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Posts posted by Sanxxx

  1. Last night on Jung Ma, people in the Fleet were announcing a Republic attack on Dorn Base on Hoth. About to log for the night, I figured I'd check it out before bed. I fly to Hoth, go up the elevator and head toward the base exit, only to be met with....


    horrendous frame rates.


    Ok, granted, my comp is a couple years old. A certain capturable neutral base area in another fantasy-based MMORPG that will go unnamed consistently had at least two full raid groups of 40 on either side and the same computer still got 20+ fps at the worst times. It was at least playable.


    Last night, there were about 40-50 per side (that I could tell) but it wasn't even funny how bad the fps was. Is the Hero engine just that bad? Anyone with a new comp ever encounter that type of melee? Was the framerate really low for you too? One of the primary reasons I wanted to play this game, and the sole reason for going through three PVP servers was the idea of world Empire vs Republic PVP. I know people were complaining about Ilum but I haven't experienced it personally. Was this one of the main gripes?


    The Epic part was the fact that 100ish people were all killing one another. That part was beautiful. Well, what I could see of it anyway.




    Ilum performance was appalling which is why one of the first things they did was ban companions, however it made little difference.

  2. I just measured a few servers post transfer using the /who 'level range' method to compare against the assumption


    Light is up to about 500

    Standard is up to about 1,500

    Heavy is up to about 2,250-2,500(?) (Let's call this 2375 for now...)

    Very Heavy is up to about 3,000

    Full is greater than about 3,000


    I think that the Light, Standard and Heavy are still as suggested.


    Full on the other hand is suspect and the one he had least data on, my one and only Full server measurement threw up a number of c3800.


    There are two possibilities;


    1. They have increased the 'Full' limit from c3000 to c3750.

    2. 'Full' itself has a range e.g c3000-c3750. The reason I suggest this is that the server in question (TOFN) remained at 'Full' for some time (minutes not hours) before indicating there was a queue and therefore the initial assumption was always wrong.


    And in the time it took to write this the queue has increased from 5-20 minutes and the actual queue is 250 meaning that I'm measuring at peak log in time.

  3. Alot of MMO's are doing this actually. Letting people sample the first parts of the game for free.


    WoW and Rift have something similiar in which you can play up to level 20 for free.


    It's called marketing :D




    What I can't determine though, is if you want to keep playing do you have to buy the game and sub, or do you just sub i.e is the game itself then free ? Doesn't say either way.

  4. you still haven't answered my simple question

    how is it a week ago the Fatman had 200 people on fleet and a queue to get in it has the same server cap that it does now when it has 600 people on fleet and NO queue to get in?


    omg....you just dont get it......you are making numbers up as the earlier poster showed.


    Once more.....GO MEASURE . then come back.

  5. but your facts are wrong. The game had 400 people on fleet last night and 200 during the day. Right now its got 150 people on fleet on the republic side.


    edit just checked imp side its up to 200 now... on a monday... at noon


    No, you have no facts, I measure.... go do the same.


    Example, I just checked a 'Standard' destination server, c652 people Imp, c578 Rep, total c1330


    That number is consistent with Standard being between 500-1500

  6. facepalm


    the more then 100 50s IS on a light server



    the other indication is the fatman itself a few weeks ago the Fatman was full with a queue when there was only 200 people on fleet. Now it is full with 600 people on fleet and no server queue.


    face it server caps have been increased


    Lol, no ..,,go check a server instead of pulling numbers out of your 'head'

  7. well no not realy because you know they increased the server cap. So before only 1 or 2 servers reached full over the weeekend Now after the cosidation we have 10 or 12.


    We have no actual way of telling what the player drop off is until after they tell us how many subs they have.


    Nothing to indicate increase in server caps, if they had many servers would not be full.


    The existing assumptions regarding numbers to status levels suggest that many dead servers could be merged into existing without increasing caps.


    Go ahead and measure the pop on a server.

  8. Is the game worth playing now or what?


    As your title is 'worth redownloading', I'll assume you played before and stopped at some point.


    In answer to thw question, it depends why you left in the first place, if it was because you were on one of the majority of dead servers the yes give it another go.


