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Posts posted by Sanxxx

  1. im going to let this quote do the talking for me from this point on. argue with the man who calls the shots. its amazing how a quote changes when you take the whole quote into account isnt it.




    Read the whole article , still doesn't make my post wrong, in summary he accepts that it is something they will need to consider in the future.


    So to answer the OP, yes they are looking at F2P, doesn't mean it will be.


    where in what he says does it say anything but trial.


    Because in the sentence...


    "We're going to be in the business from a long-term standpoint so absolutely we're going to embrace free access, free trial, ultimately some day we can move in and embrace that model,"



    Free Access

    Free Trial

    Ultimately embrace that model,


    are three separate things, although 'ultimately some day' shows intent, albeit very vague.

  3. The reason the industry is turning out a lot more f2p games, is not because people aren't willing to spend money on games, it's because they discovered they can get you to fork over more cash in f2p cash shops. That button to the cash shop is always sitting there on your screen and you're money is burning in your online pocket.



    I agree with the above sentence, but arguably you have more choice ( yes, it may be an illusion of choice) in how where and when you spend it in the F2P model.


    Another upcoming game makes a convincing case imo.

  4. "So we are looking at free-to-play but I can’t tell you in much detail. We have to be flexible and adapt to what is going on."


    As a business they would be daft not to consider F2P as an option, as he states by being flexible.


    I doubt this refers to the 15 levels announcement as that by definition conflicts with his first sentence because they have already looked and we have the detail.

  5. MM sorta agree, but it also depends on what type of servers they have, with the phasing do they have extra servers/blades that power up on specific loads, cos we see heavy realms stay heavy even when big things like patchs hit and the servers get flooded, never mind the xfers.


    The only patch to make a difference was1.2 and TorStatus showed the spike increase in pop that lasted about 12 days.


    Similarly now It's showing increases in the dest servers, and as many predicted a slight fall off in Fatman pop as people go back to their original chars abandoning the rerolls.

  6. Tell you what, ill make you a deal right now. When i start getting in house memos about exactly whats going on in the server system and upgrades and maintenance department ill share them with you and if you get them 1st you send them to me, hows that sound.


    What proof are you wanting exactly, who here apart from bioware have the exact details of the servers, where the servers are stored or even what blades they use. seriously cos you have just pulled those numbers out of thin air cos where is the proof those are the numbers for load.


    Lol, exactly my point, you are the one claiming something has changed without any evidence.


    The server load estimates were taken from...




    .....might be a good read for you.

  7. you mean beyond the fact most destination servers are running with 4 times as many players as normal, no there is no evidence at all.


    That 's because 'normal' was Standard (or even Light) I.e c500-1500 whereas Very Heavy is c3000, so yes there is no evidence of increased caps.

  8. You do realise that they have upped the numbers able to play on servers, didnt you notice how you dont have to q or lag even when there is 600 on your side on the fleet never mind the rest of the server or other side. They have basically made what was in wow battlegroups on swtor a server.


    Kid yourself all you want but if you think its so bad how come your still here and not on wow or another mmo or game.


    There is no evidence at all to suggest that they have recently increased the server cap.

  9. There is now way that a full server is 3,000 people becuase if you do your math and look at How many servers there are and times that by your max number for a full server(which is 3,000+) that would equal=375,000 people and when the game first came out it had around 2 million subscribers there is no way.


    I suggest you read the original post, the 3000 population number is a factor of the number of subscribers. As an example Blizzard did a study that suggested that at any one time only 10% of subscribers were logged in.

  10. The Fatman had a 5 to to min queue last night. There were many people on fleet this morning when I was on. I'm sure it continues to have the most pop. They simply raised the cap.


    There is no evidence to support cap increases, those that rerolled on Fatman have left.


    So for January 1st - June 8th the data is all easy to read and consistent, because the server caps remained the same throughout that time period. However since June 9th they have increased the server caps, so you need to take that into account when looking at the data. A server that was previously "Standard" with ~100 people on the fleet will now read as "Light" with the same number of people.



    There is no evidence whatsoever to suggest that they have recently increased the server caps.

