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Everything posted by implementofwar

  1. They better be free transfers. They are in part to blame for the problem, so to charge us for a solution would make me cancel faster then girls taking off their clothes when they see me.
  2. There is one far north in a cluster 0f buildings, stuck on top of a bunker building. The rest I am still searching... Like I said in a previous post, I tried to follow the direction the ship crashed based on the main wreckage, but they are scattered around with no rhyme or reason.
  3. The "Tracking the Origin" quest is poorly designed. It tasks you with scanning 12 pieces of the Stardream wreckage. I went to the wreckage, no pieces there to scan. So then I figured I would triangulate the direction the ship crashed, and look for pieces that fell off before it crashed, or pieces that could of been flung on impact. Nothing. It seems the pieces are scattered all over Tatooine in places they shouldn't be, laws of physics be damned.
  4. Officially not until 6PM EST. Hopefully much sooner then that though. I don't know why they just can't roll back the servers and fix what they broke behind the scenes.
  5. I read this thread when it was first started and I posted in my server chat that "You could now download 1.2". Everyone logged off to start it and now.... We are all locked out. I am going to be one hated guy when I get back online!
  6. We are going to have to pay huge amounts of credits to get our Legacy rewards like the GTN terminals, etc? This is going to cause a storm on the forums when 1.2 goes live.
  7. I open my inventory and crew skill window like an obsessive compulsive person. I don't know why I do, but I do. I try to always have my companions out on missions, and I always want to see how many credits I have. It has become second nature, to an outside observer however they would probably think I was nuts by how many times I view them during play. I also always have to have my inventory as minimal as possible. If the item is not an upgrade to something I have, I sell it. If I need something for my companion I will buy it and then equip it right away and then sell the old piece. But I also have all my cargo bay's and extra inventory space bought and paid for, even though I only use 10% of it.
  8. I AM ALSO HAVING THIS ISSUE AND IT HAS MADE THIS GAME EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING. I Just hit 50 and I can't do any flashpoints. I abandoned all my quests to try and fix it. Im stuck with only half a game. I sent a ticket into Customer Support and got some automated response. NO care in the world that my game isn't working. NO REPLY FROM BIOWARE THAT THEY ARE FIXING THIS BUG! NO REPLY THAT THEY ARE EVEN AWARE OF IT. How can such a massive bug affecting so many people not get priority?
  9. I am having this same issue and I was wondering if any of you were able to resolve it? Please Bioware fix this. I cant enter flashpoints.
  10. I am having this same issue. I have submitted a ticket but customer service has been less then helpful. I was wondering if any of you have been able to resolve it somehow?
  11. Yeah there are 13 individual missions. The missions are grouped into two to form an "Operation". So there is something like 7 Operations, with one of them only having one mission I believe. Which gives you the odd number of 13.
  12. Its a good idea but I think it's a decision that would of had to have been made when they first started developing the game. Now if they added a campaign extension from 50 onwards that allowed a "branched" storyline, I would be cool with that. It's something that Bioware if kind of famous for. The cause and effect. The emphasis on storytelling. Developing friendships and rivalries based on your own personal choice. I don't want to hear the word "expansion" though. We pay 15$ for them to develop content. Not for them to charge us extra for it. FREE expansions is a better phrase
  13. There are only 13 space missions in all of SWTOR. Alot of people would rather there be a free roam, co-op, pvp, space feature; but I actually enjoy it quite a bit as it is now. I just really wish there was more. It seems like they should be able to mass produce missions, since all 13 are kind of similar in a way already. But for some reason they haven't. When I first started the space missions I was convinced that there was hundreds waiting for me. That a story would develop and I would be battling Death Star's and Hordes of TIE fighters. What I got instead seems to be just a tacked on afterthought. I'm not knocking it, I think they are fun and of pretty decent quality, but ultimatly unfinished as far as "quantity". There is a facebook game called Star Wars: Clone Wars or something similiar. It's almost a carbon copy of the space combat in SWTOR, except they have more content. If the facebook game can do it, a 200 million dollar endeavor with a million plus paid subscribers should definatly be able to do it. I suspect that Bioware want's to develop it and left it as it is to leave their future options open, but this approach is not going to satisfy me in the present. Patch 1.2 is coming and what do we get for Space content? ZERO. Anyways here's to hoping we get a new space campaign in the update after 1.2. -I would like to see co-op missions (ITS AN MMO AFTER ALL!) -I would like to see story better implemented into the missions. -I would like to see DOZENS of new missions added. Even if they re-use enemies, I would rather have a hundred similar missions then a dozen dissimilar missions. -PvP Space missions. Free roam would have to be implemented. The "On Rails" approach would work well for co-op though. -I would like to see new enemy types. -I would like to see new weapons and spaceship upgrades to give a bit of variety to how people go about completing the missions. The future space updates are really my most important want, other then server merges and a group finder. Keep up the good work Bioware, but dont forget us space lovers
  14. I think this game is the best MMO out right now. That is why I am subscribed and will be subscribed for a long time. There are no new games coming out that are even on my radar, nevermind any that will surpass SWTOR in quality.
