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Everything posted by SlimsPicken

  1. This is all well and good in theory, but we all know in practice a flagged player intent on mayhem can easily force flag a team fighting mobs.
  2. Still dont want bolstered lowbies on the team...some classes are absolute trainwrecks at 25 still, theres no way bolstered or not they can truly pull their weight.
  3. I bet he stunlocked a few people into unsubbing. Then 2.0 hit and he got nerflocked into unsubbing too with the rest of the Ops.
  4. I had 8 in a row once, and after about 4-5 it was a sick fascination to keep queueing and see if I actually could get another hypergates... I was nearly giddy by the 8th one.
  5. This exploit devalues legitimately bought CC and is underhanded and foul. Anyone who benefited in any way from this exploit needs to be stripped of all CC rewards and sanctioned. Linking in sigs or posts should be forum perma ban as well. This is why we cant have nice things in the world.
  6. I always fly solo, if anyone needs a wingman and im on send a tell Picken - republic side
  7. Had a great time at the event last night. We had probably 100 or so people fighting it out and it was a blast. I am lucky I had not as bad lag as many were reporting, being a backline healer probably helped alot on that for me. Playing melee is always challenging with the lag, my only issues were once in a while a spike would get someone killed because i couldnt heal them in time when frozen. I gained probably 4-5 social levels, got 700-800 kills towards the title and manhunter, and we got to enjoy some drama free PvP where no one was complaining about getting killed while questing, and everyone seemed to have a good time. Theres some real incentive to do these events more often- Manhunter title, Scare bear title, Social titles, and of course, the fun of getting together and meeting new players. And killing them.
  8. Totally agree. After a 50 hour workweek the last thing i need is a raid schedule so im not looking to ever be on an "A" team, nor would i ever progression raid- it just aint my thing, however, the guilds I have been in seem to only have the "A" team in vent doing "A" team things and the other members generally arent doing anything together at all.. The "A" team guys only team with each other and run all the dailies and do all the events and the other people are all strangers to each other. People who arent that social arent going to drum up teams and lead events and whatnot. Generally I think we would just be happy being included once in a while. Especially when it comes to events and daily mission groups - thats the perfect time to get to know other members of the guild rather than just teaming with the 7 other people you know are going to get the stuff done fastest. So things like the HK pieces, the Gree event, the rak event, datacron runs, etc. seem like the perfect time to include the less social and known members of the guild, but from my experience The "A" team guys were busy being first! together to bother taking along the rest of the guild they recruited outside their group of 7 irl friends who are the "A" team. Shy people and socially stunted people already feel like they are in the way alot, so dont generally ask, they wait to be asked. Anyways, just trying to share some insight on why some people arent as social or guilded in the game. Some flowers require more care to get them to bloom.
  9. My first Main was my merc, then I switched to Sorc (couldnt take not having interupt in pvp any longer pre 1.2) My sorc is still my imp main, but I also use my scoundrel on republic side as a main kind of. At this point I have everything 55, so whatever I feel like playing is my main until i dont feel like playing it anymore, then another ones my main. Legacy gear is awesome.
  10. honestly this is no challenge at all, more of a self imposed tedium than anything. Especially if you have treek, she can basically solo the game for you while you watch TV if you just do missions -2 lvls to you. But enjoy finally becoming an assassin lol. Now youll have more than 10 buttons to press.
  11. Yeah im anti social. Ive tried out a couple guilds but the story is always the same. The "A" team on the guild plays together and does all the content, and the stragglers who arent on the "A" team barely do anything together and are only asked to join for content when one of the "A" teamers is out for the night. They would ask me to fill in for stuff, but only when other options were unavailable it seemed. Which is a shame, because im a pretty decent player, and have a lot to offer guilds, but at this point I really dont need them at all... I already have 16 lvl 55s - one of each AC on both factions. All my crafting skills are at 450, and I have a stockpile of mats so while leveling never needed gear assistance of any kind. I played the game since very early closed beta, so have done most all the content I can achieve solo, seen every story, done every planet mission, every heroic, etc. I have several high valor characters and mainly PvP with all my in game time nowdays. I have a full roster of half upgraded GSF ships on both empire and repub toons. So, I have the building blocks of being a good guildmate, but really never found a fit, and at this point I really dont "need" anyone for anything in the game, its more of a situation where we meet as equals and do stuff together, rather than me being some satellite player in your guild who only gets noticed when the "A" teamers are gone and the other 7 people still have lockouts to burn. Im at the point though, where PvP isnt even much fun so Im mainly playing GSF right now... which I can also see being more fun in a team. The main issue is its difficult to find competent teammates outside of "A" teams, and im not interested in being the best player on a mediocre team, I just want 3 goods to run with at this point. Also, i find PVE raids and OPs to be boring after the 2-3rd run, so the longevity isnt there for raiding. All I really need is a few good friends, which, sadly I havent managed to cultivate even after all this time playing (the few I had have left) I might look for a guild soon, I just want to be appreciated and not relegated to the fringe group who doesnt get included to do anything.