    If it was for other reasons then check the patch notes to see if it has been fixed.


    Either way you could wait till they introduce the F2P 1-15 levels.

  9. What do you think those reasons were? Why are statements retracted?


    I realize that you, particularly, have an axe to grind, but you are stretching it with this one.


    What exaclty am I stretching, i stated an opinion and a fact ?


    Also, why do you beleive I have an axe to grind ? I just correct false statements i.e. the quote was years old.

  10. Actually, I've been wondering that about most of the people in this thread. There is absolutely no indication that this game will be free to play. None. The quote that people are using was made two years before the game released and quoted out of context.....but here we have the self proclaimed experts, once again, spreading misinformation and others taking it in without ever reading beyond the title.


    Whilst I agree that there is no indication of SWTOR about to go F2P, the quote was in fact made 3-4 days ago. The original article has since been pulled, for unknown reasons, but cached versions can be found.

  11. If you have another target, a military target, then name the system? What is a better title for what's going on here?




    I guess it's a question of just focusing on the c25-30 dest severs and ignoring the rest. As you say the variance on numbers for pops when servers are 1.00 is wide and will be even more so if people have transferred.


    Even though they represent c85% of total servers should they be ignored completely going forward ?

  12. However you'll not that the trend is decelerating. The drops have become less and less significant everytime we get a reveal of the sub numbers. Eventually it will flatten out somewhere around 1 million which is enough to keep this game very profitable for EA. It is not less risky to assume one or the other. Simple analysis will lead you to conclude that the handwriting is indeed on the wall it's just not what you think it is. Especially when you consider the introduction of the f2p to lvl 15 model and the potential it can bring to the table to bring more people in with. The downward trend is only likely to get more and more marginal as it goes.


    There is a correlation between TorStatus and subs, no matter how some ignore it, It may get to 1m eventually, a sum by the way that is not very profitable but a profit 'that is nothing to write home about'.


    It will almost certainly need to grow some, not impossible, to get back to 1m.

  13. Shh...... people will start telling you that there were no queues over 1.5 hours in December :eek:.......... dispite the fact I was in many 6+ hours queues at the time. :D


    Lol, ditto, I used to remote queue from work, 41/2 to 6 hour queues were common in Jan.

  14. We all know the ambition of 1.2, and the mass of content it introduced. BUT there has been a mass of re-subscribers to this game, in anticipation to 1.3, a update of NO content. What do you think of this? Do you think of this? Is there a reason? Is 1.3 the savior of SWTOR over the ridiculously featured 1.2?


    No evidence to support a change in population (or subs) as a result of 1.3 on the PTS.


    We do know that the release of 1.2 to the live servers resulted in a population spike that lasted 12 days, my guess is that 1.3 will generate the same but have a longer lasting effect , maybe 30 days, some will resub for ranked warzones.

  15. That is a claim?? Serikouly??? Give me a break!!


    'I think' is not firm or concrete it is a hope.. So no.. They made no claim that wasn't fullfilled.. And if you have problems dealing with bugs or unforseen issues.. Perhaps launch day isn't for you..


    Lol at anyone who describes the Ilum debacle as a bug.


    They claimed the ability for 200 v 200 PvP,

  16. Jung Ma had a server wide event tonight, massive 100v100 battles. It's not Bioware's fault you don't create the WPvP yourself.


    My guild organised world PvP events on Ilum and Hoth, lag and poor performance for all soon put paid to any more.

  17. i often wondered if there was an issue with multi core processors..


    i have a lap top that runs this game not bad 40-60 fps on average anytime.. but my wifes quad core runs it around the same. the computer is far superior to my laptop. but its fps fluxuates often and by huge degrees compared to mine.


    i was wondering if the hero engine has an issue allocating resources through the multi cores. ( i have a dual) the hero engine is years old now. so i could almost see an optimization problem being an issue


    I'm not sure any current MMO uses more than two cores. What has been shown is that by and large they are more CPU depedent than GPU, so , given the same GPU, it s likely that a duel core 3.2ghz proc will perform better than a quad core 2.4ghz.

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