  15. I think my new favorite part is the Space game. I wish there was "story" involved like the regular class's have with voice acting and cinematics. Or if they would of merged the space story with the regular story, aka having you go out and defeat an enemy in space combat as part of the main quest. I also wish there was like a dozen more space quests (even hundreds). But this is why we subscribe, we hope all these things will come out eventually with frequency. They look like they should be easy to "mass produce", especially considering the one's we have are all kind of similiar in a way as far as enemy types and scenarios. A little over a week in and I still stand by that this is the greatest MMO developed to date, at least this early in its release. Server populations are crappy though as we all know; I don't understand why they aren't merging servers as priority #1. When I can type /who and get less then 100 people in each region of the map (aka way less then 1000 people total online in a server at peak), something is wrong; especially if there are 1.7 million supposed subscribers. Poor server architecture and design if everyone is being spread out so thin. The point of an MMO is to bring as many people together as possible into one continuous world. It feels like I am playing Skyrim or Mass Effect at times (single player RPG). Still I like the direction they took with questing. And in any MMO I have played, questing has always taken up most of my time. So I am happy with solid questing, even if everything else needs to play catch-up. Not sure how they spent 200 million dollars making this game though. Bioware still has alot of work too because the game has only like a dozen space quests, a handful of flashpoints, a handful of PvP maps. I am actually excited to be "subscribed" to an MMO for once. I hope they continue with quality content. And I hope that this evolves more to MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER. (Oh and Bioware my computer sucks so please OPTIMIZE OPTIMIZE OPTIMIZE)
  16. I am a new subscriber and play on the Ven Zallow server. We are in the "middle" as far as population. I still feel like maybe we could benefit from a server merge with say the other East Coast RP-PvP server. It's true that SWTOR servers feel kind of barren of players; For an MMO at least. I;m confidant that Bioware will do the right thing. I just hope its sooner rather then later.
  17. I am happy with the number of ships. Instead of putting effort into new ships, I would like to see co-op space adventures, and even pvp space encounters. More regular space missions would also be a welcome addition because I actually enjoy the space game as it is now. Its really one aspect of the game that has a lot of potential. PS Bioware: For some reason my mouse lags when I do space missions and it makes it hard to aim at times. Better performance would be welcome. This is all my humble opinion. Keep up the good work.
  18. I have been playing for six days or so, and I just wanted to congratulate Bioware on an awesome MMO. This forum is depressing to read, it seems everyone are MMO snobs and cannot appreciate the work of art that is SWTOR. I am blown away by the quality of quests. Its not just the voice acting, but the environmental effects. You plant an explosive on a dropship and you watch it fly away and then explode in the air. What other MMO has put so much effort into questing? While the quests are a little "cliche" at times, and could benefit from deeper and more varied plots; no other MMO comes close to what we have in SWTOR. The lore is laid out in detail. The companions system. Its like a facebook game inside an MMO. Its a fun way to leveling crafting skills without "grinding". In fact what other MMO lets you even have a companion that can follow you around, do quests for you, and fight for you; all while you have the ability to fully outfit them how you want as if they were another player. The story. Each class has their own story and progression. Every MMO I have played you get the same story and adventure no matter what class you pick. Bioware has come up with a pretty good solution for people who have more then one character. This game blows WOW (Which I always felt was for little kids), Everquest (Which I always thought was worse then a second job), and even EVE Online (that is the most elitest boring wannabee europeon nerd fest on the internet) OUT OF THE WATER. THE ONLY NEGATIVE IS THAT THE SERVERS ARE EMPTY. A MMO IS SUPPOSED TO HAVE MORE THEN 100 PEOPLE ON EACH SERVER BIOWARE! MERGE ALL THE SERVERS INTO ONE AND LET THIS TRULY BE THE GREAT MMO IT CAN BE Anyways, I am new to the community. Join me on East Coast RP-PVP server Ven Zallow! Keep up the good work Bioware.
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