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Everything posted by TItanten

  1. Because people here would complain if Bioware came in and said everyone who posts on the forums is getting 1 million dollars. At least one person would say "See now they have to bribe us to play their game."
  2. Oh Jesus H Christ. Doing something else for a few hours of your day will not kill any of you. It's not the end of the world. It's not even unique to MMOs. What would you say if they cancelled a baseball game you took the day off for due to rain? And why would you take off a wednesday (most people anyway)? Take off a Friday! And, NO, they shouldn't postpone it till the next tuesday. That's asinine. If it's ready to come out it should come out.
  3. God, I hope not. Arena was the beginning of the end for WoW's balance. If you have small group pvp people expect combat to be balanced around small group combat. That is impossible while keeping classes unique. The ONLY way they should add an arena system is if they unequivocally said: "We are adding an arena. We WILL NOT BE BALANCING this aspect of the game. Any whining or posts about balance in this aspect of the game will result in a forum ban."
  4. There's really not that many people who want it. Maaaaaybe there's a decent percentage on the forums, but in-game I have not heard one single person ask for it.
  5. And you can tank and dps. A warrior can't heal, but that's what you're asking for. Why can't you "AC RESPEC REQUIRED" people get through your head that an AC is your CLASS, not a spec, not a talent, but your actual CLASS. Is it because you chose it at level 10 instead of character select?
  6. My god, less elipses please. You don't really need them. Also, periods and capitalization helps.
  7. Yes, YES! I love this idea. Let guilds decide if they want to enable a meter, but by doing so your guild has (Easymode) next to it for eternity!
  8. A Shadow and a Sage are different classes. If he gets tired of tanking he can DPS. Roll a damn alt. Play the other faction. If you could respec your AC what's the point in playing the mirror class? You'd be playing the same exact class with a different story. It's just the reverse of what you guys are whining about. But the difference in combat is much more important than a different story. 90% of your time is in combat. AAAAAAND you can skip the story. Wow. I'd much rather have another class to play than a new story. But as it is now, you get both.
  9. I feel that you should have to reroll if you don't like the class you chose at level 30. If I rolled a Warlock in WoW, but hated it because the dots were annoying and I wanted more BOOM I can't just turn him into a Mage. No, AC respecs should never, ever be able to be performed.
  10. That's just tuning issue. All you have to do is make it hard enough that people have the choice between execution and dps.
  11. What I was saying is that you can make a "DPS race" that can be overcome by good mechanical play. Such that you'll never wipe if you do the mechanics correctly, but they get nearly impossible to do if the fight drags on long enough. So you have two paths to beat the boss: 1. Improve your group DPS. 2. Improve your mechanics. An instant kill cast that starts at 4 seconds, but gradually speeds up to .25 seconds. A boss that gains levels upon killing a character (Yes this is straight out of WoW). A boss that spreads permanent fire over the battlefield. More and more adds spawning. Up to an nearly unimaginable number. Stacking debuff on the tanks getting faster and faster making agro switching precision work. (1 second gap where you need to switch) Clickable items spawning that buff the boss. More and more over time requiring perfect clicking of multiple raid members.
  12. It's cheating in my eyes. You're all a bunch of phonies! Googling strats before you even attempt the boss once...
  13. You can disguise the soft enrage through a mechanic though. The longer the fight goes on the less area you have to move in, the shorter the cast times become (quicker interrupts needed), etc. Enrage timers are unnecessary and lazy. Especially hard enrages. You can design soft "enrages" that allow good/great players to overcome it, but punish lazy players.
  14. Exactly. I could design, not code, any number of bosses without an enrage mechanic.
  15. LFG is fine. Cross-server LFG is a bane on MMOs. And if you can't beat a non-enrage boss then I'm just saying that you're not good enough. Enrage bosses are stupid. Take them out and there would be no reason at all to have any dps meter.
  16. Just seems like so many of these posters' MMO resumes say only: WoW - 6 years. Raider. Copied strats straight from Wiki. Never completed content without googling it first. Relied completely on addons.
  17. Heck, we could say "No people with english as second language", but that'd be just as wrong as basing invites off something as circumstantial as gearscore.
  18. He was just asking how a person could do low dps and still be a good player. God I wish you guys actually liked Pandas...
  19. Like I said, an outside DPS meter, thus a mod. They already alluded to a personal-only dps meter being developed. Now there's a good dpser and a bad dpser. You can do 40x the dps of the next person, but die every single fight in the first mechanic. That's a bad player. You can also do slightly lower dps, but live to the end of the fight every time: That's a good player.
  20. 1st off: I'm against all Mods, so opening the game up to an outside DPS meter will invariably let other mods be developed. 2nd: Because we have a bunch of idiots that migrated over here from WoW and think that having a decent DPS number makes you good. This attitude is something that should be fought. 3rd: Because I'm rather oldschool in the opinion that if you can't figure it out yourself then you're bad. I'd personally love it if they took DMCA claims against all wiki and guide sites. 4th: Once meters are out they impact EVERYONES gameplay. You all saw the morons in WoW after recount became mandatory and god help us about Gearscore. "LF2 dps for Athiss, 1400 dps mandatory! We'll kick you!"
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