm and make my orange equivalent to it and actually look how I want.


    It's not like I'm asking for a whole new system, this system was in place in the beta but people abused it so they removed it. Just making the mods from lvl 50 gear exclusive to a corresponding item type (Such as Gun Mods can only go into other guns and so on) then it would fix the exploit and we can get back our customization and makes an entire item archetype useful at 50.

  15. How is it ignorance? Because you don't agree with it? I could wear a burlap sack with half a potato on my head. I really don't care so long as I'm able to optimize my stats the way I want them to be. Some people care how they look, others don't. There is no legendary ignornace in his opinion; only in yours.


    No it is ignorance. Sure, some people don't care what they look like, fine, I have no problem with that. But saying that because you don't care means that no one should care and thus, anyone that does care doesn't get a say and what they want is negligible.


    I'm all about having optimized stats too and if I have to, I'll look like an ugly mottled colored monster but if I have a choice to have optimized stats and look like I want, then that's what I'll go for and we have a system set up for that but it's not being used.

  16. I dont care if I look like everyone else if I have top end gear. Functionality > aesthetics.


    And there is the legendary ignorance of people. They think you have to have one or the other. You can have Functionality and Aesthetics, that was the whole point of the Custom Gear. If you aren't even aware of such a simple concept, please don't post.

  17. The mod drops of late game content should effectively solve that problem. Next.


    As I said above,


    Not to mention, getting one modification as an item drop is sorely disappointing. If they just added in that only helm mods can be added to helms, then you can get a helm and say "Awesome helm stats, I don't like the look though, I'll just put it in my Custom Helm." But with mods dropping you say "Nice Mod, now I just need to get two more to be in line with this ugly helm I got to drop out of here that I am forced to wear for AT LEAST two more Ops"


    Unless an entire items worth of mods drop as a kit or something, then it doesn't solve anything.

  18. But why when they have also already said those same mod equivileents drop off the later bosses anyway *shrugs*


    They've said that yet no one has ever seen them or at least no one I've ever met. Also, that doesn't change the fact about crafted gear someone might want to get stats out of before someone gets into doing Operations or the fact we can't get mods out of PvP gear either.


    Not to mention, getting one modification as an item drop is sorely disappointing. If they just added in that only helm mods can be added to helms, then you can get a helm and say "Awesome helm stats, I don't like the look though, I'll just put it in my Custom Helm." But with mods dropping you say "Nice Mod, now I just need to get two more to be in line with this ugly helm I got to drop out of here that I am forced to wear for AT LEAST two more Ops"

  19. I haven't gotten to lv50 yet and I'm not quite sure I understand. Are you saying that with lv50 Orange items you can't take the mods out?


    No, I mean you can't take mods out of Artifact or Legendary items meaning, you can't take the mods out of an item you get to drop in an Operation (raid) and put it in your Orange item, making them effectively useless.

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