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Posts posted by Squiddish

  1. omg.... its still a brand new game.... suck it up and stop QQing, give it some time and things will be fixed im sure of it, and if your gonna keep complaining the this isnt the game for you , go play WoW or something >:D


    Its amazing how the fanbots... fanboys jump on every post that implies something is wrong with the game or gives perfectly rational reasons for leaving. I was a fanboy once. Then I PLAYED THE GAME.


    Also, fanboys, you REALLY shouldn't bring up WoW, when its basically a more polished and superior version of this game. I mean, it doesn't look like TOR even WANTS to be anything other than WoW's shadow atm.

  2. I was trying to repair the Republic cannons in Ilum today, but was unable to. This seems like a major oversight by Bioware. I really don't want to wait an hour for another Republic player to show up so that we can win-trade a single control point. It would be much more convenient if I were just able to repair the republic cannons and earn the awards myself. I have played the rest of the game solo up until level 50, so I believe I should be able to PvP solo as well.


    Please address this in tonight's patch.


    I would have given you a 9/10 for troll bait, but you went overboard at the last two lines, made it too obvious.


    You still get a 6 though, because some people will be engrossed by such a blind rage halfway through they won't read the whole thing.

  3. the crafting isnt fun, its very costly and time consuming, and you end up with bank tabs filled with mats and a recipe book that just has zeroes because you somehow dont have everything you need anyway. Artifice is awful, too many recipes, too many mats and very little fun and eventually the only things people will want from it come from raids and hard modes. Its like the gift that keeps on not giving.


    That's a pretty effective summary of the state of Crafting if you didn't pick Biochem.

  4. SWTOR is great. I don't understand how people can even think of comparing it to a game that has been out for 7+ years in terms of features and content. Of course WoW has more but as someone who has played WoW for 7 years I can tell you that SWTOR has more features and is less bug plagued than WoW was when it launched. Hell, it's better than the beginning of BC. SWTOR rocks! And fyi, I am level 50 and I am actively raiding and PvPing.


    ...because the game didn't launch 7 years ago?


    Seriously, how does ANYONE think it's at all sensible to compare this game to launch WoW rather than Cataclysm?


    Don't worry guys, Homefront is amazing. I mean, compare it to DOOM, its a new IP, you can't expect it to be as smooth and have all the features of Battlefield 3.



  5. That wouldn't be too horrible, but with no cross server the queue times would still go up. Oh well, was thinking about trying the Republic side for a bit anyway. Instant queues!


    Its not instant, you have to wait for 8 people to queue up. It takes awhile sometimes :|

  6. Sibonk closed the other thread I'd been talking about this in and directed us here, so I'm copying over what I posted to make sure it gets recorded in what seems to be the official "complaining about crafting" thread.




    The fact that crafting isn't a dedicated class, to me, says it's always taking a backseat to combat and always be a thing that anyone who builds up enough credits can grind through in a week and become a master of ....whatever trade they pick.


    I spent the majority of my swg career crafting droids and keeping my shop stocked. I'm pretty sure I'll never get a chance to open another droid shop (although I'm holding out some hope since this is probably the #2 mmo in the world right now, and if anyone has the ability to pull something ambitious off, it'll be tor). But if this thread gets any attention, don't overlook the fun that went along with 'running a shop' and setting up the factories for big runs of droids sub-components, assemblies, final units, creating huge runs of droid flight chips and programming them, and then the extras - color kits and batteries; it was a full time job, and I loved it.


    While I'm dreaming, add a an 'adventure' planet where we can build cities, malls, and shops again. Or, even better, even more TORy, design some beautifully designed TOR style cities that guilds can purchase and build onto, with each building being a shop or a house or whatever we want to use it for.


    Ok, I'm done dreaming for now.


    The problem is, as much as people loved that aspect of SWG, that is absolutely never going to happen in TOR. Its just not the same type of MMO. SWG was a sandbox, TOR is a themepark. There will never be player built cities, there will never be crafter classes, and yes, crafting IS and WILL take a backseat to combat.