  12. Well, my original thread was shut down right away. So here we go again...


    Re. ticket number 5590870 and 5591857


    I have sent in a third ticket, and thought I might as well try posting on the forums as well. Maybe then I can actually get some customer service...


    Hi, Bioware, I am one of your most loyal fans. I have been here since the beginning. I joined the forums the day they opened. I pre-ordered the collectors edition the day pre-orders first became available. I participated in numerous beta weekends. I logged in and saved all of my character names (as they are very important to me) on day one of early access. And I have had an active subscription since the game released in December.


    After all that, I think I deserve a little more respect than a copy and paste answer to my tickets. An MMO is more than a game, it is also a service. How can you expect to retain subscribers if you treat your most loyal fans concerns with such a dismissive attitude? It truly boggles the mind.


    Here is the problem. My character names are all taken on the server my guild (which I am Guild Leader of) is transferring to. I created a new character on the Begeren Colony server, and friended all of the people who had my names.


    Luka, Kane, Miira, Jono, Rohlan, and Vashti.


    None of them were online. I asked in general chat on the imperial and republic fleets if anyone knew them. One guy said that he hadn't seen a couple of them in ages, and that he thought that they had quit the game.


    Now let me ask you this, doesn't it make more sense to allow the loyal, paying player to keep his names, than it does to let the unsubbed player, who may never come back, keep his names?


    The server my server is transferring to is Begeren Colony. The names I am interested in are listed above. Please escalate this issue to your manager, or supervisor, or to anyone really who has the ability or authority to do more than give me a copy and paste answer. If any of the above names are inactive or unsubbed, or if their characters were created sometime after mine were, I think it is only fair that they be the ones who have to change their names.




    A loyal fan


    And what do you really believe most CS depts would do with a ticket like this :rolleyes:

  13. 1st of all, my transfer was complete in under 1 minute, which is amazing. Well done on that.


    One thing I wish to query though is that my server, Uthar Wynn is being transferred to The Tomb of Freedon Naad which is an extremly well populated server. So well in-fact that there are always server queues around the busy times. I noticed that a lot of other PvP servers have been transferred here too.


    Wouldnt it have been better to transfer all the low pop PvP servers to one that isnt already bursting at the seams as the tomb of freedon naad is? Or is the situation so bad that the combined numbers of about 17 servers still would leave the population in crisis?


    There hadn't been queues on TOFN for weeks, hence it still had room for people from dead servers.

  14. Maybe if what you said were actually true. Servers are not on new hardware, all they have done is increase population caps.


    Once more, there is no evidence of increased population caps. They are merely filling up the spare capacity in the existing servers.

  15. Have you seen how much cash wow makes on a guildmove. do a quick tot up of 28 people with an average of 3 alts each, go.


    Yes, but WOW has a significantly larger playerbase with idiots willing to pay. If this game needs 1m subs for a 'nothing to write home about' profit then I still think that 'significant' revenue in EA's view will require more than fluff, perhaps they'll copy the GW2 cash shop model.

  16. This is true. But it may not cost them anything to keep the stinkers open. Or not enough to matter, anyways. Once you're a certain size, shrinking down actually RAISES effective costs. Weird, but true. Now, they MAY do other things with those servers. Or they may make them... Idle. Or do something else entirely. But keeping them open likely has no, or only incidental, costs. While closing them... The screams of the pessimistic and the scandal seeking will rise from the rooftops. So, its a matter of if the PR hit is worth it.


    Also, remember, that for some strange reason, some people LIKE deserted servers. I know of some raiding guilds that prefer them, so that they have less likelihood of ques, a server crash, or other shenanigans interrupting their raids. Once paid server transfers happen, the likelihood of them being utilized by the player-base for SOMETHING goes WAY up.


    There will always be some costs for keeping a server open be they enviromentals, license , backup etc etc. given that they've been told to cut costs e.g. staff layoffs, you can bet that these servers will be shutdown as soon as possible.


    On another subject there is no evidence to support te current existence of 'mega/super' servers, given the current levels of population many of the dest severs had spare capacity, even the Fatman could take people from te really dead servers with 10's of .

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