  12. I just hate the sense of entitlement some people display in chat that for some reaosn they should be able to freely enter the pvp area and do the pvp missions just because they are part of the event... they reward pvp comms... they are pvp missions. You are entitled to fight, run or die, whichever you prefer. But conga lines for orbs...nah.
  13. For some reason this seems appropriate
  14. I just played a few games today on an alt, and there were several upgraded to the hilt flashfires able to destroy targets in literally 2 seconds with full shields. Not exactly a welcoming way to come into the game. There should already be enough layers of player upgrades to provide some matching. If the massively overgeared people have to wait, they have to wait. There should be no time when ships with more than 3 upgrades in slots fight rookie ships. Upgraded gunships and flashfire scout against players with 2 ships to choose from and no upgrades is lol. And since it makes no sense, we can be assured it will continue.
  15. totally agree. in multi ship dogfights it would be nice to be able to target the threat shooting at you last. We are bound by the constraints of our monitors even though the game space is 360 we cant really see the majority of it, so in addition to the last damage taken (R button) function Id suggest a last fired on funtion to indicate the attacker who last shot at you or attempted missile lock regardless of if you eluded it, so you can go from the prey to the predator more fluidly in the absence of true 360 awareness due to screen limits.
  16. And people wonder why Republic owns in PvP against imps? Well for one, pubs work together more easily - as shown by these nice folks. For two, every pub over 45 has the +10 cron! Theres probably 500 total imps on the whole server who have it. lol. Just kidding (kind of) but seriously things like this do go a long way in faction dominance. Props to the good folks of Elysium (and Order 65) who run these datacron grabs. God forbid any imperial guilds think beyond their own "A" teams for raiding to help the faction like this. Not to mention...Elysium literally refused to accept tips when they helped me out on this on 2 toons last month... just good folks. Cheers.
  17. Was hard cover unaffected for op/scoundrel though? I rolled to cover (hard cover- actual cover point) and got pulled out still, so im not even sure the def bonuses work or anything anymore for non sniper/slingers in any case. Cover is now more of a penalty to dps Ops/scoundrels who need to drop into it every 30 secs to get their explosive probe off. It offers no benefit at all, and takes up the animation time to get into cover, and requires a hotkey to be kept even though its of no real use. Explosive probe needs to be taken off the cover only ability and made a base skill useable as an instant cast.
  18. You already hit upon the answer right here. This is how Maras are successful.
  19. stage 1-I started by practicing flying into every asteroid, obstacle, and comm tower I could find for about 5 games. stage 2- Then i moved onto not flying into everything in my path, to missing nearly every laser bolt fired in pursuit of my enemies for another 5 games. stage 3- Then I tried not flying into everything in my path, actually hitting my enemies when i chased them, and working on my quick targeting and missile lockons for the next 10 or so games. stage 4- Now im at the mercilessly defeat those in stages 1-3 stage, while running like hell from those in stage 5 stage. stage 5- Have wingman, call out targets, absolutely destroy PUG players without their own squadron.
  20. The speed of a scout and the firepower of a strike. Basically with blaster overcharge and burst cannons you can decimate anything in just a few seconds fire. being nearly unshakable in dogfights and having the fastest lock on missles doesnt hurt either. But yeah. Worth it if you like dogfighting and being the hunter rather than the hunted.
  21. its just not working well anymore at all for non smash types. On the smash build its still quite a good dcd, but the other builds the changes hurt quite a bit
  22. Especially important when you play multiple characters of different types to group your keybinds into common usages- all 4 sec stuns on one button, all 8 sec stuns on one button etc. even though the character types change the common keybinds remain which makes it easier to remember and for muscle memory.
  23. did you need to use the crate o matic for the achievement? or just have it in your inventory? You kind of made it sound like the achievement was granted when you found it. Which would be neat, because then you could sell it too. Anyways grats on the find.
  24. its a dumb little minigame, but its not unfun completely. I dont really want to spend my cc for it, so I dont play much, and I sure do wish they had put that dev time into real PVP, but that cow has left the barn so i try to enjoy it for what little fun it is.
  25. I highly reccommend starting a new alt and keybinding everything from the start and NEVER clicking. That way you only have several skills to start and its not a constant glance to hands situation everytime you want to press a key. Just practice through the starter world and then queue for some lowbies pvp once you get your trinket to start practicing under live fire. It will take a couple days/week, but once you are used to it on your new guy, switch all your binds on your 55s and your muscle memory will kick in from the week of practice and youll find it much easier than just cold turkey switching on a 55 with tons of skills.
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