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Posts posted by Sleign

  1. They can create a unique mesh for the mask when the user is wearing a hood. Yes, it would take time but it's something I could do in a few days and I'm an avid modder. A team of professional artists should be able to do it much faster. Also, when you take into account that they would make bank off of a phantom helm as it would sell well. It would be a massive profit margin.
  2. Please make it wearable under a hood. It would look great under a hood not to mention that the Phantom chest piece also has a hood so it would only be logical that there should be a non-classic version of the phantom helm as well.
  3. If you don't want to spend thousands of dollars on books, games and other media to learn all there is to know like I've done over the years, the best thing you can do is go to Wookieepedia. It is everything Lucasfilms Holonet has but condensed into a well organized database. Anything you could hope to find out about Star Wars history, you'll find on Wookieepedia.
  4. Isn't that animation still used for another Merc ability?


    I can't remember, but its some firebomb DOT thing. I don't think two separate abilities should use the same animation.


    Better yet, they shouldn't have switched them in the first place. They should at least allow us to choose which ability uses which animation.

  5. This really ought to be in the suggestion box - oh and "bumping" will not help you as that's frowned upon.


    I have a thread in the suggestion box about this as well but I also have this one in the hopes that there is some rare hidden custom version of this helm that someone knows about or if Bioware would actually respond. I asked customer support if said custom helm version exists in the game but they of course ignored me and put generic answer #53. As for the bumping, what am I supposed to do, let it fall off the front page in 5 minutes and have my questions go unanswered?

  6. The reason OWPVP is such a dead feature is because people don't like it.


    Mostly it's because of the level capped gankers.


    And adding rewards to it will just give them more incentive to gank and ruin someone else's day, which makes them quit the server or game altogether.


    Actually, you'll find a VERY large amount of players love World PvP and I've been playing MMOs for a decade and a half and I have never met a single person who quit an MMO because they were being ganked. They know full well what they are getting in to when they join a PVP server.

  7. It has come to my attention that the model for the helm for "Heavy Exoskeleton Headguard" or "Zal Alloy Headguard" doesn't have a custom version (I've looked everywhere). If anyone knows if there is a well hidden custom version of this helm model please let me know, otherwise, please bioware, create a custom version of the helm model. I love it alot.
  8. If the picture I found by googling the names is correct (see here) there most definitely is more than one custom version of it in the game. My Merc wears one for instance, it's just different colours. Bought it on the GTN if I remember correctly. It's called [Prototype] TH-17A Elite War Medic Helmet. I'm pretty sure there are orange versions as well.


    Hope I could help :)


    Actually, they are two different helm models. The TH-17A Elite War Medic Helmet has a thick "T" visor which is the same model as the Hellfire helmet while the one I'm looking for looks like the Mercenary elite helmet with side plates. They are similar from a distance but quite different close up.

  9. It has come to my attention that the model for the helm for "Heavy Exoskeleton Headguard" or "Zal Alloy Headguard" doesn't have a custom version (I've looked everywhere). If anyone knows if there is a well hidden custom version of this helm model please let me know, otherwise, please bioware, create a custom version of the helm model. I love it alot.
  10. He's talking about the Bounty Hunter ability. You bend over and it shoots a rocket out of your backpack over your head. Personally I think it looks stupid, and much prefer the animation that shoots out of your wrist launcher.


    It bothered me enough that I could no longer play my BH, as I am very particular about how things look.


    Opposite for me, I much preferred the original animation and this wrist crap is starting to ruin my BH for me. Tracer missile doesn't feel like it has as much impact as when you shot it from your back. I always though it was an awesome looking animation.

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