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Everything posted by Angedechu

  1. I'm not even trying going to try it ever again I'm not paying for getting humiliated at the hands of people who have enough free time to play for hours per day. I tried once to play in multiplayer at Halo 4. I was called gay and insulted over chat and teabagged. I terminated my X-BOX live account five minutes later. You like being abused and mocked ? I don't. Keep pretending that this take skill and mow down newbies that are trying it out.
  2. Yeah, I suck : I'm not stupid enough to give you and your friends free kills and entertainement. You won't be able to do ''PVP'' stuff, such as telling your 12 people party ''hey, look at the new guy, let's kill him 50 times in row to make him rage quit, we are SO GOOD !'' You will have to find other suckers to farm.
  3. No, I was having completely insane demands, such as hoping that GS would not be inferior to 1994 TIE Fighter.
  4. Yes, it's really hard to imagine the following setup : someone who like Star Wars but dislike the game.
  5. I pay 15$ and I can't even complain ?
  6. As many people said, the only game that ever used this control scheme is Freelancer Freelancer have lots of quality, but it was panned for it's controls.
  7. In any case, this is really written off for me. I don't pay 15$ per month to get shot when I can't even fight back. It's back to pay 15$ per month to queue one time per week for a FP. I'm so excited by this for the next year or so.
  8. No. I thought I was decent. And I sure thought the controls were better.
  9. You can call me ''lazy'', but this thing is called a ''game''. In a game, you do something called ''play'' to have ''fun''. Spending hours trying to figure out controls is not, at all, what I call fun. I have no issue at all to lose when I understand the controls and I'm fighting the opposition and not the controls. I'm not turned off by 15 years old graphic, bugs, difficulty or incomprehensible plot, but bad controls are an anathema for me (as said in the OP, I have several X-360 and PS3 games that I dropped after one hour because the control scheme made no sense and I had no interest into spending 20 hours fighting it) (1)To be honest, the core of my multiplayer experience is game like Europa Universalis IV, Hearts of Iron III and Civilizaion V, which are certainly complex games but certainly not games with complexe control schemes. Even in WOW, which I have played for six years, I suck royally at PVP.
  10. Who here spoke about joystick ? Any gamepad did the trick for FREESPACE and Co. And one more time, the point is, in TIE Fighter, you had to actually do manoeuvers, not press a key. When an A-Wing locked a concussion missile on you, you had to either outrun it or shot it.
  11. What is laughable is that people here claims that ''it take skill'' to play GS, but they mock players mentionning TIE Fighter. The Old Republic is in certain top 10 list. TIE Fighter too. It's just not the same top 10.
  12. You find that stupid to avoid games you find frustrating ?
  13. No, that's called ''lacking time and motivation''.
  14. I don't mind getting killed by tautauns (or skeletons). I hate the idea of providing someone free kills.
  15. Yes, I'm not stupid, I'm aware that PVP remains skill based. However, as you pointed out, beta testers know how to fly the damn starfighters. I don't. I thus find it useless to provide them free kills as I struggle to cope with 2 months of flying skills. That's why intuitive controls are useful, since you only have to fight the opponents, not your own craft.
  16. I started working (real work and university work) at 8AM this morning. It's currently 18 PM, I have to work till 11 PM at least, and my only leisure for the whole day had been to munch a sandwich for 10 minutes and go here to complain. That's how boring is my life.
  17. Oh, I love this ''advice'' : get a wingmen. Yesterday, I logged at 8:PM and asked where was the tutorial on the fleet. All the ''help'' I got for this very basic question was '' Alt F4'' and the kind. I love when you pretend that the game have a community. This is really nice.
  18. Yep, I'm doing some kind of ''grind'' right now that involve doing a mind-numbing task for some credits (that's called work, and I find it more entertaining than TOR )
  19. Because I hope the game will get better ?
  20. By ''Good at PVP'' you mean ''ganking three on one on one guy ? Or ''premade teams'' ?
  21. No. I just wonder when I will start having fun with this game. I have subbed non stop for 2 years, and I think I had fun during the first week.
  22. Yeah, you are so good, so go play among elite players, who master complicated skills like ''click on mouse''. I'm bitterly disapointed with GS. I had hoped that maybe the expansion would manage to make me play for more than 1 hour per week-that's not the case.
  23. This is the kind of game where the ''Learning curve'' means ''start to play first to grind the gear and then pretends to be good''. So have fun. I'm not going to participate.
  24. You are deluded if you think that this game require skill compared to X-Wing vs Tie Fighter. It took me five minutes to get the hang on the commands of X-Wing vs Tie Fighter.
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