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Everything posted by TItanten

  1. You're still whining about rolling an alt. If you can't understand that an AC and a talent spec are completely and totally seperate things you might want to reconsider the insults.
  2. Because it's a primary choice of your character. It's the exact same thing as chosing which race to be, which simple class to pick, which side of the war you're on. It would remove all incentive to roll the mirror class besides story. Did you really want a Horde and Ally Warrior? How many people went Alliance just to play a Paladin. You wouldn't even have the correct gear for your new class. Seriously, it's the dumbest idea I've heard on these forums. You choose at level 10. You're whining about rolling a damn alt. Seriously. That's it. You don't want to roll an alt.
  3. Nah, slippery slope. They should just come out and say "We are never going to allow you to switch classes."
  4. Ahh, so it's a different damn class. Got it.
  5. I think most of us emphatically do not want AC switching to be common, easy, or even viable.
  6. Which you can do here too! Scoundrel can be DPS or Heals! Commando can too! Juggernaught can be tank or dps! All I hear is "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I have to roll an alt."
  7. And you're doing that with your trooper. It's really a simple thing. If you could have switched to powertech would you have tried a trooper right now?
  8. Then you chose the wrong class? See if you like the playstyle of the vanguard enough to warrant a powertech alt? IF you could switch ACs you'd be playing through the entire trooper story with the exact same class.
  9. This is the exact thing you do in ANY OTHER MMO. Except you do it with EVERY CLASS. Seriously, a warrior in WoW leveled up the exact same way as a priest. Same quests (Like maybe 5 different class quests), same story, same locations. Not once did the idea to allow cross-class switches get any traction.
  10. Then make a trooper vanguard. Would you really want to play the exact same class just with a different story? I'd rather have both. Different class and different story.
  11. I, for one, am glad to see LFG system, Macros, Addon support, and Combat log all missing from this patch. I hope they stay missing.
  12. And if people want to go above 60 consistently it's not Bioware's fault. They can turn down the settings a bit to get 400 fps constantly or they can go buy a million dollar computer. Having 50-60 fps is not an issue. It shouldn't be considered an issue. I don't care if you get 6000 fps solo but it drops to 50 in a WZ that's still not an issue.
  13. Dude, you really should lower your standards a bit. 60-70 fps is fine. Kids these days.
  14. In the immortal words of fake Vader: NOoooooOOoOooOOooooooOoOoooooOoOoooOoOoooo!
  15. You know an open combat log just lets you parse and do the same thing with another, outside, application? That being said, I only support a DPS meter for yourself only that is uncopyable to chat and can never be seen by others. I like it as a diagnostic tool. I hate having every other person ask how I do so much dps.
  16. Don't listen to these people. Fill out a report and report it, especially if it's a questionable name.
  17. You needed your own thread on this why? The main and only reason cross server queues shoudl not be added (even for PVP) Anonymity and consequence free actions make people gigantic jerks. If you need proof look at the internet, specifically 4Chan. If someone's a jerk and from your server you can very easily talk to his guild, call him out in chat, etc. If they're not on your server you... hope you don't group with him again?
  18. And what justification would there be to hand out free months?
  19. Talking to other players is obviously too scary for your typical MMO player therefore we must have a LFD tool! Seriously, there's nothing at all wrong with just /1 "Anyone want to do Athiss?" And I've (scoundrel) have tanked bosses, until the mid 20s. Can't find a tank, nearly every class has a tank companion.
  20. Is that per server or total? Seems really low.
  21. You have no idea what a bug fix entails do you?
  22. What's the max character slot amount currently?
  23. Just no story for them. They just appear in your crew list and only are visable if you call them for combat? Normal idle chat (and mission) from other classes companions. You could have it be like: Legacy Level 5: Choose one companion character to unlock for crafting and combat across all your characters! Give me Blizz!
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