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Posts posted by Sanxxx

  1. Another interesting thing is that no other game that went F2P had this many subscribers when they announced it.


    I think they saw the rate they were losing subs and went "oh-oh".


    I think that the true underlying number is less than 500k so they had to make this move early.


    If 1.7m were subbed and we assume only 15% had 6 month subs then that's 245k, assuming a similar retention rate then c50% no longer playing , that's effectively another reduction of 120k. IMO that figure is conservative.

  2. Yes they did! Because they wanted more people to play together with a lot of people together. That's why they did what they did. They raised the caps very high for the servers and they aren't even done yet. Part 2 is coming later in the summer. So stop wishing this game is gonna fail. It's not. They closed the servers cause they didn't need near 100 with only 2000 or 2500 people cap on them. Why would you do that when you can have a handful of servers open with a cap of 8000 or 9000 or even more?? That's why they closed the other servers. Not cause the game is "dying". Just stop with the doomsaying...


    They closed 87% of servers because they were dead and yes, they wanted the remainder to have a better playing experience.


    They've raised the caps some, however an 87% reduction is not a sign of rabid health under any stretch of the imagination.


    Anyway perhaps in the future we'll be talking about players not subs depenfing on how you interpret the end of EAs statement....


    ". '''In the weeks ahead, we will announce plans for growing The Old Republic with new content, new players and new ways to play."


    I can think of one new way of playing that's free.

  3. What a lot of people do is something I call "mirroring". They are unhappy with something and because of some over-inflated sense of self-importance, they assume that the whole world must feel the same way, thereby mirroring their own feelings onto the rest of us.


    A few elements that you can see as signs of mirroring are :


    - Use of exaggerated negatives (worst game ever, this is pathetic)

    - Lack of foundation or arguments (this game is fail, pvp sucks, this game sucks....but no explanation why)

    - Assumptions and making up own figures/calculations without any research (most people, everybody's leaving)

    - Confusion between opinion and fact (everybody knows, everybody wants)

    - Emotional language (fill in any excessive swear word you like, use of caps)

    - Religious proselyting to gain support (constant repetition of the same negative, unconstructive opinion)


    These people don't understand that they need to get over their petty emotions and therefore lash out on forums about any subject without any thought or reason. Just like little 5 year olds with a temper tantrum.


    I understand that you can get upset about something and it's ok to voice that, but don't let the emotions pull you out of what's reasonable.


    Not so easy for some people apparently.


    Conclusion: the answer is that a lot of people have exaggerated emotions in combination with an overinflated ego.


    What a lot of people do is something I call "mirroring". They are overly happy with something and because of some over-inflated sense of self-importance, they assume that the whole world must feel the same way, thereby mirroring their own feelings onto the rest of us.


    A few elements that you can see as signs of mirroring are :


    - Use of exaggerated positives (best game ever, love this game)

    - Lack of foundation or arguments (this game is the win, pvp rocls, this game is the best ever....but no explanation why)

    - Assumptions and making up own figures/calculations without any research (many have resubbed,game is growing)

    - Confusion between opinion and fact (everybody knows, everybody wants)

    - Emotional language (fill in any excessive swear word you like, use of caps)

    - Religious proselyting to gain support (constant repetition of the same positive , unconstructive opinion)


    These people don't understand that they need to get over their petty emotions and therefore lash out on forums about any subject without any thought or reason. Just like little 5 year olds with a temper tantrum.


    I understand that you can get wear rose coloured glasses and it's ok to voice that, but don't let the emotions pull you out of what's reasonable.


    Not so easy for some people apparently.


    Conclusion: the answer is that a lot of people have exaggerated emotions in combination with an overinflated ego.




    Works both ways.

  4. . Also, in Rift, Hammerknell was cleared the same day it opened. Content Locusts do not define a game.


    Actually it took c2 months till the final boss was killed..not same day.


    If content is as easy as SWTOR then it will get devoured quicker....simple equation.

  5. So, we have 1 reference to as of April, 2 references to as of now (one of them from the same person as the April reference) and one reference with no time.


    Therefore: we cannot decisively conclude which is true, but I would think the 'as of now' is more solid as the same person who says 'as of April' also says 'as of now'.


    Just sayin..


    The difference between end of April and the earnings call is 5 working days, you can bet that the material for the call was compiled a few days before.


    The main point however is if the CEO stands up and says 1.3m then , you can bet some lackey will have hand counted them, in other words there is no reason, or evidence, to disbeleive that number.


    The question is , what has happened since...


    TorStatus shows an increasing decline in population (till char xfers)

    Those on the 'free month' who no longer play are no longer included

    Those on initial 3 month subs who no longer play are no longer included

    Some have left to play other games, notably TERA, D3


    (Those on initial 6 month subs who no longer play are still included)


    Some have returned as a result of char xfers

    Some will return when 1.3 goes live (future event)

    Some who left to play other games, notably TERA, D3 have/will return.


    Normal churn.


    On balance, a reasonable conclusion is that subs have decreased from the April figure of 1.3m, the debate is how far.

  6. Minecraft is not complicated. You place blocks and build things, the creatures shoot arrows at you and blow up, it's not overwhelming.


    What is wrong with grinds?


    People know what they like and if they like something, they will do it over and over again.


    The whole 'remove grinds' argument is elitist dribble. These players they rush through all the content than throw their arms up in the air and go 'Now what?'. Well, you can do it again and if you don't want to do it again chances are you didn't enjoy it the first time.


    The elitists they enjoy that rush that they get from proving they are better than everyone else, they don't enjoy hard, bang your head on the wall content. You'd have to be a sadist to enjoy some of the content they put in games these days. Diablo 3 Inferno Mode, who enjoys getting 1 shot from creatures they can't even see.


    Just look at WoW, 14 million subscribers at the end of the Wrath of the Lich King with its faceroll Heriocs and marginally harder Raids. Here comes Cataclysm with its significantly increased difficulty to Heriocs and near impossible Raids and there goes half the player base overnight.


    I'm not saying nerf the difficulty in the game, by all means do not. Leave the harder stuff for players that want the harder stuff, but right now the easiest difficulty in the game is Story Mode and that's too hard for a vast majority of the computer gaming player base.


    You need a faceroll difficulty where people could get away with bashing 2 keys on a keyboard and ignoring fight mechanics, if you were to put that into the game I guarantee you subs would increase dramatically.


    What really annoys me about your post is that in the back of my mind I'm worried that you might be right :)

  7. Is it me or does it seem like fans of other games are trying to discourage potential players of this game not to play this game?


    I'm sure there are some legitimate gripes about SWTOR, but on the front page alone there are 5 threads about free to play.


    Does SWTOR threaten other games that much?


    Are you linking your first two sentences ? I.e. people are trying to discourage by talking about F2P ?


    Essentially they are two unrelated things unless your basic premise is that F2P is bad .


    To your first sentence, the same conspiracy theorists are also those that say only 1% of players read the forums, I'm sure direct negative press is employed but there are far better places to spend the money allocated for ths purpose than here.

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