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Everything posted by Kirazy

  1. In the time that I have been following your posts you have not stated what you believe the intended use case is. You have stated why you think it is an exploit... by (as you did below) referring to entirely unrelated game systems. Please, for the class, restate your belief for what the intended use case is. Failure to do so will continue to lead me to believe you don't have one. Because I don't know where you originally posted it, and I'm not re-reading this thread to try and maybe find it. What does item rating have to do with this? You call that a major, monumental bug? It's entirely possible they were entirely ignorant of that possibility. I'm a little skeptical no one thought of it. Why haven't they made a better system for handling customizing your appearance? Why are we stuck with modable gear as opposed to an appearance tab and a gear tab? Why do we have such an inferior dye system when compared to other mainstream MMO's, where we can only have one module, and the modules aren't customizable and we take what we're given? A system that isn't entirely, perfectly convenient and is in fact quite kludgy is the norm for Bioware with regards to this game. They have said that, as far as 2.9 is concerned, that it will not be possible. And then, what you and others seem to be ignoring, they stated they are still discussing it internally and the decision is not yet final. To wit, they're not the ones saying "it will never happen!" That would be you and those who support your position. Bioware isn't among those. I don't think that is working as intended, however there is a cost to doing it in that way. You have to do it for each character, you have to extract the crystal from the weapon for it to be added to collections, and there is a credit cost associated with it. It's an enormous hassle and simply unlocking it account wide is much simpler. Your points talk about unrelated systems saying "THESE DONT SEEM INTENDED, THEREFORE THAT WASN'T INTENDED!" It's a fallacy and not relevant. I've answered them in any case. Now, please, for the class, restate what you think the use case is? Cause I haven't seen you do so, and I'm not hunting for it.
  2. From someone in the thread you linked, which doesn't support the "oh, that was unintended but we'll allow it".
  3. Uh what, by ignoring him he is exercising his freedom to NOT have a conversation with him. He is under no obligation to have a conversation with someone. Particularly since Darth Wicked isn't particularly open to alternative positions nor actually engaging logically. It's tedious.
  4. Let me share an example of how I would use a LS that permitted Bound items to be shared. First, I would acquire a single set of gear for my Scoundrel healer. Because I adore the Scoundrel Healer/Operative so much, to the degree I have like 8 in various stages of completion, I would build one set of everything and optimize it. I would then share this set between them... to run operations. Even though the set is complete. Then, that one set complete, running operations and earning gear on all of those characters, because I don't have to gear them up individually, I am now running quite a few operations per week instead of the only one or two I would otherwise be able to do. And with those runs I would, progressively, create individual sets for each, because it really is easier, down the road, to have a bunch of sets. But the acquisition of those sets is made easier for having a single set, in the beginning, that is sharable among many. What this has resulted in is I am running more operations per week than I would otherwise, to earn the same amount of gear I would already be earning. Just faster. But I have not, nor will ever, complain that there is not enough end game content. I am entirely content with the amount of end game content this game has.
  5. Menace, lol. Why do we claim it's working as intended? Because we honest to God cannot come up with any other use case that would necessitate releasing a gear set that is modable and moves between characters. What use case do YOU, PERSONALLY imagine a modable gear set that moves between characters as having that does NOT include sharing of mods/armorings/enhancements, or transfering of same?
  6. You get SA's on a tank? You use the same earpiece on a Tank that you do on a DPS? The same earpiece as a Healer? I want accuracy on my healer? No. I want shield on my DPS? No. Not all relics, not all ear pieces, and not all implants are universally useful. Sorry. Just because one or two may be, the majority aren't.
  7. Menace, you keep arguing that the ability to move mods between characters with Legacy gear is a "loophole" or an undesirable effect. How is that even remotely believable by this point? Like, what ELSE would you do with modable legacy gear? Outside of cases where you either share mods between characters, or transfer mods between characters? I find it difficult to imagine that Bioware overlooked this in their original implementation and testing phase for the Legacy system, and has somehow remained ignorant that players are using the gear in this manner for the YEARS the system has been in place. They have enlarged people's ability to do this, and made it significantly more accessible. Your contention that the system is a "loophole" and "unintended and undesirable side effect" doesn't hold water.
  8. Here is where you are confused: The only use case where, if relics and the like are BOL, you would see a reduction in demand is with mirror classes. Any player who has another character that is not the same class and spec would still need to acquire a set of relics, etc. They still have to acquire it. How they acquire changes, meaning they can run it with their main or their alt, and not have to run it with their alt. But they still run it. They don't have to run it any more times than usual, neither do they run it any less times than usual. Again, only in instances of mirror class/spec would BOL relics/implants/earpieces reduce the number of operation runs required. That's a minority.