    I have accepted all this and am not asking for THAT to change, I just want the crafting system to not be useless. It can take a backseat to combat and still not be a complete waste of time.

  7. Ive won like 5 Warzones at most as Sith haha. I just cant figure out which class I really want to play.


    So... you've played 5 warzones then?


    Honestly, go with what sounds best to you. Like I said, they're all reasonably balanced, and seeing as the game isn't even a month old yet, balance is going to change, and change constantly. Don't go for something just because it is FotM, go for something that sounds fun to you.

  8. The problem is that Bioware seems to have taken the stance that Operation gear SHOULD be better than crafting gear. In essence, they're taking the WoW-mentality to the extreme (even WoW had really, really good crafted gear for a few slots).


    The reason the crafted gear is inferior to Op gear is because Bioware WANTS it to be, its not like they didn't realize the crafted hilts were worse than Op lightsabers.


    There are other ways Crafting and crew skills can be revived though. Upgradable Op gear, mods brought on par with that gear, as well as what you suggested. Full ideas here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=137955

  9. But having to think and improving everyone is more work then just demanding you weaken something.


    Why would you want to improve your house when you can tear down your neighbor's right?


    STOP BEING RIGHT, my faith in humanity is low enough as it is.


    I am hoping Bioware will avoid the path of least resistance and is actively looking into ways to make the other skills not worthless, rather than just throwing a knee jerk nerf.

  10. Free bump.


    Got here from another thread that was closed by a moderator. I guess that means at least 1 bioware employee sees what we're all complaining about lol.


    Lots of good ideas here. let's hope they do something with them.


    Yep, if mods are redirecting people here, at least it means they see this thread. Lets hope some of this info gets to the Devs!

  11. 1 simple thing to make crafting rewarding


    Make the raids drop epic materiels rather than complete drops. Make it so the best stuff in the game is crafted even if the materiels come from PVP/raiding.


    I know people QQ that they will need a crafter then, but this is a social game. If you are level 50 and don't know a few crafters you can trust or have a guild with some, you are probably doing something wrong.


    Also I think little perks like Armormechs/Synthweavers being able to make repair kits that allow them to repair other players armour whereever they happen to be. This is a tiny perk, but when a raid wipes accept for the stealthers and people are having to run back to vendors for repairs, the guy that can repair them all there and then will be useful.


    Your first idea is actually a very good one I hadn't thought of before, maybe it shouldn't be ENTIRELY mats instead of items, but a good half-and-half could be nice. Say, bosses drop your chest, head and legs, but you only get the mats to craft hands, feet, wrists, etc. Just an example.


    Your second idea is also good, and falls well into the category of giving crafters more toys and useful things.

  12. Also, items should break after awhile of use, causing you to need new ones. This would create demand for them. Even now if items broke, you may be selling the exsiting crafted items if a player doesnt have accomdations to buy the best gear handy. Or at least make a repair kit needed to repair items, if they hit 0 they break.


    This would never, ever work in an MMO, especially a "gear treadmill" one like SW:TOR.


    Your other points are well made and I agree, rather than add in everything I think would help I will just link to my OP: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=137955

    (no point reposting the same wall of text)

  13. The system also needs to be viable at all levels, not just endgame. (Lots of great ideas for endgame though).



    Everything in your post is a pretty good idea, but as it stands, if you keep your crafting up to date, its pretty decent during the leveling process. It just becomes completely obsolete at level 50. Also, although this game kind of adds some meaning to the leveling process with the storylines and whatnot, in an MMO: if something is useless at max level, its useless.

  14. What people seem to want out of a game is something alike to Star Wars Galaxies. A game that doesn't absolutely require you to go fight x amount of creatures.


    A game that allows you to choose a "crafting" class (so to speak) and gain levels through crafting and providing a player-run economy that could hold its own.



    That's not what I want. When WoW has a crafting system VASTLY superior to yours, something is terribly wrong with yours.

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