  9. Would be entirely satisfied. I would like to play dressup, but have the flexibility that BOL provides.
  10. Yes, and what you are seeing is everyone coming out to advocate for Bound-tiems-via-LS now that Bioware has provided details on what Legacy Storage will involve. Before that there was no need, because it was up in the air. Perhaps Bioware will revise, or at the least take the comments into consideration.
  11. We have been asking for what the OP talks about for longer than the Galactic Strongholds has even been in the public conversation. Considering Legacy has heretofore concerned your entire set of characters on a Server and served to facilitate movement of items that have typically been character bound, it was not illogical to assume that a "Legacy Storage" would improve upon that. And then it didn't, which confuses a lot of us. Granted, the decision is not final and is still being determined, so who knows.
  12. He said BOP. Everyone, rationally speaking, understood this to mean Bound, because there are no BOP items in inventory, ever, only on the ground. To presume this magically excluded BOE items that had become Bound, was weird desperate hope.
  13. So you speculate. I personally believe that your fears are unfounded. Firstly, most people who are raiding are casual players. Secondly, the groups that are worried about "Ops dying" are the hardcore few who run them so often and so early and then whine that Bioware can't make them fast enough. The people complaining about lack of content are not the casual players. Most players who are doing the content are casual. They'd do them anyways. These are the people who run the classic operations even though they're as old as the game. Because it's fun, and they enjoy it. The group who would behave as you fear, who would optimize themselves perfectly with the fewest sets of gear required, are a tiny, tiny fraction of the raiding population.
  14. You're weird. Do you imagine people won't run content unless they NEED to? Does anyone, when you get down to real world rationality, actually NEED to run content? Does anyone NEED to play this game? We play because we want to. Ergo, whether or not we have this CONVENIENCE FEATURE, we will play if we want to.
  15. Except you can only gear "shlep" if you are using mirror classes. And, as has been mentioned, this already occurs. Essentially all that LS supporting Bound item transfer is an expansion of the cosmetic items that one can do it WITH.
  16. Where are you getting the idea that BOL somehow means people don't play the content? Where do you think the mods come from? Like, really?
  17. They already cannot do that. In fact, it is not POSSIBLE to do that. And Bioware should not be AIMING to satiate the needs of the incredibly tiny population that raids at that pace. The vast majority of players are casual and consume content much more slowly and at a relaxed pace. And as has been mentioned, being able to move bound items through LS doesn't change that one needs to acquire the gear in the first place. The only change is I don't have to do it on my brand new character, I can do it on my finely geared character without inordinate risk of dying and wiping.
  18. Yeah. And tell me, is "I need it for my vendor" remotely related to whether I can move Bound items through my Legacy Storage or not?
  19. Yeah, no. I don't care about collection cost unlocks. They don't bother me at all. I care about my characters appearance and the utility that comes from having gear stored in legacy shells, allowing me to re-use gear I've accumulated through my play. I already re-use gear, but I'd love to be able to do it in the shells that I find attractive and appealing at a given time. Presently that involves about 50% CM gear, which is character bound. If they added a stipulation that CM gear cannot go into the LS unless it has been unlocked, I would not be phased in the slightest.
  20. All the people saying that everyone will suddenly roll need on everything that drops are missing something: Most people don't have every single class and archetype and do not need every single type of gear that will drop in a given FP/OP. My experience running content is that no, most people do not need on everything. Nor would I expect an epidemic of need rolls. The people who roll need on everything are more likely to vendor it than use it, and making everything BOL would not affect that in the slightest.
  21. Yep. Everything in this game, since Legacy was introduced, supports and facilitates the experience as a Legacy-wide effort. Acheivments I make on one character are available on another, and vice versa, each character supporting the rest in some fashion. Based on Bioware's history where Legacy is concerned, it was not unreasonable to imagine that Legacy Storage would continue this trend and support further sharing between characters in a legacy. To be frank, how exactly does me moving items between characters (I can't sell these items to other players, remember) effect anyone else? And why would anyone care what I do with my items? To you, Darth Wicked.
  22. You take your opinion as gospel and reject all competing opinions. I am reminding you that you are but a player advocating a particular position on a subject that is not settled. And that's not an argument. Or even a cogent point.
  23. Buri, I don't BIS my alts with my main. What I do, however, is get them to an appreciable level of gear and then run the content themselves. Essentially I clear the initial gearing hurdles for my new characters, on my older ones. This in turn lets me gear our new characters quicker. I'm not interested in gear grinding, it's a means to an end, I run content because I enjoy it and enjoy playing with friends.
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